Tag Archives: Dr. Paige Hunter

How Detox Can Become Your New BFF

You + Detox = BFFs

I want to share with you how detox can become your new BFF.  Please humor me while I make a quick connection. You know how nice it feels to take those rare yet very extended baths or showers? The ones where you take time to wash every part of your body? Where you are simply relaxing your body and enjoying the atmosphere and the sheer delight of not having to rush off to do something? Somehow you’re topping off your “feel good” with clean?

Similar to how a long extended bath or shower externally cleans the outside of our bodies, our incredible bodies also craves an internal cleansing. When you think about it, why wouldn’t we clean up our entire body? If we clean our cars with a lube and oil change and our homes with dusting and mopping, detox is simple body maintenance.

A seasonal detox allows our body to relax and renew itself.  It triggers our body to reboot our metabolism, clear cobwebs from possible mind fog, boost immunity, release unwanted weight and allow our skin to radiant better health.

You see, we possess an uncanny ability to be strong as an ox when we properly nourish, maintain and detox our physical home.

We’re such a marvel that our lymphatic system transports toxins and excess fluid while our sweat glands release toxins through our skin. And this, my friend is only scratching the surface of your magnificence!


Ain’t Nobody Got Time for Toxins

Don’t fall prey to the thought that your body detoxifies itself and doesn’t need extra help. Truth is we all need a boost because whether we like it or not, we are exposed to hazardous materials, chemicals and substances on a daily basis.

Are you kicking around the thought of getting your detox on, yet you’re wondering if it will be too hard or simply not worth the effort? I assure you it’s 100% worth the effort because I know YOU are worth it! I’m not going to tell you every thing will be easy peasy. However, I wholeheartedly believe you’ll feel it’s worth the effort.

We all deserve to be happy and feel fully alive. Remember what that feels like to be energetic and joyful? Be confident that taking on a detox is so worth it because of the way it can help you shift and feel great not only in your health but your mindset. It would be my honor to walk with you by supporting you with questions that may arise, and challenges you may need to overcome. I’ll be like a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader rooting you on minus the poms poms, short shorts and well, perhaps that wasn’t the metaphor you needed. But I will definitely be cheering for you every step of the way!

Gentle Reassurance

Perhaps you get a bit tentative at the thought of not being able to eat your favorite go-to foods. Or the challenge of giving up coffee, chocolate, or an evening glass of wine or beer causes some reluctance.

Let me assure you I’m not cruel. In fact, I believe life is to be enjoyed. I’m not about to have you consume juices and smoothies all day, every day. Nope, not my style. 🙂

Maybe you’re wondering if you’ll feel deprived or hungry like a hyena. No worries, my friend. This is the way I see it– life is meant to be an adventure that’s full of choices. You hold the reins. You choose what detox is right for you.

By the way, it’s perfectly normal to wonder about what you may be giving up. In fact, it’s what kept me from moving forward in my own health. For too long I focused on what I would be giving up rather than what I would gain. Then “shift happened”. I finally reached the point where I was so done feeling crummy and confined. I wanted to enter into the beautiful world again with greater energy.

I saw the light and even lightened up.

As I began to see the benefits of detox, I decided I’d make this practice my new best friend. Now, at least once every 90 days for a week I choose to detox because the results were so remarkable that I wouldn’t want to go back to the way I felt before. You see I was done with the nuisance of calorie and carb counting, not eating any fat, figuring out what diet of the month was best for me and well– ad nausea. I’m sure you understand why detox became so near and dear to me by helping me avoid what I’d no longer tolerate. Because honestly, the thought of doing that for the rest of my life sounded too stinkin’ exhausting!

Chime in.

Are you ready for keeping it simple and for eating nourishing, wholesome foods? Have you ever benefited from detoxing before? If so, tell us in the comments below.

Thinking you may be ready to take the plunge? If so, Yippeeeee! I have everything you’ll need: recipes, a step-by-step guide, recipes, even a shopping list and meal planner, to help you feel your oats. I will be rooting you on via email support so you can go after your health goals.

 Want more information? Click here to learn about my FREE Webinar. Let me help you change your life forever.

