Tag Archives: Dr. Paige Hunter

The Truth about Entrepreneurs and Real Profits

“A business that makes nothing but money is a poor business.” ~Henry Ford

The words of Henry Ford share a profound lesson. Words I’ve taken to heart,  As an entrepreneur it resonates. Yes! THAT!

Don’t misunderstand. I don’t find a large bankroll offensive. Profits can pay the bills or take on philanthropic roles. But I’m going for lofty! I want to change the way we look at “profits.”

Most of us understand profits to be a margin of earnings or monetary surplus after the cost of raw materials, wages, rent and the like are covered. This friends, is the norm and while it’s a good thing, it can get better.

Here are a few examples of how we can expand the idea of profits.

Profits can make immediate impact of the lives of communities.

Blake Mycoskie founder of TOMS, set up an incredible company where profits are made and shared. It’s a simple yet powerful business model that addresses the needs of others. It began with shoes, then eyewear, now it’s launched into coffee.

Children and communities benefit from TOMS’ real profits worldwide. Consumers profit as well. They buy a product with a purpose and are giving at the same time. It’s a win-win.

Buy a pair of shoes, give a pair. Buy a pair of glasses, give vision. Buy a bag of coffee, provide clean drinking water for a week for one person. Make a purchase, make a difference. It’s cool. I’m buying my next pair of shoes at TOMS.

Profits provide long-term welfare benefits locally and globally.

Who’d a thunk it? Florence Nightingale, nurse and real profit creator?!

The internal philosophy she held in her heart brought forth more than the titled pioneer of modern nursing. It brought out a vision to build a school and elevate the medical field.

An entire movement followed. Today’s patients and hospitals around the world have benefitted from Ms. Nightingale’s efforts. Like many entrepreneurs, her passion was first and foremost to serve others.

She saw a problem. She offered a solution.

The Queen of England rewarded Nightingale’s wartime work by presenting her with an engraved brooch and a prize of $250,000 from the British government.

Driven by a mission, Ms. Nightingale used the money to fund the establishment of St. Thomas’ Hospital, and within it, the Nightingale Training School for Nurses.

Admirable? Yes! And the profits of her labor continue even today.

I’m a fan of entrepreneurs that raise up a movement to make a difference. This is what real profits generate. Improved lives.

Today, I’m encouraged to see how the face of entrepreneurship continues to morph. Many of today’s entrepreneurs want more than money, they want social capital flowing in their communities and their own lives.

Real profits strengthen families, and allow entrepreneurs to design and live a life they love. Real profits incudes robust relationships with loved ones.

These entrepreneurs hustling for more than just money often fall into one of these categories: online business services, Home-Based entrepreneurs and then there’s “the Rents” (Momprepeneurs and Poppreneurs). These freedom-seekers choose a road less traveled to profit greatly on a monetary and social capital scale!

Somehow a ripple effect happens. The flexibility in one’s schedule and location can bring deep satisfaction. The ability to be productive yet also tend to one’s personal desires plays a role in “profit sharing” business and a balanced personal life.

Profits like this surpass the mighty dollar. These profits pay out lasting dividends because there’s a win on a personal level that ripples to the small communities that ripples into larger communities. Less stress, more options= greater profits.

The truth about entrepreneurs and real profits is quite simple. Money is made to carry out missions.

These missions can be geared specifically to one’s immediate or at large family. The point is the real profits bring about a positive impact.

Talk to me. On some level you are participating in “real profit” creation as either consumer or an entrepreneur. How are you doing this? How does it make you feel? Drop me your thoughts in the comment box below. I look forward to reading you!

3 Motivating Reasons to Get Your Detox On

Detoxification (detox) has become a hot topic. Even if you are a quasi-health-seeker, I’m sure you’ve stumbled across musings about cleansing and alkalizing the body.

Detox promotes wellness by ridding the body of poisons that can lead to a myriad of health problems ranging from fatigue and depression to cancer, autoimmune issues and diabetes. More so now, then ever, detox is gaining further nods of approval coming from the mainstream. Let me explain.

