Category Archives: Encouragement

5 Things I’m Loving Right Now!

Not long ago my Father passed away. My world was not turned upside down. In fact, it’s presently right side up. Unlike many, I knew it was coming. I had precious time to be with him, but also to prepare myself as I walked through then and now. As such, I want to share what’s helping me flow and 5 things I’m loving right now.

You see, I’m that kid, the one with zero regrets. When my Dad passed I knew it was coming. I opted to make deliberate choices. No words were left unspoken. Nothing- undone, I believe on both sides. While it was challenging at times, it was also full of many teachable moments. I chose to step back from busyness and embrace what deeply matters instead- being present. After this major transition, it was clear I needed to re-establish a healthy routine. Keep reading to learn the top 5 that led me back into the groove with gusto and how they may possibly benefit you too!


We can consciously take our proverbial foot off the pedal, just a well as we can choose to regain speed. I’m digging Michael McQueen’s book entitled Momentum: How to Build it, Keep it or Get it Back. It’s practical and helpful. It’s served as the perfect manual for balanced re-engagement. It spotlights case studies, points out enemies of momentum, how to get into good action, while holding onto focus and consistency. I love its down-to-earth approach, its flow, and perhaps, most importantly the timeliness of its message.  It’s remarkably  helpful with inspiring information regardless of your present circumstances.


I’m loving USANA’s Reset™. This five day program helped remove some unwanted fluff and unwanted toxins. I’m dazzled by it’s simplicity.

You see, I’d eaten my fair share of comfort food around the time my Dad passed away.  As such, I chose Reset™ to help me make a clean break from the effects of not-so-healthy food choices. It was wonderful as it quickly aids our body to balance our blood sugars levels with low-glycemic eating.

The  program replaces three meals with a delicious and nutritionally balanced Nutrimeal™ shake, while offering up high quality supplements and top-notch probiotics. The Reset™ program encourages whole-food snacks, moderate exercise, and the practice of healthy lifestyle habits. The program guide and tracking card kept me focused and I’m happy to report that I was comfortably back in my favorite shorts again and 4 lbs lighter.

I credit this program for boosting my energy, keeping my skin glowing, and quickly helping me course correct. If you want more info on the RESET™, visit Note that you can save 10% off your order just by enrolling as a customer. It’s free to enroll, and you can also save an additional 10% off your products if you choose to utilize our easy, convenient auto order program. I highly recommend it!

Wellness Walking

Many world famous influencers were walkers: Henry David Thoreau, Albert Einstein, Friedrich Nietzsche and Steve Jobs are just a few to name. Some shared how it helped them clear their mind, spark inspiration or creativity, restore balance, decompress, boost positive emotions or solve problems. I figure if it worked well for some of these accomplished individuals, it’s a promising endeavor.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m also enjoying swimming and horseback riding. However, it is on the walks where I’ve recently been receiving so much. At times it is chipper banter with the merchants of the Marina. Other times, it is the chirps of content birds. Either way, it’s good for the soul and body. Just last week, as I strolled along the beach at sunset, a magnificent download in regards to a business idea occurred. Every time the walk’s purpose is the same- to experience something different- to get outside of the same environment and receive something good, or to up the happy endorphins to rest well, feel well, and be well.

I encourage you to take wellness walks several times a week simply to reflect and connect with God, yourself or a loved one. Not too long ago my husband broke his foot. He’s now able to join me. And I’m currently loving our walks. Our talks have been very deep. We dive into a variety of topics: discuss possibilities, game plans, dreams. It’s truly been a three-for-one special. Connection. Reflection. Wellness.


I’ve been living off and on between Mexico and Texas for years. I’m currently living in Puerto Vallarta more than I am the Texas Hill Country. While I’ve adapted well with my new surroundings, I wasn’t quite adapting to not seeing the wonderful faces that I care about. Video conferencing allows me to see priceless expressions on business associates, clients and/or family and friends’ faces. It’s been a real treasure as of recent and I’m so grateful for Zoom and technologies like it.

