Tag Archives: Detox

It’s Time You Get a Massage!

When was the last time you actually slowed down enough to detox from overwhelm or simply relax? If you lead a busy life, have a health condition or have trouble winding down, it’s time you get a massage!

When it comes to well-being and health, massage therapy is a favorite. Sure it can be relaxing, but it also aids the body’s often taxed detoxification process. Being the loving person you are, why not support your body?

All legit reasons to set an appointment soon NOW.

Did you know there are over 200 modalities of massage therapy? Don’t let this overwhelm you, I’ll offer highlights on four styles, and you choose one.

Lymphatic Drainage

A gentle yet powerful therapy for aiding the lymphatic system is Lymphatic Drainage. Some folks say this isn’t really a “massage” at all because with lymphatic drainage a variety of nuerolymphatic reflex points are repeatedly pumped and gently kneaded to clear toxins and other unwanted substances from the body while increasing the flow of the lymph. It definitely doesn’t fit the bill of what we normally believe to be a massage, yet it serves a very important place.

Excuse me while I nerd out a bit. You see our lymphatic system is one of the main elimination systems that plays an integral part in the body’s detox process. It carries valuable hormones, proteins, and fat to the cells while eliminating all sorts of toxins from emotional residue, electromagnetic pollution, chemicals and stagnant flow. The lymphatic system carries responsibility for absorbing nutrients and regulating the waste disposal system in our body. Therefore a therapy supporting this incredible process is indeed a winner!


Swedish massage is the most popular in the Western Hemisphere. The Swedish technique is meant to enhance our immune system and strengthen the muscles and connective tissue. If our muscles are relaxed, then our body is far more likely to detoxify, cleanse and feel rejuvenated.

The Swedish modality can simultaneously increase oxygen levels, while helping with relaxation. It logically reduces stress on our organs– including the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. Therefore encouraging better body performance.



Traditional Chinese massage can be likened to a detox massage. It’s closely related to acupuncture which focuses on channels or energy points intended to effectively transport and guide blood and energy throughout the body. The aim of the Chinese modality is to achieve balance to protect our bodies against different types of infection and maintain the optimum function of all organs.

When the channels are partially obstructed or blocked, we experience pain and are prone to health problems. In Chinese massage, the intention is to identify which pathways are impeded or blocked and require pressure to reintroduce flow back to our body and its systems. Often reflexology is included in the repertoire. The style is definitely therapeutic in nature and for some, the pressure is extremely firm.


Thai massage works our entire body. It’s a more invigorating than most as the therapist deliberately manipulates the body, moving it into yoga-like stretches. A Thai massage therapist uses every part of his or her body—hands, knees, legs, and feet—to not only stretch you but also apply pressure on your muscles and loosen your joints. Some even get walked on!

New to massage?

If you are new to massage or it has been a long time, begin with Lymphatic Drainage or Swedish. In the hands of a professional great strides toward wellness can happen. If you’re not clear where to go, ask among friends for referrals. Find out who they go to and what kind of massage it is. Also, you may find online reviews. Although I know some of us secretly wonder if only two positive reviews exist, they must be written by the  therapist’s mother and best friend. If this is you, you really do NEED a massage. (Wink, wink.) And of course, if in doubt, get a referral from a friend or someone you respect.

Know there can be some shady, unlicensed practitioners. If I am reading my audience correctly, you want a bonafide massage therapist, not a masseuse. Below is a picture of a sign I came across in search of a great massage. While it made me chuckle, I also cringed knowing that this profession isn’t always respected as it should be. Therapeutic massage is serious business, not monkey business. Meanwhile, laugh, love and live– and don’t forget to book yourself a massage for optimal health!


Chime In!

Will you take the challenge and book a massage? OR Have you already benefited from taking the challenge? If so, what is your favorite kind? Share in the comments below.

Want to read a little more on the subject? Here are some resources that I used in writing this article.

Miracle Touch: A Complete Guide to Hands-On Therapies That Have the Amazing Ability to Heal. (2003). Debra Fulghum Bruce. Three Rivers Press. New York.

Energy Medicine: Balancing Your Body’s Energies for Optimal Health, Joy and Vitality. (2008) Donna Eden. Penguin Group. New York.