Perhaps you’ve interacted with someone who’s shared about their journey to vibrant health? It may go something like this. They highlight how choosing detox helped remove excess mucus, yeasts, parasites, fats, food allergies, chemicals, metals, and even thoughts or emotions.Their stories of before and after lead up to gradual improvements, breakthrough or complete transformation. They smile and inspire.

Oddly, many of us who stumble upon such detox stories aren’t in the “looking zone.” We don’t feel a need for it. We don’t feel sick or haven’t heard enough about it to motivate us into action. I want to plant a seed. You’ve heard it. Expect the best, but prepare for the worst. Detox matters and it should not be fear-based. Rather it should be based in wholeness and happiness.

And then, there’s a rising interest in detox due to the encroaching and intensifying cold and flu season.  Perhaps it’s health scares like the Ebola outbreak, or campaigns such as breast cancer awareness month that are popularizing the topic.

Maybe all the buzz is fueled by frustrated patients whose medical and pharmaceutical treatments lack effectiveness. Whatever the reason, I’m grateful that the attention around detoxifying the body is climbing.

3 reasons to detox with Dr Paige Hunter wellness coach

My desire is to see everyone catch the vision of detox. Our incredible bodies deserve prevention, house cleaning, maintenance and vitality.

Like many, I too have a personal story around detox. Being slapped with autoimmune diagnoses wasn’t in my plans. Learning how to detox my body has brought me tremendous hope. It’s a hope I’m not willing to keep quietly to myself.

I’m grateful to have learned about detox and even more grateful to teach it. It’s been revolutionary for me and to those I serve.

I hope this information will plant seeds of motivation for a healthier body. Consider loving yourself and those who matter most in your life by taking up seasonal and daily detox practices. Life’s really good when you feel it!

1- Prevention

What if you could help prevent chronic disease? Guess what? You can! In detox, you’ve got a friend. By taking measures now, you can decrease and prevent damage to your health.

Chronic Disease as described by the Centers for Disease Control is the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. It accounts for 70% of all deaths in the U.S. Let’s be the other 30%, shall we?

I’m for helping my body do what it’s already doing naturally but may have become sluggish due to toxins. I want happy kidneys, a happy gut, a happy liver and the like.

Premature Aging, Fuggetaboutit!

And guess what? I’m all for aging, just not in an accelerated fashion. So I’m all in on kicking premature aging to the curb with detox. Are you? One way to do this is to increase absorption of good nutrition.

Let’s take for example an avocado. Ever cut one in half and leave it sitting out for a while? It turns brown due to the oxidation. Now consider making some delicious guacamole. Lime or lemon is squeezed in it and whalah! The vitamin C of that citrus juice increases the “longevity” of the avocado’s greenness provided it’s not too quickly wolfed down with corn chips.

avocados and lemons for detoxification and wellness

The point is when we take preventative measures through detox our body is more capable at absorbing vital nutrition for combating the onset of rapid aging. This friends, is downright excellent.

Balancing out the Body’s Systems

Before learning about detoxing, my hormones, digestive system, and nervous system took an unnecessary pounding throwing off my body’s balance. I can’t promise any overnight success because there’s a process in detox, but what I can tell you is the more I practice it, the better I feel and the more addicted I become to feeling great. I’m a fan of homeostasis! Balanced, internal equilibrium plays a domino effect for positive productivity and simply enjoying life more.

2- House Cleaning & Maintenance

Oh, we take time to clean our homes or cars. Why not take time to clean our bodies? The same ideals apply. The gutters on our home may get filled up with leaves, our chimney needs sweeping, the trash needs to be taken out or recycled. It’s what we do to keep things running smoothly at home. Then we change the oil on our cars, add more windshield fluid for clear vision and change out spark plugs and filters. It’s what we do.

Here’s the begging question, are we keeping our physical home clean? Are we making sure we can transport ourselves around successfully in our old age by proper maintenance?

Being a horse lover, I’ve often seen fellow horse owners spend more money taking care of their horse’s health than their own. Friends, it’s time. It’s time to take care of the one who pays the mortgage or rent. It’s time to take care of the one who pays for the vehicle or upkeep on the animals. You matter!