To your extraordinary life! xo

10 Quick Mood Boosters to Brighten Your Day

Ever find yourself in a funk? Perhaps you snapped at the love of your life? The kids? Maybe it was even the clerk at the supermarket? It’s the odd feeling of funk. And by funk I mean you feel discombobulated, blue, upset or anxiousness and it seems for no plausible reason. Ugh! No worries though. Here’s 10 quick mood boosters to raise your spirits and brighten your day. Yay!

1. Go walking on sunshine, whoooooaaa.

You know Katrina and the Waves made the song popular because it’s true. It really resonates. And if by chance the sun is not out where you are at the moment a little exercise always lifts the spirits. Of course, if you have sunshine sneak in the vitamin D for extra mood-boosting powers. And if you have a broken leg, no worries, I have something for you. Link to song.

Sunshine Walk

2. Plant or buy for indoor enjoyment a brightly colored kalanchoe plant.

You get a variety of choices– yellow, red, magenta, orange, hot and light pink and white. Don’t have a green thumb? It’s okay. I assure you. I’m a bit challenged in the plant longevity department and I’ve managed to enjoy the cheery flowering plants for sometime. (True confession: I actually googled “hard to kill flowers/plants. So this research is legit.)


3. Declutter a small space.

The focus here to accomplish something that will give instant gratification and thus a quick mood boost. If you are OCD and have everything perfectly in order already. I admire you. Simply skip over this suggestion or come help me. 😉 The rest of us can put things in order so we feel the benefit of clearing out papers, unpaired socks, or unfixed gadgets that don’t serve us leaving us a happy as a pig in mud.

4. Meet a friend or friends for tea time or a cup of java.

Even the most remote of introverts at their deepest levels crave connection. Having a nice conversation, sharing some ideas and laughter never hurt anyone. Whose to say that a little caffeine from some coffee or delicious green tea can’t add to boosting your mood and brightening your day?


Group of women talking over a cup of coffee

5. Send a positive text or email to an unsuspecting person.

Maybe it’s a client or someone you have done business with recently. Let them know what makes them valuable in the world or to you. Perhaps send a picture of something they helped bring value to you. I can assure you that on the receiving end it’s heartwarming. Just two quick shares. From a health coaching client I received two texts one was a before and after picture of her 22 pound weight loss. The other picture showcased some deliciously prepared food with a simple “Thanks! I haven’t eaten or felt this good since my 20s.”  Squeal! From a business client I received these words in an email “since we last worked together my monthly income has increased by $600.” Again, warm fuzzies and squeals of joy. I assure you that both sending and receiving feels great!

6. Call your most inspirational or funny friend.

See what’s new and good in their life. I have this friend Shelly. She seriously has the most wildly ridiculous circumstances that come up in her life that put me in stitches. She’s also a philanthropic ninja always defending the defenseless. If I want an immediate lift, I reach out and see what’s going on in the wacky and wonderful world of Shelly. She not only makes me laugh, she reminds me of how precious this life is and how we are here to serve and make a difference in this wonderful world.


7. Enjoy a small piece of dark chocolate.

Yes, I said that. A small piece of dark chocolate is full of antioxidants, it contains compounds that influence our levels of serotonin. So what do you need to know about serotonin? That this brain chemical is the feel good chemical. So go ahead and indulge a little. 🙂


8. Unwind in a hot bath.

A long time personal favorite. I like to set the stage. A little Jazz music from Miles Davis. Some lavender or vanilla essential oils added to the bath salts and a little slice of Heaven is created. Stress melts away and I’m so. good. to. go. I strongly recommend this for your personal self-care practice and mood boost repertoire.


9. Elevate with gratitude.

Pull yourself away from a funk by focusing on giving thanks. Focus less on the problem, more on creating a solution and by all means count your blessings. There’s so much to be grateful for and placing this as a daily practice helps ensure that we don’t get sucked down the grouch rabbit-trail of funk. Drum up one thing you are thankful for and relish it! It’s a quick mood booster. Pinky promise.


10. Snuggle with four-legged friends.

While puppies and kittens are high on the chart grown critters and farm animals will also do! There’s lots of supporting evidence that petting animals reduces stress, anxiety or boosts our mood.


Share with us!