Want to go for some more healing therapies? Take a peek at Earthing!

Are you Grounded, Earthling? Learn what Earthing may do for you.

Hello Earthling, are you grounded? I’m sharing some information that includes a big clue into the “secret” of Earthing, an instigator of happiness and health.

On almost any given day you’ll find me laying in the grass or enjoying a barefoot walk unless the weather doesn’t permit it. What I’ve discovered is that throughout the years I’ve intuitively been practicing something called Earthing or Grounding. For years, some have questioned the legitimacy, yet modern science is now tracking some of the benefits.

So what is grounding/earthing?

I’m so glad you asked! Grounding or earthing refers to direct skin contact with the surface of the Earth, through our bare feet or hands, or with various grounding systems. Many subjective reports can be be found in literature and practices of diverse cultures that walking barefoot on the Earth enhances health and provides feelings of well-being. No big secret, hey?

I remember my first brush with grounding. I found it to be both fascinating and helpful. Renown scientist, Dr. Myron Wentz, shared tips of how he overcomes jet lag. “Upon landing, I begin looking for a green patch of grass where I can remove my shoes and walk. This helps my body fall into the circadian rhythms of my new destination.” Sirens went off for me because there was a time in my life ANY information pertaining to sleeping better was high on the radar. And this small piece of information not only helped me overcome jet lag, it helped me to sleep better at night.


My second brush with grounding happened when I was at my Doctor’s office for a yearly check up and blood work. Of all the books on the shelf there was one that seemed to be waving a red flag and calling my name. It was called Earthing: The most important health discovery ever! I thought it presumptuous, yet bold. As I thumbed through it, I gathered some ideas and felt it wise to become the guinea pig. I confess I’ve managed to bring others along in this practice (husband and animals too).


After many years experience, I can confidently say earthing really works. I do feel an overall increase in peacefulness, better sleep, wellness. I suppose being a nature aficionado, I also benefit from the sound therapy of birds chirping and wind chimes, color therapy from different flowers and shades of green, and light therapy/vitamin D from sunshine. So it only makes sense that “Vitamin G”, what Earthing enthusiasts refer to as the grounding vitamin, as important. Oh, and I’m also taking the liberty to add gratitude into the Vitamin G mix.

Grounding/Earthing Benefits

The growing literature is challenging skeptics and gaining momentum in what is a remarkably simple, yet effective way to address the following issues:

  • insomnia
  • chronic pain and inflammation caused by disease or injury
  • autoimmune
  • exhaustion
  • stress/anxiety
  • premature aging
  • detox
  • and depression to name a few.

For the sake of forgoing more expensive medical routes, I’m challenging you to join me if you aren’t already practicing Earthing. Why not benefit from this ancient practice while perhaps simultaneously improving your overall well-being? If you need more validation, I’m throwing you a bone. You can read this.

Having a dear friend with a severe grass allergy, and health coach clients that live in a high rise and live far from a shoreline, I felt it important to research other grounding options besides walking barefoot in the grass or along a shoreline. Recently, I’ve purchased an earthing sheet which I’ll place over my mattress and a pair of earthing sandals on my feet. I’ll be testing them out before I recommend. Perhaps in the future I’ll share these findings with you!

Chime In!

Have you tried Earthing/Grounding? If so, have you noticed a difference? Or will you be joining me for a refreshing barefoot walk in the park?



How Detox Can Become Your New BFF

You + Detox = BFFs

I want to share with you how detox can become your new BFF.  Please humor me while I make a quick connection. You know how nice it feels to take those rare yet very extended baths or showers? The ones where you take time to wash every part of your body? Where you are simply relaxing your body and enjoying the atmosphere and the sheer delight of not having to rush off to do something? Somehow you’re topping off your “feel good” with clean?

Similar to how a long extended bath or shower externally cleans the outside of our bodies, our incredible bodies also craves an internal cleansing. When you think about it, why wouldn’t we clean up our entire body? If we clean our cars with a lube and oil change and our homes with dusting and mopping, detox is simple body maintenance.