So get your detox on! Remove toxins. Take care of your physical body, whatever year model you are, you are spectacular! Take out the trash regarding emotional garbage or mental stress. You deserve to live lighter and healthier.

3- Exemplify vitality

Become a big chief by embracing detox. What I mean by this is set the example. Be the C.E.O. (Chief Example Officer). Sometimes the key evidence will be folks slimming down as they release toxins.

Other times detox will take on a whole ‘nother level of increased energy. You see, after detoxing many claim to sleep more deeply and who can complain about quality beauty rest? It’s cool to see how one can move from 3-toed sloth to Looney Tunes Road Runner. Beep, Beep!

Then, there’s “the detox glow.” You’ve seen it on Susie Sunshine, the exemplary fitness warrior, green juice-toting gal. She’s not even wearing makeup and epitomizes beauty. And, she’s not 21 either. She’s 56. It’s the real deal. You’ve overheard the rumors. She’s a detoxer. Perhaps it’s time to mount that horse and ride off into the healthy sunset.

Now is the time to get your detox on. Don’t wait. Start today. If you want some baby-steps, I’ve got a humorous guide for you. You can download it here for free: www.paigehunter.com/free-resources/

And for those of you wanting to go deeper, I’ve got a program for you launching in the next couple of weeks. Get on the list at www.getyourdetoxon.com. You’ll be informed on the dates of the next online course, cost and other importing information.

I want you healthy, happy and wondrous. Year-round. Understanding the WHY is just as important as the HOW when it comes to detox. By outlining three motivating reasons to get your detox on, my hope is to see you embrace the how.

In the comments below, let me know your thoughts. Ever done a detox before? Revelations? Or are you up for a detox now? Tell me about it.

Make Quinoa your Gluten Free BFF

Ever wish the Iron Chef would waltz right into your kitchen and whip something up especially for you? Or have you found yourself simply trying to invent something tasty to serve? Or something healthy? Or better yet, a dinner that offers up both options?


Perhaps a tall order combo of “fast, tasty, healthy and easy” would be just what you’re hankering for?

Then Quinoa swaggers into your kitchen arena like a boxing champ!


Quick prep?                    Check!

Easy to prepare?          Check!

Tastiness?                      Check!

Healthy for you?          Check!


Oh, by the way, KEY-no-ah is the wrong way to pronounce it! I learned the wrong way in my twenties. Sorry. So you can remember it correctly, say it like this, \KEEN-wah\. (To never forget how to say it, motion with a karate blocking move and repeat, \KEEN-wah\. Wink.)


When health seekers ask me to provide them with some Quinoa recipes, I usually tell them try it with anything or everything you think would be delicious. I love suggesting Quinoa because it’s filling, and well, it’s really become “en vogue.” Somehow it picked up more steam with the Gluten Free movement and I’m getting excited to find it in restaurants from time to time.


Besides delicious, quinoa is nutritious and can be prepared with flair. My favorite kind to suggest is a tri-color prewashed medley. It removes an extra food prep step for those living a fast-paced life and boasts more color.


In case you wonder about its origins, it hails from South America. It grows on a tall colorful Amaranth plant and produces millions of seeds as its fruit.

Gluten Free Quinoa tips from Dr. Paige Hunter


Often Quinoa is mistaken for the Middle East’s Couscous produced from semolina wheat. The look similar and both taste yummy, but couscous does contain gluten. For many eaters choosing to follow a gluten free lifestyle, quinoa is the winner.


What does it taste like?

Quinoa has a nice rich and nutty flavor. These little seeds are nutrient dense also giving it the revered “superfood” status. It’s super to me because it’s easy to fix in so many different ways. I personally like it with wild-caught salmon and spinach or mixed in with some steamed veggies or in a salad. It’s just a healthy yet yummy carbohydrate.

If you want the skinny on Quinoa, this is for you:

  • It’s high in fiber and protein.
  • Has anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant elements.
  • It’s serves as a great substitute for rice and pasta.

Quinoa is gluten free

You don’t need fancy recipes to follow, simply try it out in all sorts of dishes until you find your favorites. Make it an adventure and please, do yourself (and me) a favor, call it what you like. For now, I’m feeling like the Queen of my kitchen so it’s current nickname is “Queen-wah”.

