Tag Archives: entrepreneurship inspiration

Forget secrets! Let’s spread these entrepreneurial insights

I am one of those people who can hold a secret. Seriously. I’ve had friends begin sharing private information assuming I had shared their secret with my entrepreneurial husband only to watch his jaw drop or face turn beet red.

Why am I telling you this? Well, every year I choose to attend a conference that addresses the needs and lives of entrepreneurs. I purposefully look for communities that are moving forward together. I go to glean powerful information for myself and those I love serving.

You’ve heard the phrase “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” However, this conference wasn’t in Vegas. It was in Texas. The Big D, actually. I’m sure you’re familiar with “everything is bigger in Texas.” With that being said, I’m not holding any secrets, in fact, I want to give you some timely and timeless deets I learned this past weekend.

Allow me to shake down and shimmy up some of the best nuggets gleaned from Nathalie Lussier’s Off the Charts Live conference. This powerful group of 200 practicing entrepreneurs from around the world shared invaluable insight.

As I listened to practical how-to advice and stories of building business sustainably and sanely, my thoughts were saturated with happy dancing. Yes,  I’m nerdy like that– so nerdy that my published doctoral research addresses entrepreneurs and their educational experiences. And wouldn’t you know three major themes surfaced during this conference. I want to share them with you.

Take note all who are entrepreneurs or not– this will serve your life in some capacity.

  • Create the kind of success you desire.
  • Be fully alive through reflection and connection.
  • Traction comes by overcoming challenges and building resiliency.

Regarding success; define what it means to you. Dive deep. What does success feel like to you? Who are the people sharing it with you? When you aren’t working what great things are you doing that bring satisfaction, joy, or meaning?

Please, do your thing. Others often suggest what they think we should do understanding little of what we desire to do. So listen and act on what you know you need to do. Yes, take advice from those whose life and business line up with the kind of success you want, but most importantly, listen and lead yourself. Take the collective advice of many:

Tune in to what it is you want to create from this one precious life.

As strong collective themes emerged from story-telling entrepreneurs I felt as happy as a pig in mud. Why? Because these entrepreneurs carried the presence of being fully alive.

They shared how previous adventures brought further clarity and how everything serves a purpose by leading us to where we are now. The more personal growth and development we go through as entrepreneurs the more confident we become. More confidence leads to more skillful action. Not at all shocking, just reassuring. And the lessons continue…

Embrace struggle and failure as great teachers in order to be more alive. Acknowledge time as an incubator for pruning skill sets and clarifying purpose.

By the way, the most prevalent theme about being alive was having connection. Many entrepreneurs expressed that their fellow peers played a significant role in business and life breakthroughs.

These peers have served as a support system. They exchanged ideas, benefited from one another’s expertise, rallied in the midst of trials or celebrated breakthroughs. Summary advice:

Team up to optimize dreams and talents in yourself and others.

Group of women talking over a cup of coffee

The predominant theme of creating traction emerged as the speakers shared stories about overcoming challenges and building resiliency. The honesty of sharing how one arrives from Point A to Point B was refreshing. Often we’ll hear how one became an overnight success when it takes about 2-9 years to gain a six and seven-figure success– and it’s also okay not to run a business that yields such high returns, after all each of us define success differently.

So here’s the scoop according to several of these entrepreneurs. Want traction? Cool. We all do. Be willing to choke. Make mistakes. Prune services or products that lack passion or efficiency. Do the work that takes you and your customers to that happy place. 🙂

Taking off is part of flying the proverbial entrepreneurial plane.

Old airplane in the sky

Give yourself permission to ascend into new realms where great value is given and profits are enjoyed. Yes, permission to soar. Hold a space for lifelong learning. No need to cool the jets, it’s time to fly.

Oh and here’s a reminder. At times, the plane is still being built while we’re learning to fly. The common consensus was this: Business takes courage. Don’t hold back. Act before you’re ready. Step out in faith. Oh! And, don’t forget to team up and tune in to what your success looks and really feels like.