In the comments below, tell us– Do you have any quick go to mood boosters? OR– what’s your next plan to defer to when you need to add a little sunshine to your life?

Gloriously Good Gluten-Free Banana Nut Bread Recipe!

Are you hankering for something deliciously delightful? Perhaps you aren’t gluten-free but you have a friend or family member who is. Here’s just the recipe for you! It’s gloriously good if not better than the regular run of the mill banana nut bread recipes.

Of course, it’s my recipe so it’s made to my specs, but I urge you to give it a shot. All takers have been pleasantly surprised by it’s show up and deliver-ability. I feel confident this will tickle your taste buds and make baking– or eating a real adventure!

Roll up your sleeves. Turn on some groovy tunes, don your fancy bake wear (below is my sassy apron example) and preheat that oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease a 9x5x3 loaf pan with coconut oil.


List of ingredients

1 ¾ cup of Gluten Free Flour (I like Pamela’s brand)

2 eggs

1 tsp Baking Powder

½ tsp Baking Soda

1 cup mashed overripe bananas (approximately two)

½ cup chopped walnuts

Mix ½ cup of coconut oil

½ cup of coconut sugar

¼ cup chopped dates (optional)

1 tsp of vanilla (optional)

A pinch of salt


In a large mixing bowl, combine gluten-free flour, baking powder, baking soda, coconut sugar, pinch of salt. Add the dates, coconut oil, eggs, bananas, walnuts and vanilla.

Bake for 45 minutes or until toothpick inserted into the center of the loaf comes out clean. Cool the pan for 15 minutes, then remove from pan to cool completely.

Insider Notes to the Reader:

1) No one can tell you are serving gluten-free goodness.

2) This banana nut bread is so moist that at the request of my favorite person, I was asked if I could turn it into his birthday cake with cream cheese icing. Yes, it’s really that good. Besides, I did it for love.

3) Hide this gloriously good loaf from yourself and your family. Trust no nose, the smell is tantalizing! Tighten security around your neighbors and guests.

4) Wisely postpone cutting this loaf of cherub-like goodness until the last possible second.

5) Pictured below in not just a plain ordinary banana nut bread. Don’t let the looks fool you. Inside there’s immaculate goodness. This recipe was crafted with those in mind who want to take a healthier route without sacrificing taste. It’s not meant to become your only source of nutrition. Continue to eat your fresh fruits and veggies. 🙂 Here’s a scrumptious salad recipe I suggest pairing with your yummy loaf.


NomNomNut Bread

In the comments below, let’s us know– did you try it? What did you think? Or are you going to give it a whirl?


3 Voices You’ll Want to Avoid as An Entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur who lives an untraditional life I’ve learned that listening to the right voices can make or break my personal plan for success. If our desire is to live a life that’s uncommonly good, decisions need to be made.

There are voices out there yapping like a tiny disgruntled Chihuahua. Our best work happens when we listen to the passion within us and step forward into our purposeful work. Listening and acting on our internal leadership, and shutting down the yappers, well meaning or not, is how we seize our greatest calling.

If you’ve ever veered off the path of normality to create a new reality (and I’m sure you have) ask yourself these questions.

Were you met with some opposition from loved ones? Acquaintances? Possibly even strangers?

Let’s lead our self and our vision or someone else will decide for us. What would you rather have? Others’ voices sending you marching orders or you marching to the beat of your own unique drum? Go ahead. Answer the question, you rebel. 😉

Voice 1: But statistics show that 95% of businesses fail.

As harsh at it seems, it’s people that fail. Yes, we the people fail to run the business properly. Some of us run it as a hobby. Some of us run it by sheer ignorance or ineptitude. And, others of us run on limited resources so it never quite gets the lift off it deserves.

There’s always a combination of circumstances. Let’s be wise and toss out some questions. Was a strategy put into place? Was a demand for a product or service established? How about the ongoing skill development of the entrepreneur? Lastly, and not at all inclusively, beyond making money why was the business established in the first place?

Entrepreneurial opportunities

Today’s world boasts opportunity! Starting and running a business has never been easier. With a click of a mouse, payment services are set up via the Internet. Free email accounts are in plenty. Inexpensive web services and free marketing materials are all at our fingertips.