In the comments below, share your thoughts with me.

If you haven’t yet tried quinoa, give it a chance. I think you will be super-pleased with this superfood! And if you have, do you have a favorite way you like to prepare it? Let me know! Even better, post a picture of it if you have one.

Work, Change & Higher Purpose

Change is good

Today more than ever, boundaries between work and higher purpose are merging. It’s where doing good really is good for business. I’m seeing this globally as well as personally. In this post, I’ll share some personal insights with you.

I’ve been conducting business since 1999. Throughout the years things have transformed, and certain themes remained constant, including health and wellness, making a difference while making money, and global living. Currently I’m shifting into a more refined way I can serve the world through teaching the joys of detox. I promise, it’s truly exciting!

Honesty and humble pie

It’s ownership and vulnerability all rolled into one. It’s humbling. At first I had decided I wouldn’t publicly address it- at all!

You see, I became “that” person in the health field who found herself wading through a healing crisis. Life can be such a teacher!

I’ve studied detoxification since my early twenties! In fact, I even wrote a short, light-hearted book about detox that many say has been helpful. Click here to download your free eBook.

I *know* how to stay healthy, yet somehow (I’ll spare you the details) the perfect storm hit taking me to my knees. I’ve learned that when we fall on our knees we’re in a prime position to look up and not give up. I prayed for perseverance.

Instead of feeling sorry for myself like I did some 15 years ago because doctors couldn’t agree on what autoimmune diseases I should be labeled with, I decided took the bull by the horns. Yes, I decided to ride it out in all it’s glory.

Something was different this time around. No self-pity. I have shifted so much that I can actually share this challenge with you freely. Deep down I know I am whole and I can walk through the fire. It’s the same way I deeply know I’m here to also help others walk through their fires.

We Aren’t Alone

We aren’t abandoned. We have magnificent tools to heal.

As the wellness entrepreneur who enjoyed incredible health and then all of a sudden was pounded with a tidal wave, I’ve learned that I’ve acquired skills. I rejoice in knowing how to overcome. “Knowing how” and “guiding myself and others” is a gift to the world.

One of my clients recently emailed me. She said her latest blood work was the best it’s ever been. Even her family was surprised with how well she was doing. This email brought immense satisfaction. It arrived on one of my darkest physical days and yet on my brightest day as a wellness entrepreneur. It was confirmation that I’m in the right work.

 Let’s shake up the fruit basket, shall we?

As an entrepreneur, I want lasting positive change. Often we want business and personal growth to show up as rainbows, unicorns and puppies. However an undesirable “shake up” can serve the world and ourselves the best. We can learn to trust the process, adapt and triumph.

Today, I can say I’m not exactly ready for an Ironman competition, but I am training for some long horse rides in South Dakota this September. This past weekend I rode in the mountains of Mexico three hours and later hiked up to a breath-taking view. It was worth having a sore butt and legs. Scouts honor.

Higher Purpose: Ain't no mountain high enough
Higher Purpose: Ain’t no mountain high enough

As I rode up the mountain, the pine trees reminded me that the Creator of the Universe loves me and nothing called Hashimoto’s or Addison’s disease will keep me down. Ever.

I know for certain, that if for some reason we aren’t instantaneously or supernaturally healed completely- We. Shall. Recover. And this my friends, is the hope and beauty of life.

Alert! I’ll be teaching more about detoxing, food and nutrition because it’s creating the biggest impact in those I serve. In our fast-paced world, there’s a place for taking care of our self whether we’re currently recovering or desire to stay well. Part of my mission is to help you live with more freedom and less toxins.

 Get your groove on

I’ve had an “old school” theme song playing through my mind this year. I believe it’s time to unleash it so we can get our groove on! While it’s meant to be a love song, may it motivate you to reach for better health, happiness, finances, relationships and more. Because when we’re truly intentional, “there ain’t no mountain high enough”.

Share with me in the comments below: do you have a theme song you’ve been jamming out to? Please post it! Or, tell me. Are you ready to clean up your body more with some friendly detoxing? I’d love to hear from you.

