Upgrade! It seems to be a heavily used theme in today’s atmosphere. Doesn’t it? We are always to be upgrading our life, our gadgets, quite literally everything.
Please understand, I’m not writing about the most obvious upgrading or shall I be bold enough to state over-consumption? It’s not about tossing out something that functions perfectly for the latest and greatest thingy-ma-bob. In case you’re wondering the thingy-ma-bob is that one thing that promises to deliver way more ease and social status for the sum of what’s inside of your savings account.
So what on earth do I mean when I refer to upgrading?
Let’s first peek into what a quick Google search reveals. Upgrade is a verb which refers to raising (something) to a higher standard, in particular (equipment or machinery) by adding to or replacing components. Often, it’s about improving, updating, making better or bringing about reform.
So why am I focusing on this word? Am I about to pitch you the latest iPhone or software update? Nope.
I’m actually pitching the idea of adding VALUE to our lives through the concept of upgrading. Yes, upgrading but not in the most traditional sense as we humans are not a piece of equipment or machinery. To be clear, you are already enough.
I believe we can help others upgrade their life by adding value to it. For example, if you are a health professional you can add value by helping increase one’s health through education. If you an educator you can increase value in your student’s lives by creating opportunities to grow in the direction that adds joy and contribution to their life experience. These are the types of upgrades we all desire.
As entrepreneurs how can we offer value to those we serve? If we have customers who are wanting to create better results, we’re listening intently to how we can improve the customer experience? Is there a way one of our products or services could make a greater impact? How do we express that? Are we engaging in a dialogue on how we can best serve them? Is there a transformational event we can suggest that a partner may engage to upgrade his or her life? You see, there are always ways to add value and create better business. The notion of always going for the upgrade has zero to do with competing against others. In reality it’s all about helping our fellow humans develop and grow into the greatest vision they hold for their selves.
Not an entrepreneur? No problem.
Let’s pretend you’re on a health journey, and, aren’t we all? How then, can you upgrade to make the adventure even more enjoyable? Take quick inventory. How do you sleep? Have you noticed what foods boost your energy? How about the foods that rob you from your energy? How can you upgrade your rest and nutrition? What about your physical fitness? Happiness and mental health? What about your water intake? These are just a few ideas to get you thinking about how to upgrade your health, thus adding value to your everyday life. We can always go for the upgrade– not in the sense to create overwhelm or perfection but rather self-appreciation and self-care.
Chime In!
How will you upgrade your own life or the life of another? If so, what upgrades do you plan on making or offering others to create more value in the world?