No secrets here. Just good solid advice shared from a powerful group of entrepreneurs who are seeing results and sharing their stories.

BIG THANKS to everyone that reads my blog. I hope this post helps you reflect and smile on your own adventure. In the comment section below, tell me how do you want to ramp up your entrepreneurial game? Are you looking to tune in more, team up or take off to the next level?

Let’s do this!


3 Voices You’ll Want to Avoid as An Entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur who lives an untraditional life I’ve learned that listening to the right voices can make or break my personal plan for success. If our desire is to live a life that’s uncommonly good, decisions need to be made.

There are voices out there yapping like a tiny disgruntled Chihuahua. Our best work happens when we listen to the passion within us and step forward into our purposeful work. Listening and acting on our internal leadership, and shutting down the yappers, well meaning or not, is how we seize our greatest calling.

If you’ve ever veered off the path of normality to create a new reality (and I’m sure you have) ask yourself these questions.

Were you met with some opposition from loved ones? Acquaintances? Possibly even strangers?

Let’s lead our self and our vision or someone else will decide for us. What would you rather have? Others’ voices sending you marching orders or you marching to the beat of your own unique drum? Go ahead. Answer the question, you rebel. 😉

Voice 1: But statistics show that 95% of businesses fail.

As harsh at it seems, it’s people that fail. Yes, we the people fail to run the business properly. Some of us run it as a hobby. Some of us run it by sheer ignorance or ineptitude. And, others of us run on limited resources so it never quite gets the lift off it deserves.

There’s always a combination of circumstances. Let’s be wise and toss out some questions. Was a strategy put into place? Was a demand for a product or service established? How about the ongoing skill development of the entrepreneur? Lastly, and not at all inclusively, beyond making money why was the business established in the first place?

Entrepreneurial opportunities

Today’s world boasts opportunity! Starting and running a business has never been easier. With a click of a mouse, payment services are set up via the Internet. Free email accounts are in plenty. Inexpensive web services and free marketing materials are all at our fingertips.

The cards are stacked up in our favor to succeed. We simply need focus with a strategy applying the right methods to the audience who wants, needs or desires our services or products.

Voice 2: In order to be successful you really should do this.

We have the choice to tune in or tune out to the voices pushing the shoulds. Not all success plans are the same. For example, for years I was told I should drive a fancier, flashier car to “show” that I’m making serious bank even when I wasn’t. It felt slimy and incongruent. Now it’s simply not my priority.

We can acknowledge these particular voices, and yet ignore them if they are not in alignment with what we want to accomplish. I feel a sense of great success when I can contribute. It’s satisfying driving a nice pre-owned vehicle, living mortgage-free and giving to great causes I care about. This is my conviction. However, if I were picked up in a hot red Ferrari, I wouldn’t oppose, I’d absolutely enjoy the ride.

Create your own entrepreneurial path

The point is this, be alert to those who say we “should” be doing this or that. Usually we’re better off not entertaining the voices that dictate orders about work decisions when they aren’t the ones paying our bills or doing the work we do. It’s that simple. Wisdom knows the difference of who we are and what we want– not what others want for us.

Voice #3: Do YOU really have what it takes to do “xyz”?

Says who? The world is full of overcomers. Often we can be our own worst enemy. We can also choose to run with the likes of those who said yes to making things happen despite their circumstances.

We celebrate heroes. The ones who choose to stand up and stand out in spite of challenges.

I say, let’s avoid the voices that say we aren’t right for the part.

 decide to go to work and allow the results to speak

I think we can simply decide to go to work and allow the results to speak.

Meanwhile I rely on stories of inspiration. I remind myself that, a once 15 year-old girl who was shot in the head is now the youngest ever Nobel Peace Prize winner and advocate for female education.