If Zoom is new to you, know this: it allows several people to be in connected via video conferencing at once. This is exceptional for business,  and I’ve also found it quite useful for “family reunions” where not all members live in the same vicinity. There is a free version that works for most users, and a paid version that helps amp up any business game.

Zoom makes video and web conferencing simple. It has a secure, easy platform for video and audio conferencing, messaging, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. While Zoom brings businesses and organizations’ teams together to get things done, it can serve as a powerful tool for maintaining shared friendships or strong family ties. It’s truly a gift to the world. If you don’t already have a free account, you can set one up at

Social Media Break

I believe it’s healthy to take breaks from social media. It can get overwhelming keeping up with a wild influx of news, pictures and political banter. This past month I chose to truly limit myself from engaging in much social media with the exception of business. It’s been very refreshing. I’ve enjoyed so many wonderful face-to-face conversations, lovely phone calls and uplifting video calls.

The choice to limit or take a complete break from social media can strengthen the relationships and productivity you have. Sure, we’re eager to see your pictures and read your posts, but deep down we want your happiness, your wholeness. Go ahead, take a break if you’d like. I doubt you’ll regret it.

Chime In!

Want to join me on any of the following five? Perhaps reading Momentum? Reseting with me? Wellness Walking? Zooming? Or downsizing on Social Media? Let me know! I’d love to hear from you!

When Staying True to Yourself Becomes an Excuse

We’ve all heard the phrase “I’m just staying true to myself”. Am I right?
Is it just me, or have you ever wanted to counter this possible excuse with, so are you really staying true to yourself? Let me explain. While staying true to oneself is honorable, there are times we can cleverly cloak a cop out by using the ‘ol “I’ll stay true to myself” phrase.

How to Recognize a Clever Excuse

 It’s classic and easy to identify.
You, or someone you know walked away from a goal or dream without a fight. I’m not talking about a short sabbatical to refuel and go at it again. I’m talking about completely quitting the race.
Imagine if you will, hearing about someone’s goals, dreams or visions with excitement. Imagine watching them make baby steps toward the fulfillment of those goals. Imagine getting behind this individual and cheering and encouraging them on only to have them share something like the following: “I’ve  decided to take another route. I’m simply wanting to stay true to who I am.” HOGWASH! You’ve got to be kidding? We’re invested in the fulfillment of this goal/dream. For crying out loud, don’t go down without a fight!

Why it Happens

Excuses happen. However, this need not be you. We need to be on the look out for WHY it happens.
The pursuit of happiness can:
  • be challenging and difficult for a season.
  • require something (grit, skill) that has not been previously accomplished.
  • imply the need to humble oneself and become re-educated to obtain the vision.
  • reveal that failure/rejection play a part in the learning process.
  • lead us to dump poor habits and embrace good habits.
  • become more disciplined and consistent.

Beware of the Banana Peels

We all have situations and circumstances that challenge our tenacity to stay true to who we are. Banana peels are the situations and circumstances that may cause us to slip and take us away from our once clear path.
Banana Peel
There are ways to shut down excuses. There are also ways to stay true to our self without forfeiting dreams be it health or entrepreneurial in nature.
 The following are tips to remain true blue to good ‘ol you.


  • Assess the situation- Have you thrown in the towel? Are you pursuing your dreams with consistent dedication? Do you feel excited about the steps you are taking?
  • Determine what actions to take- If you hit a bump in the road, it’s easy to say just keep trucking. But what if a tire flew off? This requires a new plan of action to take to get back on the road. Sometimes this requires a different perspective.
  • Ask for help- Any great achiever will tell you they had help along the way. It’s not a weakness. In fact, it can become like a secret weapon for overcoming. A derailment from a dream can be humbling, but what’s devastating is the fact that it can be done but life happened and nothing really changed when all along help was available.
  • Accountability- The concept of accountability isn’t always the most popular. When it’s taken seriously, accountability reminds us of exactly who we are and what it is we desire to achieve in this lifetime. Accountability helps us walk the path to fulfillment so once we reach the top, we’re not alone. In fact, there’s a community with whom to celebrate.
Chime In!