The cards are stacked up in our favor to succeed. We simply need focus with a strategy applying the right methods to the audience who wants, needs or desires our services or products.

Voice 2: In order to be successful you really should do this.

We have the choice to tune in or tune out to the voices pushing the shoulds. Not all success plans are the same. For example, for years I was told I should drive a fancier, flashier car to “show” that I’m making serious bank even when I wasn’t. It felt slimy and incongruent. Now it’s simply not my priority.

We can acknowledge these particular voices, and yet ignore them if they are not in alignment with what we want to accomplish. I feel a sense of great success when I can contribute. It’s satisfying driving a nice pre-owned vehicle, living mortgage-free and giving to great causes I care about. This is my conviction. However, if I were picked up in a hot red Ferrari, I wouldn’t oppose, I’d absolutely enjoy the ride.

Create your own entrepreneurial path

The point is this, be alert to those who say we “should” be doing this or that. Usually we’re better off not entertaining the voices that dictate orders about work decisions when they aren’t the ones paying our bills or doing the work we do. It’s that simple. Wisdom knows the difference of who we are and what we want– not what others want for us.

Voice #3: Do YOU really have what it takes to do “xyz”?

Says who? The world is full of overcomers. Often we can be our own worst enemy. We can also choose to run with the likes of those who said yes to making things happen despite their circumstances.

We celebrate heroes. The ones who choose to stand up and stand out in spite of challenges.

I say, let’s avoid the voices that say we aren’t right for the part.

 decide to go to work and allow the results to speak

I think we can simply decide to go to work and allow the results to speak.

Meanwhile I rely on stories of inspiration. I remind myself that, a once 15 year-old girl who was shot in the head is now the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize winner and advocate for female education.

Malala Yousafzai words resonate from a famous speech given at the United Nations. “They thought that the bullets would silence us. But they failed,” she said. “And then, out of that silence came thousands of voices. … Weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power and courage was born.” As entrepreneurs, may we all take up strength, power and courage in all that we do.

I remind myself that one of the greatest composers of all time became deaf. Being deaf didn’t stop him from creating some of the most beautifully composed music. When Beethoven was asked why he continued to compose music after becoming deaf, his response was, “I knew the best music was still inside of me.” Let’s remember the best music is still inside of us and that we’re equipped to do whatever is in our hearts to do.

Chime in! Tell us, have you ever faced any of these three voices? How did you silence them? Or perhaps there was a different type of voice you shut down that didn’t serve you. What was it and how did you place it on mute?

Show Some Adrenal Love; Get Better Sleep

I’m fresh off the plane from a four week trip to five different countries in Asia. The old me would have been completely crashed out. Instead I’ve had some time to think about adrenals, how to get better sleep and horses. And yes, I promise it will all tie together.

Horses are known to be “fight or flight” animals. We humans are no different. Like horses, our “Flintstones roots” can keep us on edge. We may not be fighting off mountain lions and bears, yet we often feel we can come under attack.

Fast forward to now. Our bodies are put through the paces with modern day stresses like demanding schedules, traffic, and finances. Many of us are rushing to put fires out regarding our family or health. All of this signals our adrenal glands to work overtime juggling a variety of stresses.

how to get better sleep: reduce stress

The Adrenal Glands

The adrenal glands are small V/Y shaped structures attached to the top of each kidney and part of our endocrine system. Their responsibility is to release chemicals called hormones into the bloodstream. These hormones affect many parts of our body.

You’ve probably heard about cortisol, estrogen and testosterone. Pay close attention to your adrenals because if you are combating stress, it’s important to take some simple action steps around protecting them; especially the cortisol levels.

Cortisol is needed to equalize stress in the body. It’s the chemical message in our body that says “Run for Cover! Hide in a cave! Go! Go! Go!” However, there’s a hitch, if the release of cortisol is constant due to continuous stress–what can result is adrenal fatigue. Fighting fatigue gets many of us reaching for caffeine in the form of sodas or coffee. I’m sure you see the cycle.

how to get better sleep: skip the caffeine

Clearly, being late for an appointment, getting a past due statement reminder, or caring for your loved one can cause stress but it’s not threatening our lives like a hungry mountain lion or bear. Nonetheless, that “fight or flight” tendency causes us to feel like a “Nervous Nellie”. We’re like that herd of horses hoofing it for dear life.