Malala Yousafzai words resonate from a famous speech given at the United Nations. “They thought that the bullets would silence us. But they failed,” she said. “And then, out of that silence came thousands of voices. … Weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power and courage was born.” As entrepreneurs, may we all take up strength, power and courage in all that we do.

I remind myself that one of the greatest composers of all time became deaf. Being deaf didn’t stop him from creating some of the most beautifully composed music. When Beethoven was asked why he continued to compose music after becoming deaf, his response was, “I knew the best music was still inside of me.” Let’s remember the best music is still inside of us and that we’re equipped to do whatever is in our hearts to do.

Chime in! Tell us, have you ever faced any of these three voices? How did you silence them? Or perhaps there was a different type of voice you shut down that didn’t serve you. What was it and how did you place it on mute?

6 Tips to Help You be More Lovable…

Seriously?! Did you know 2015 Valentine’s Day sales were projected to top out at 18.9 BILLION dollars? That having been said, clearly money can’t buy us love or make us more lovable even in the form of chocolates, flowers or fine dining.

6 Tips to Help You be More Lovable

Of course, it’s not shameless to ask, “why not get our piece of the pie in that 18.9 billion dollar projection and be adorned, pampered, appreciated?” I’m laughing because truly, you and I know this one day serves the retail industry more than it does lovers and friends.

We see the festive messages depicting fancy experiences, telling us how to love and be loved. All the hoopla is over in one stinkin’ day! And, I think while it may be good for the economy, it may not be for the stress levels of the “dearly beloved.”

In response to Valentine’s Day celebrations, I’m offering up six tips to help you be more lovable year round.

No pressure or time crunch necessary.

That’s right. I’m here to help you be more lovable and it may not be what you think. Sit down a while and forget about wearing sexy, silky pj’s– though that can’t be a bad thing either.

Turn your attention on what can be more than a flash in the pan, and definitely more self-honoring. Focus on being that deeply centered person you are. Consider filling yourself up with what makes you happier, healthier and well, more lovable.

1- Envision what’s good.

We’ve been in the presence of a “Debbie Downer”. It ain’t pretty! In fact, it’s down right draining. As we envision what’s good, what can go right, what’s positive in our lives, we actually attract less stress. We open a space for those around us to experience what envisioning and expecting good can feel like. We give others and ourselves permission to get more into “possibility thinking”. It’s highly attractive.

6 Tips to Help You be More Lovable

2- Be kind to yourself and others.

There’s nothing more lovable than seeing someone who makes a mistake, acknowledges it and is then kind to themselves or those around them after the mistake has been made. Here’s an example of that. A while back I was a passenger in a car that was hit by someone who was apparently really exhausted.

This is what resulted from that accident: The person who hit us– got out of the car and asked if we were okay. We were. Then she proceeded to apologize for hitting us, and said, “The next time when my body is telling me to take a day off from work, I’m going to listen and sleep in. I’m just glad we’re all okay.”

Wow! Kindness is powerful. Kindness shown when it would be easy to beat ourselves up is even more powerful, especially when the mistake is preventable. So why not be kind in the process? It’s what makes us lovable.

3- Appreciate your efforts.

When was the last time you stopped to simply appreciate all that you do? Sometimes it’s easy to get sidetracked from remembering that our efforts aren’t always noticeable, but they matter.

6 Tips to Help You be More Lovable

Take inventory of this. Stop and celebrate a little. This is why you are lovable even if we don’t all see your efforts. I know you are up to something like paying the bills­– or caring for a precious being­–and I appreciate it.

4- Be Honest.

Are you really giving yourself permission to feel lovable? Is it time to refocus on what you need to do to move yourself forward?

In friendships and romantic relationships our expectations aren’t for the other to be perfect, our desire is that they be honest. The same is true with our self. When we can address thoughts or actions that are incongruent with our life mission, we step into a place where countless good can happen. Honesty requires courage to acknowledge what we’re doing well, but also the things we need to rise up and say, “knock if off, already!!!”