Have you come across other clever excuses that sound legit yet don’t best serve someone staying true to him or herself? What is it?

The Beauty of Failure

It may seem counter intuitive to find beauty in failure, right? It’s amazing that the world we live in highlights big wins- you know, the glamorous side of success. Here’s to being encouraged to celebrate what goes on behind our failures.  In whatever realm of life, failure points out vulnerabilities. Being vulnerable whether in a business endeavor or a romantic relationship doesn’t feel comfortable; nor should it.

Being uncomfortable is what pushes us to make a decision: do something different, try to maintain the status quo or scrap what makes us uncomfortable. By failing and being uncomfortable, fringe benefits begin to accrue.

Failure brings clarity.

You’ve heard it said before. Success leaves clues. Well guess what?

If hindsight is 20/20, then take time to reflect. Ask yourself questions. If your an entrepreneur, you might ask yourself the following: Was I working with the correct people? How can I improve my business skills? How do I handle my weaknesses? How can I better lead myself and others to overcome?

Feeling a bit stuck in your health journey? Investigate. What if one very powerful revelation can help move you forward again? Try this. Fill-in-the-blank to get clarity. “The most important thing I should do to improve my health is…”  Courage cultivates clarity. Having the courage to ask tough questions or be nakedly honest can set aside the stress of failure and instead, provide positive lessons.

Failure is inevitable.

Everybody does it. Yes, we all fail. So why does it need to become a big deal? It’s doesn’t. The trick is to fail fast, and not slop around in it. Rather, we can revel in the ability to recreate a more desirable outcome.

Ever witness a child learning to walk and then trip and plummet to the ground and then laugh at the predicament?  We should take good notes! When this child is given a little encouragement he or she stands tall and begins walking like a little drunken sailor with bright eyes and a wide smile. The secret is to act as if a fall or failure is simply a rite of passage to the results we desire.

Perspective is grand. Failure can be noble. Let us overcome the inevitable with giggles and a goofy grin, shall we?

Make failure a gift.

When we fail, we’re often harder on ourselves than we are othersl. So here’s a suggestion. Quit that already! As you would tell another, “it’s okay, you will do better next time,” or “you’ve learned so much from that experience and I’m sure you’ll apply that in the future”. While we can be supportive to the others, we aren’t always giving our self a break.

The-Beauty-of-Failure Give yourself a gift. Make that gift -kindness. Forgo being snarky with yourself. about a past failure. Failing at something is not the same as being a failure. Don’t camp out there. Gift yourself forgiveness. Gift yourself the liberty to move on quickly without drowning in what you coulda, shoulda and woulda done had you known different. Don’t waste time. It is precious, and so are you.

Chime In!

How can you find beauty in failure? Looking back, what clarity or treasure has failure brought into your life? Share with us! We’d love to learn from and celebrate you.

‘Tis a Gift to BE Simple!

This past year as I listened to clients, friends and family I noticed some common themes throughout the conversations. To avoid becoming a Debbie Downer, I began humming a powerful little song I learned while in elementary school. “‘Tis the gift to be simple, ‘Tis the gift to be free…”

You see, the most prevalent common themes of those dialogues were, “I’m overwhelmed, I’m exhausted, I’m financially and/or mentally stressed.” Frankly, it’s too much for so many to bear.

I continue humming as the melody’s lyrics play in my mind. “‘Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be…” And I begin to question what for. When did our beautiful lives become so stinkin’ complicated?

Why the over-scheduling and under-resting? Why the over-working, and under-playing? Is it worth taking a toll on our well-being, and foregoing what matters most?

The lyrics stream on in my consciousness.

“And when we find ourselves
in the place just right
‘Twill be in the valley
of love and delight.”

Where is this valley of love and delight?