A seasonal detox allows our body to relax and renew itself.  It triggers our body to reboot our metabolism, clear cobwebs from possible mind fog, boost immunity, release unwanted weight and allow our skin to radiant better health.

You see, we possess an uncanny ability to be strong as an ox when we properly nourish, maintain and detox our physical home.

We’re such a marvel that our lymphatic system transports toxins and excess fluid while our sweat glands release toxins through our skin. And this, my friend is only scratching the surface of your magnificence!


Ain’t Nobody Got Time for Toxins

Don’t fall prey to the thought that your body detoxifies itself and doesn’t need extra help. Truth is we all need a boost because whether we like it or not, we are exposed to hazardous materials, chemicals and substances on a daily basis.

Are you kicking around the thought of getting your detox on, yet you’re wondering if it will be too hard or simply not worth the effort? I assure you it’s 100% worth the effort because I know YOU are worth it! I’m not going to tell you every thing will be easy peasy. However, I wholeheartedly believe you’ll feel it’s worth the effort.

We all deserve to be happy and feel fully alive. Remember what that feels like to be energetic and joyful? Be confident that taking on a detox is so worth it because of the way it can help you shift and feel great not only in your health but your mindset. It would be my honor to walk with you by supporting you with questions that may arise, and challenges you may need to overcome. I’ll be like a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader rooting you on minus the poms poms, short shorts and well, perhaps that wasn’t the metaphor you needed. But I will definitely be cheering for you every step of the way!

Gentle Reassurance

Perhaps you get a bit tentative at the thought of not being able to eat your favorite go-to foods. Or the challenge of giving up coffee, chocolate, or an evening glass of wine or beer causes some reluctance.

Let me assure you I’m not cruel. In fact, I believe life is to be enjoyed. I’m not about to have you consume juices and smoothies all day, every day. Nope, not my style. 🙂

Maybe you’re wondering if you’ll feel deprived or hungry like a hyena. No worries, my friend. This is the way I see it– life is meant to be an adventure that’s full of choices. You hold the reins. You choose what detox is right for you.

By the way, it’s perfectly normal to wonder about what you may be giving up. In fact, it’s what kept me from moving forward in my own health. For too long I focused on what I would be giving up rather than what I would gain. Then “shift happened”. I finally reached the point where I was so done feeling crummy and confined. I wanted to enter into the beautiful world again with greater energy.

I saw the light and even lightened up.

As I began to see the benefits of detox, I decided I’d make this practice my new best friend. Now, at least once every 90 days for a week I choose to detox because the results were so remarkable that I wouldn’t want to go back to the way I felt before. You see I was done with the nuisance of calorie and carb counting, not eating any fat, figuring out what diet of the month was best for me and well– ad nausea. I’m sure you understand why detox became so near and dear to me by helping me avoid what I’d no longer tolerate. Because honestly, the thought of doing that for the rest of my life sounded too stinkin’ exhausting!

Chime in.

Are you ready for keeping it simple and for eating nourishing, wholesome foods? Have you ever benefited from detoxing before? If so, tell us in the comments below.

Thinking you may be ready to take the plunge? If so, Yippeeeee! I have everything you’ll need: recipes, a step-by-step guide, recipes, even a shopping list and meal planner, to help you feel your oats. I will be rooting you on via email support so you can go after your health goals.

 Want more information? Click here to learn about my FREE Webinar. Let me help you change your life forever.

To your extraordinary life! xo

3 Motivating Reasons to Get Your Detox On

Detoxification (detox) has become a hot topic. Even if you are a quasi-health-seeker, I’m sure you’ve stumbled across musings about cleansing and alkalizing the body.

Detox promotes wellness by ridding the body of poisons that can lead to a myriad of health problems ranging from fatigue and depression to cancer, autoimmune issues and diabetes. More so now, then ever, detox is gaining further nods of approval coming from the mainstream. Let me explain.

Perhaps you’ve interacted with someone who’s shared about their journey to vibrant health? It may go something like this. They highlight how choosing detox helped remove excess mucus, yeasts, parasites, fats, food allergies, chemicals, metals, and even thoughts or emotions.Their stories of before and after lead up to gradual improvements, breakthrough or complete transformation. They smile and inspire.

