Tag Archives: higher purpose

Work, Change & Higher Purpose

Change is good

Today more than ever, boundaries between work and higher purpose are merging. It’s where doing good really is good for business. I’m seeing this globally as well as personally. In this post, I’ll share some personal insights with you.

I’ve been conducting business since 1999. Throughout the years things have transformed, and certain themes remained constant, including health and wellness, making a difference while making money, and global living. Currently I’m shifting into a more refined way I can serve the world through teaching the joys of detox. I promise, it’s truly exciting!

Honesty and humble pie

It’s ownership and vulnerability all rolled into one. It’s humbling. At first I had decided I wouldn’t publicly address it- at all!

You see, I became “that” person in the health field who found herself wading through a healing crisis. Life can be such a teacher!

I’ve studied detoxification since my early twenties! In fact, I even wrote a short, light-hearted book about detox that many say has been helpful. Click here to download your free eBook.

I *know* how to stay healthy, yet somehow (I’ll spare you the details) the perfect storm hit taking me to my knees. I’ve learned that when we fall on our knees we’re in a prime position to look up and not give up. I prayed for perseverance.

Instead of feeling sorry for myself like I did some 15 years ago because doctors couldn’t agree on what autoimmune diseases I should be labeled with, I decided took the bull by the horns. Yes, I decided to ride it out in all it’s glory.

Something was different this time around. No self-pity. I have shifted so much that I can actually share this challenge with you freely. Deep down I know I am whole and I can walk through the fire. It’s the same way I deeply know I’m here to also help others walk through their fires.

We Aren’t Alone

We aren’t abandoned. We have magnificent tools to heal.

As the wellness entrepreneur who enjoyed incredible health and then all of a sudden was pounded with a tidal wave, I’ve learned that I’ve acquired skills. I rejoice in knowing how to overcome. “Knowing how” and “guiding myself and others” is a gift to the world.

One of my clients recently emailed me. She said her latest blood work was the best it’s ever been. Even her family was surprised with how well she was doing. This email brought immense satisfaction. It arrived on one of my darkest physical days and yet on my brightest day as a wellness entrepreneur. It was confirmation that I’m in the right work.

 Let’s shake up the fruit basket, shall we?

As an entrepreneur, I want lasting positive change. Often we want business and personal growth to show up as rainbows, unicorns and puppies. However an undesirable “shake up” can serve the world and ourselves the best. We can learn to trust the process, adapt and triumph.

Today, I can say I’m not exactly ready for an Ironman competition, but I am training for some long horse rides in South Dakota this September. This past weekend I rode in the mountains of Mexico three hours and later hiked up to a breath-taking view. It was worth having a sore butt and legs. Scouts honor.

Higher Purpose: Ain't no mountain high enough
Higher Purpose: Ain’t no mountain high enough

As I rode up the mountain, the pine trees reminded me that the Creator of the Universe loves me and nothing called Hashimoto’s or Addison’s disease will keep me down. Ever.

I know for certain, that if for some reason we aren’t instantaneously or supernaturally healed completely- We. Shall. Recover. And this my friends, is the hope and beauty of life.

Alert! I’ll be teaching more about detoxing, food and nutrition because it’s creating the biggest impact in those I serve. In our fast-paced world, there’s a place for taking care of our self whether we’re currently recovering or desire to stay well. Part of my mission is to help you live with more freedom and less toxins.

 Get your groove on

I’ve had an “old school” theme song playing through my mind this year. I believe it’s time to unleash it so we can get our groove on! While it’s meant to be a love song, may it motivate you to reach for better health, happiness, finances, relationships and more. Because when we’re truly intentional, “there ain’t no mountain high enough”.

Share with me in the comments below: do you have a theme song you’ve been jamming out to? Please post it! Or, tell me. Are you ready to clean up your body more with some friendly detoxing? I’d love to hear from you.