5- Take Care of Your Body

In the words of Jim Rohn, “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live in.” In my childhood I really understood the magnitude of these words, I just didn’t know how to take care of my body.

On my adventure to become healthier, I discovered that I needed to learn to love and accept myself unconditionally as God does. I realized taking care of my physical being empowers me to love more and to be loved more because I’m more present.

6 Tips to Help You be More Lovable - Enjoy Life

It’s not rocket science. It takes learning and listening to what best supports our unique body. When I see others caring about what they put in their mouths, or enjoying an exercise program, I’m grateful for them. I believe we all respect them for making decisions to show up for their family and those that love them. It’s admirable.

6- Enjoy Life

Psst… you don’t need my permission or anyone else’s to enjoy life. In fact, it’s what makes you irresistibly lovable! When we decide to live a life that is satisfying and full, there’s a shift that happens. We tend to repel those who don’t want a piece of that joy and we engage those who hunger for it.

“And then you laughed and it seemed a thousand joyous songs leapt into the air.” ~Brendon Burchard

I’m for more belly laughs and smiles. I’m not Aristotle, but I think it makes us more lovable. Do what you enjoy. Is it time outside like one of the kids? Is it cooking up some tasty vittles, it is connecting with those who brighten your day? Whatever it is, please do it.

Bonus Tip

Ever felt a bit stuck with feeling lovable? Not knowing where to really start?
6 Tips to Help You be More Lovable

Guess what? You aren’t alone. Sometimes it’s toxins in our bodies stirred up by bad emotion, food or drugs. Sometimes it can be challenging circumstances.

I want to help you find your true north. Your most lovable self. I want to offer you a chance to be your best.

For the first time ever,  I’m offering a special course through Real School Health. Click here to find out the inside scoop.

You see I believe when we are healthy, happy and fit, we feel more lovable because we feel good about our self. It’s that simple. And when you buy, know this. You are making a difference not only in your well-being but in the lives of others too! Fifty percent from the profits of the sales will go feeding the hungry and rescuing children from human trafficking through one of my favorite charities, Children’s Hunger Fund.

I hope you’ll join the party. If you decide it’s not time to punch your dance card, know you are still most lovable.

Now, over to you! Share with us, what makes you feel lovable? Or what you do find lovable in others?

Entrepreneurship that Inspires you to Get up and Dance

Entrepreneurship that Inspires you to Get up and Dance

Do you ever have one of those “high five, dance your jive” days? You know the kind where you set your mind to do something and it comes to you so smoothly, so effortlessly that you must simply smile and breathe it all in? Well, recently I did.

This particular day I set out to find an inspirational video to use in an entrepreneurial case study. I needed good fodder for lively interaction. Somehow this video sashayed its way into my creative vortex. Needless to say I was stoked!

Watching it took me on an adventure of every conceivably good emotion. I watched it numerous times. I simply could not get enough of it. At every angle, I found myself welling up with joy, inspiration and celebration.

This entrepreneurship inspiration video needs to be shared and discussed with fellow entrepreneurs!

Overwhelmed in a fantastical way, there were challenges this short video continually delivered. Fulfilled entrepreneurs love what they do. They love the people they serve and turn the “impossible” into “I’m possible”.

An insightful entrepreneur walks in the confidence of their dream and the humility of their lesser talents. And at the end of the day, enlightened entrepreneurs understand that love creates business sustainability and that their own vision makes them a gift to the world.

Please allow me to introduce you to the highly esteemed Tim Harris. He’s living his entrepreneurial dream as the visionary and owner of Tim’s Place. I look forward to meeting Tim and his incredible team in the near future. And when I do, I will forgo a handshake and head directly for a hug.

How about that video? And Tim’s dream come true? I’d love to hear from you.
What characteristics most stood out to you? What can you apply to your own life by following Tim’s example?