Oddly, many of us who stumble upon such detox stories aren’t in the “looking zone.” We don’t feel a need for it. We don’t feel sick or haven’t heard enough about it to motivate us into action. I want to plant a seed. You’ve heard it. Expect the best, but prepare for the worst. Detox matters and it should not be fear-based. Rather it should be based in wholeness and happiness.

And then, there’s a rising interest in detox due to the encroaching and intensifying cold and flu season.  Perhaps it’s health scares like the Ebola outbreak, or campaigns such as breast cancer awareness month that are popularizing the topic.

Maybe all the buzz is fueled by frustrated patients whose medical and pharmaceutical treatments lack effectiveness. Whatever the reason, I’m grateful that the attention around detoxifying the body is climbing.

3 reasons to detox with Dr Paige Hunter wellness coach

My desire is to see everyone catch the vision of detox. Our incredible bodies deserve prevention, house cleaning, maintenance and vitality.

Like many, I too have a personal story around detox. Being slapped with autoimmune diagnoses wasn’t in my plans. Learning how to detox my body has brought me tremendous hope. It’s a hope I’m not willing to keep quietly to myself.

I’m grateful to have learned about detox and even more grateful to teach it. It’s been revolutionary for me and to those I serve.

I hope this information will plant seeds of motivation for a healthier body. Consider loving yourself and those who matter most in your life by taking up seasonal and daily detox practices. Life’s really good when you feel it!

1- Prevention

What if you could help prevent chronic disease? Guess what? You can! In detox, you’ve got a friend. By taking measures now, you can decrease and prevent damage to your health.

Chronic Disease as described by the Centers for Disease Control is the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. It accounts for 70% of all deaths in the U.S. Let’s be the other 30%, shall we?

I’m for helping my body do what it’s already doing naturally but may have become sluggish due to toxins. I want happy kidneys, a happy gut, a happy liver and the like.

Premature Aging, Fuggetaboutit!

And guess what? I’m all for aging, just not in an accelerated fashion. So I’m all in on kicking premature aging to the curb with detox. Are you? One way to do this is to increase absorption of good nutrition.

Let’s take for example an avocado. Ever cut one in half and leave it sitting out for a while? It turns brown due to the oxidation. Now consider making some delicious guacamole. Lime or lemon is squeezed in it and whalah! The vitamin C of that citrus juice increases the “longevity” of the avocado’s greenness provided it’s not too quickly wolfed down with corn chips.

avocados and lemons for detoxification and wellness

The point is when we take preventative measures through detox our body is more capable at absorbing vital nutrition for combating the onset of rapid aging. This friends, is downright excellent.

Balancing out the Body’s Systems

Before learning about detoxing, my hormones, digestive system, and nervous system took an unnecessary pounding throwing off my body’s balance. I can’t promise any overnight success because there’s a process in detox, but what I can tell you is the more I practice it, the better I feel and the more addicted I become to feeling great. I’m a fan of homeostasis! Balanced, internal equilibrium plays a domino effect for positive productivity and simply enjoying life more.

2- House Cleaning & Maintenance

Oh, we take time to clean our homes or cars. Why not take time to clean our bodies? The same ideals apply. The gutters on our home may get filled up with leaves, our chimney needs sweeping, the trash needs to be taken out or recycled. It’s what we do to keep things running smoothly at home. Then we change the oil on our cars, add more windshield fluid for clear vision and change out spark plugs and filters. It’s what we do.

Here’s the begging question, are we keeping our physical home clean? Are we making sure we can transport ourselves around successfully in our old age by proper maintenance?

Being a horse lover, I’ve often seen fellow horse owners spend more money taking care of their horse’s health than their own. Friends, it’s time. It’s time to take care of the one who pays the mortgage or rent. It’s time to take care of the one who pays for the vehicle or upkeep on the animals. You matter!

So get your detox on! Remove toxins. Take care of your physical body, whatever year model you are, you are spectacular! Take out the trash regarding emotional garbage or mental stress. You deserve to live lighter and healthier.

3- Exemplify vitality

Become a big chief by embracing detox. What I mean by this is set the example. Be the C.E.O. (Chief Example Officer). Sometimes the key evidence will be folks slimming down as they release toxins.