How to Stay Hydrated

Tips for Hydration and How to Make “Homemade Gatorade”

It’s summer time! Even if you don’t live in the desert, the climate is warmer than usual. I’m also guessing if we’re anything alike, you’re spending more time being active outdoors.

Those who personally know me, know the mantra. “Drink plenty of clean water.” Try as I may, it’s I can’t resist. I love people, and seeing them healthy and happy. Really, how can we forgo the benefits of drinking water and staying hydrated?

First hand I know the benefits of staying hydrated because growing up, I was the kid with kidney and bladder problems. I would never, ever, ever want anyone to endure that or sickness of any kind.

Do yourself a favor, learn how to stay hydrated. Let me explain why water and coconut water should be your BFFs during the hottest season.

Hydration matters

You, magnificent animal you! You consist from anywhere to 50-75% of water. This makes you down right amazing AND needy. Every cell, tissue, joint and organ needs water for your body to perform. You’ve got to have water to run the plumbing, take out the trash, control the thermostat, and lube the joints. You simply need it to run like fine-oiled machine, but with water instead. 😉

Signs of dehydration

Dehydration can take on various symptoms. Here’s a few you want to be on the lookout for:


Fuzzy brain or lightheadedness


Dark/stinky or little urine


Sore or cramping muscles

The obvious- dry “cotton” mouth

So how do we get dehydrated?

Big offenders to dehydration are heavy workouts or simply not drinking enough healthy liquids. Warmer weather and too much sun are apparent contributors as well. We need to be most diligent and replace rapid water loss when we’ve fallen ill. Fevers, vomiting and diarrhea can be sneaky, because times like this we aren’t usually at full attention.

How much water we need to stay hydrated

There’s no hard science detailing specifics because every individual body is different with varying needs. However, there’s a collective yardstick we can all use that goes a little deeper than “drink 8 glasses of water” a day. Health experts go a little deeper in what our bodies need and I think this handy dandy chart will serve you well.

how to stay hydrated

Consider your lifestyle. Are you sweating to the Oldies with Richard Simmons? Then by all means, hydrate. Perhaps, you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, then drink more water. (Even if you are man, you can drink more water.) 😉 Do you live in Antarctica or Arizona? Just use your wisdom.

When people who tell me they hate water or coconut water, I tell them, “Cry yourself a river, build a bridge, and get over it!” Okay, not really, but I could. The truth is, hydration is vital. Kindly, spruce things up by adding citrus or even berries to your water. Also, you can hydrate with variety by consuming natural, no sugar added juices from fruits and veggies, and herbal teas.

I don’t mean to sound like the beverage cop, but you’ll stay better hydrated avoiding caffeinated drinks. You’ll also find water in the food you eat from soups, salads, fruits and veggies. Some of the best advice we can take in reference to hydration is to immediately bathe our cells upon waking with a glass of water followed by a cup warm lemon water. Drink between your meals and enjoy a little coconut water for a nightcap. I call this Happy Hour. It’s my four ounces of pure love!

Should you skip traditional sports drinks and make your own instead?

But of course! Short and simple, I’m not aware of any healthy commercial sports drinks on the market. Most have high fructose corn syrup, artificial sugars, food dyes, and high levels of sodium. These chemical cocktails are counterintuitive for those who diligently work out or want to stay hydrated.

Here’s to healthier choices! Enjoy some coconut water or “Homemade Gatorade”. I’m a huge fan of coconut water. And if you aren’t living at the beach drinking it straight from the fruit, here’s the next best option. Look for labels that say “no sugar added,” “not from concentrate,” and “non-GMO”. Pour, drink, say “ahhhh.”

Here’s your all natural “Homemade Gatorade” recipe:

40 ounces of water

½ teaspoon of sea salt

1 full lemon or lime

Add 6 fresh oranges or 8 more lemons or lime (your choice)

Raw honey or Stevia to taste

Try this recipe or give coconut water a chance if you haven’t already. Let me know what you’re doing to stay hydrated, healthy and happy! Psst…and by the way, tell me, are you drinking enough water? 😉