Our reaction to stress tricks and triggers our body into producing more cortisol than it really needs.

It’s a wild-eyed type of energy making us feel we must “run for the hills” to survive. And just when we think we can coast for a bit, what happens? It can be just about anything. It’s the weirdo with road rage, its the outlandish Vet bill you just opened, or a call that your little angel behaved badly. It’s burning dinner as if you’re offering burnt offerings to the Greek gods.

Houston! We’ve got a problem! Chronic stress can wreak havoc on the adrenals to the point of exhaustion.

For some, the overwhelming fatigue has the adrenals refusing to properly provide the energy and resources the body needs throughout the day.

Let’s not be ridiculous. If you are running on empty, knock it off already!
You are more valuable than a thousand mile-long to-do list.

I speak from experience.

Exhaustion, adrenal fatigue/failure is not worth it. Years back, I wanted to be and do it all. I was the opposite of Homer Simpson. I didn’t want to be the Underachiever. I wanted to excel. While I did excel, it cost me and my sweet little adrenals. Hence my proposal.

And of course, I experienced insomnia so what I’m suggesting are tips I’ve personally used and found helpful for better sleeping and showing some R-E-S-P-E-C-T to our adrenal glands.

1: Move your magnificent body.

Get into motion and you will sleep better having done so. I’m not suggesting you take up jousting on the back of a horse. I’m suggesting something like walking 20-40 minutes a day or biking.

how to get better sleep: get moving

2: Be consistent.

Make it a point to hit the hay at the same time every night between 10-10:30pm. Going to bed during these hours will give you prime time restorative sleep.


3: Avoid stimulants.

Skip out on caffeine and sugar specifically after 4 PM. Earn a Piggly Wiggly badge by weaning them from your diet to unnecessarily avoid spiking your blood sugar levels.


4: Create a restful haven.

Many of my clients report feeling exhausted. I’m not surprised when I find out their sleep environment is more like a bustling train station.

So here’s some ideas. Avoid having animals and older children sleep in bed with you. Pets and kids can sleep well without you. Just do some snuggling before counting sheep. Keep the bedroom cool so you can enjoy a “comatose” state of peaceful sleep. Why not try ear plugs, blackout shades. white noisemakers (like fans or humidifiers)? And, friend, don’t skimp on having a good bed and pillows. We spend a third of our life in bed, so get the best you can afford. While I understand some of this may not fit all of your life stages, do what you can to incorporate what’s possible.


5: Dance in the light.

When I first heard about “circadian rhythms” as a high schooler I thought it sounded like a cool band whose music I could dance to. Truth is, our body’s internal clock is sorta helping us get some dance steps down via brain signals. It tells us to sleep in the evening and wake in the morning. Light signals for our brain to be awake. When it becomes dark, our body begins producing melatonin signaling to our brain that it’s time to make our bodies a “snug as a bug in a rug” and sleep tight.

how to get better sleep: circadian rhythms

6: Go easy on the eats

Eating a spicy or large meal prior to bedtime can create a heavy load on our digestive system, making it a challenge to sleep easy . It’s best to eat three hours before bedtime for optimal snoozing.


7: Power off

Our body needs indicators that lead it into restorative sleep. This may take some discipline but it’s best to spend our last 30-60 minutes before bed in a calming activity like reading or better yet, sex (but only for the health benefits 😉 right?). Power down electronic devices whose light glows from the screens telling the brain to stay awake. If you encounter trouble sleeping, think twice before using electronics before bed or in the middle of the night. The idea is to get your body relaxed and tired not triggered to perform.


8: Be comfortable

Whether we sleep in the buff or wear silk p.j.s the point is to be comfortable. The bedroom should be a haven for two things only passionate rest and love. This is where you can decompress and de-stress. From cozy linens to wall colors, create a restful sanctuary. The less clutter there is, the better environment you’ll have for showing adrenal love and cultivating some righteous zzzz’s.

Get better sleep by getting cozy

Chime in! Let me know if you plan to pick up any new practices around sleep or if you have a tip for improving our sleep. Leave it in the comments below to share it with the community.