Other times detox will take on a whole ‘nother level of increased energy. You see, after detoxing many claim to sleep more deeply and who can complain about quality beauty rest? It’s cool to see how one can move from 3-toed sloth to Looney Tunes Road Runner. Beep, Beep!

Then, there’s “the detox glow.” You’ve seen it on Susie Sunshine, the exemplary fitness warrior, green juice-toting gal. She’s not even wearing makeup and epitomizes beauty. And, she’s not 21 either. She’s 56. It’s the real deal. You’ve overheard the rumors. She’s a detoxer. Perhaps it’s time to mount that horse and ride off into the healthy sunset.

Now is the time to get your detox on. Don’t wait. Start today. If you want some baby-steps, I’ve got a humorous guide for you. You can download it here for free: www.paigehunter.com/free-resources/

And for those of you wanting to go deeper, I’ve got a program for you launching in the next couple of weeks. Get on the list at www.getyourdetoxon.com. You’ll be informed on the dates of the next online course, cost and other importing information.

I want you healthy, happy and wondrous. Year-round. Understanding the WHY is just as important as the HOW when it comes to detox. By outlining three motivating reasons to get your detox on, my hope is to see you embrace the how.

In the comments below, let me know your thoughts. Ever done a detox before? Revelations? Or are you up for a detox now? Tell me about it.

Make Quinoa your Gluten Free BFF

Ever wish the Iron Chef would waltz right into your kitchen and whip something up especially for you? Or have you found yourself simply trying to invent something tasty to serve? Or something healthy? Or better yet, a dinner that offers up both options?


Perhaps a tall order combo of “fast, tasty, healthy and easy” would be just what you’re hankering for?

Then Quinoa swaggers into your kitchen arena like a boxing champ!


Quick prep?                    Check!

Easy to prepare?          Check!

Tastiness?                      Check!

Healthy for you?          Check!


Oh, by the way, KEY-no-ah is the wrong way to pronounce it! I learned the wrong way in my twenties. Sorry. So you can remember it correctly, say it like this, \KEEN-wah\. (To never forget how to say it, motion with a karate blocking move and repeat, \KEEN-wah\. Wink.)


When health seekers ask me to provide them with some Quinoa recipes, I usually tell them try it with anything or everything you think would be delicious. I love suggesting Quinoa because it’s filling, and well, it’s really become “en vogue.” Somehow it picked up more steam with the Gluten Free movement and I’m getting excited to find it in restaurants from time to time.


Besides delicious, quinoa is nutritious and can be prepared with flair. My favorite kind to suggest is a tri-color prewashed medley. It removes an extra food prep step for those living a fast-paced life and boasts more color.


In case you wonder about its origins, it hails from South America. It grows on a tall colorful Amaranth plant and produces millions of seeds as its fruit.

Gluten Free Quinoa tips from Dr. Paige Hunter


Often Quinoa is mistaken for the Middle East’s Couscous produced from semolina wheat. The look similar and both taste yummy, but couscous does contain gluten. For many eaters choosing to follow a gluten free lifestyle, quinoa is the winner.


What does it taste like?

Quinoa has a nice rich and nutty flavor. These little seeds are nutrient dense also giving it the revered “superfood” status. It’s super to me because it’s easy to fix in so many different ways. I personally like it with wild-caught salmon and spinach or mixed in with some steamed veggies or in a salad. It’s just a healthy yet yummy carbohydrate.

If you want the skinny on Quinoa, this is for you:

  • It’s high in fiber and protein.
  • Has anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant elements.
  • It’s serves as a great substitute for rice and pasta.

Quinoa is gluten free

You don’t need fancy recipes to follow, simply try it out in all sorts of dishes until you find your favorites. Make it an adventure and please, do yourself (and me) a favor, call it what you like. For now, I’m feeling like the Queen of my kitchen so it’s current nickname is “Queen-wah”.

In the comments below, share your thoughts with me.

If you haven’t yet tried quinoa, give it a chance. I think you will be super-pleased with this superfood! And if you have, do you have a favorite way you like to prepare it? Let me know! Even better, post a picture of it if you have one.