Do you yearn and burn? Let me explain. Do you yearn for something slower-paced, and more meaningful in richness? Do you yearn to be present with those you love more often? Do you burn with passion to pursue a project but somehow circumstances circumvent your vision?

Well it’s time we get our roar on! Rawwwrrrr!

It’s time to reclaim our peace of mind and get on our merry way.

As the sincere lyrics echo in my squirrel cage, I’m not singing loud and proud. “‘Tis the gift to be simple”. YES! A resounding, thundering, boisterous YES! May we BE simple. May we BE free.

“Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be.” Inhale. Breath of fresh air. Sweet humility! It’s past time that we step off the “climb every mountain” bandwagon, and summit the one mountain which views satisfy our soul.

Hope you don’t mind me tossing out some ideas on how we can back out of overwhelm, exhaustion and financial and mental stress. Disclaimer: I don’t have all the answers. What I do know is this. It’s possible to create a better life. The secret isn’t so much about doing more or having more. It’s truly about being– pure and simple.

Allow me to indulge. We need to let go of superfluous stuff padding our agendas; as well as the clutter demanding too much mental or physical space. We need to let go of the idea that we will be better because we are performing. Hogwash! We’re better when we’re actually being fully present with another human.This is where the best breakthroughs, business and relationships happen in human interaction. Period.

Heads up! Soon you’ll be hit with a multitude of motivational messages advising you to get off your butt and make things happen. I’m here to tell that before you traipse off to “slay it”, first ask yourself who do I want to become? Then, my friend, you really will slay it, own it, do it, be it. 😉

Let’s not be driven to react to a long list of things to do, or jam-packed schedules. Instead let’s hit the pause button and ask, “Who do I want to BE in order to create a more simple and free life, for myself, and those dearest to me?” Let’s rise above the noise. Let’s lead ourselves powerfully. We’ll divinely know when to let go of projects, ideas, and routines that exhaust us rather than replenish us.

It’s always first things first.

We get to decide what really matters. Let’s be wise. Others will always have their own agendas for us. It’s our responsibility to make sure that the agenda we follow is our God-given life purpose. If not, we’ll feel a gnawing lack of fulfillment– and it won’t be pretty!

The “be simple challenge”

Identify and write down possible causes that evoke overwhelm, exhaustion, and financial and mental stress. Did you do it? I promise that writing it down can help bring awareness. Once we’re aware of what’s eating our lunch we can better address it with our “Plan Be.”

Perhaps you’ve concluded that you’re taking on too much? Professional plate spinner is not a title you want on your resume. Me neither. Maybe you realize you need to dedicate time to rest or rejuvenate in play in order to fan the flames of intentional living. Or perhaps you’ve discovered subscribing to eighty-five newsletters is outrageous for any enlightened human being no matter how fast a reader you are.

Whatever you discern, know this– I’m rooting for you. I’m against today’s cultural norm of overwhelm. I say give peace a chance! Adios exhaustion, self-care and the permission to unwind and be kind is granted. Societal status quo of financial and mental stress, good riddance! I vote for acting like the abundant and worthy beings we already are.

Here’s to ditching long to-do lists and burning the candle at both ends. It’s time to conduct our life and business the way we desire to be. This then, is the true gift to be simple and free.

Go ahead, Chime In!

Share with us in the the comments below. Pinpoint any possible causes creating overwhelm, exhaustion or stress in your life?  Who do you want to be in order to enjoy a more simple and free life?



Fitness that Makes You Smile

Life can get messy. Stress can sneak up on us. Having proactive solutions to combat challenges is golden. More specifically, I’m suggestion taking on fitness that makes you smile.

Outdoor Fitness Year-Round

May I suggest writing down all the physical activities you love or once loved doing? Where I live, there are about two seasons while others enjoy four complete seasons for outdoor fitness. Whether you have two or four seasons, nature and weather deliver a variety of choices! Variety in our exercise program, keeps things fresh and exciting. As humans we love novelty. Sure we may have our favorite go-to fitness, yet it’s the variety that adds delight while challenging our muscles and mind differently.

Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall


Colder weather offers us a chance to bundle up. For some, snow and ice brings a wonderland of choice from skiing and snow shoeing or ice skating and hockey. For me, it means hiking in a State Park. And perhaps once every ten years when it snows where I live, snowball fights or snowman building. Even in the Winter, we can move our bodies and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.

There are times I personally like to double-time my efforts and listen to a beneficial podcast during a hike. An hour or two later, I’m feeling really refreshed and sometimes even smarter. I encourage you to find something you want to learn about and listen while moving along. Studies show that action helps us retain information. Have a particular problem to solve? Something as simple as walking or taking a hike creates to think, pray and meditate on the best solution.


I have two favorites. Gardening (and by mentioning this, I claim no green thumb status), and rebounding (you may know this better as jumping on a mini-trampoline). After the cold I want to see color and grow things to eat. I still like playing in the dirt. I never outgrew that. I did, of course, outgrow the eating of it. 😉 It’s always amazing to rediscover the hidden muscles I had forgotten existed. However, when seeds begin sprouting up, there is a deep satisfaction in this outdoor workout. If you get into rebounding, may I suggest double-timing? Have a dog? Play fetch! It’s a win-win. Or simply enjoy the glorious sunshine, Vitamin D intake while getting your fitness on!

fitness that makes you smile


I love to swim. It’s one of my favorites. Can I swim like Michael Phelps? Not a chance, but I have vastly improved my time upon a shark sighting. Yes, seriously. This happened while on vacation in Bora Bora. Later I found out, it was “friendly” shark, but who wants to wait around to find out friend or foe? Here’s a tip, whenever you move your body, celebrate what benefits you are bringing to your body. For example, when I swim I celebrate loving up my lymph system, getting in some cardio, enjoying low-impact exercise and toning my muscles. Referring back to the benefits always makes me smile.


Horseback riding is my Autumn beloved. There is less heat and air that is crisp. A yearly pilgrimage is made  to South Dakota to ride with my dear friend, Liz. This fitness includes hours in the saddle, viewing vast beauty, taking in fresh air, all while enjoying our friendship. Liz and the companionship of horses offers a variety of fitness buddies to boot. I encourage you to find fitness activities that you can share with someone you care about, it makes working out more fun and it builds lasting bonds.


Indoor Fitness

For the days it is raining, too cold or you just can’t seem to get out of the house, having options for an indoor plan for fitness is the key to staying on track. Did you know a mini-trampoline doesn’t take up a lot of room and it’s seriously fun too? If you have an indoor gym set, use it! I know so many people who spend good money on equipment and don’t take advantage of it. I like an elliptical machine as it’s easy on the joints and is great for when the weather is not-so-kind. Are you considering buying one? If so, save lots of money and consider getting is used through something like Craigslist. The same goes for stationary bikes.

YouTube is an excellent source for finding good indoor workouts. Yep, that’s right. I especially like videos with different trainers using the core ball, or what some call a pilates ball. I find it great for toning, enjoyable and it’s also great for the lymphatic system. Benefits alert! 😉

I am sure all beings can agree that housework is a formidable and noteworthy workout. Only kidding. Of course, if YOU really enjoy it, please include this in your list of fun fitness favorites and  know you are most welcome to visit me anytime!

Jumping rope, dancing salsa, zumba are other ideas for indoor fitness that may bring you joy. Remember, move in such a way that when you finish your workout you’ve got a smile on your face.

The Holistic Purpose for Fitness You Love

Many experts claim that disease is 90-95% is stress-based. This means we are overburdened with too much superfluous stuff to do– or that we’re emotionally toxic. We need a healthy release! By taking time for ourselves by infusing fitness that makes us smile we can give our body, soul and spirit the whole shebang! Let’s maximize our fitness efforts, lower stress and increase sanity as we become and/or stay fit.

Chime In!

In the comments below, please share some of your fitness favorites that bring a smile to your face. 🙂