Category Archives: Health

Are you Grounded, Earthling? Learn what Earthing may do for you.

Hello Earthling, are you grounded? I’m sharing some information that includes a big clue into the “secret” of Earthing, an instigator of happiness and health.

On almost any given day you’ll find me laying in the grass or enjoying a barefoot walk unless the weather doesn’t permit it. What I’ve discovered is that throughout the years I’ve intuitively been practicing something called Earthing or Grounding. For years, some have questioned the legitimacy, yet modern science is now tracking some of the benefits.

So what is grounding/earthing?

I’m so glad you asked! Grounding or earthing refers to direct skin contact with the surface of the Earth, through our bare feet or hands, or with various grounding systems. Many subjective reports can be be found in literature and practices of diverse cultures that walking barefoot on the Earth enhances health and provides feelings of well-being. No big secret, hey?

I remember my first brush with grounding. I found it to be both fascinating and helpful. Renown scientist, Dr. Myron Wentz, shared tips of how he overcomes jet lag. “Upon landing, I begin looking for a green patch of grass where I can remove my shoes and walk. This helps my body fall into the circadian rhythms of my new destination.” Sirens went off for me because there was a time in my life ANY information pertaining to sleeping better was high on the radar. And this small piece of information not only helped me overcome jet lag, it helped me to sleep better at night.


My second brush with grounding happened when I was at my Doctor’s office for a yearly check up and blood work. Of all the books on the shelf there was one that seemed to be waving a red flag and calling my name. It was called Earthing: The most important health discovery ever! I thought it presumptuous, yet bold. As I thumbed through it, I gathered some ideas and felt it wise to become the guinea pig. I confess I’ve managed to bring others along in this practice (husband and animals too).


After many years experience, I can confidently say earthing really works. I do feel an overall increase in peacefulness, better sleep, wellness. I suppose being a nature aficionado, I also benefit from the sound therapy of birds chirping and wind chimes, color therapy from different flowers and shades of green, and light therapy/vitamin D from sunshine. So it only makes sense that “Vitamin G”, what Earthing enthusiasts refer to as the grounding vitamin, as important. Oh, and I’m also taking the liberty to add gratitude into the Vitamin G mix.

Grounding/Earthing Benefits

The growing literature is challenging skeptics and gaining momentum in what is a remarkably simple, yet effective way to address the following issues:

  • insomnia
  • chronic pain and inflammation caused by disease or injury
  • autoimmune
  • exhaustion
  • stress/anxiety
  • premature aging
  • detox
  • and depression to name a few.

For the sake of forgoing more expensive medical routes, I’m challenging you to join me if you aren’t already practicing Earthing. Why not benefit from this ancient practice while perhaps simultaneously improving your overall well-being? If you need more validation, I’m throwing you a bone. You can read this.

Having a dear friend with a severe grass allergy, and health coach clients that live in a high rise and live far from a shoreline, I felt it important to research other grounding options besides walking barefoot in the grass or along a shoreline. Recently, I’ve purchased an earthing sheet which I’ll place over my mattress and a pair of earthing sandals on my feet. I’ll be testing them out before I recommend. Perhaps in the future I’ll share these findings with you!

Chime In!

Have you tried Earthing/Grounding? If so, have you noticed a difference? Or will you be joining me for a refreshing barefoot walk in the park?



Loneliness and Well-being

Who knew an entire discussion around loneliness and well-being can expectantly surface in a coffee shop. However, it did. I was alone inhaling stacks of books while savoring a giant peppermint tea when I noticed an old friend of mine strolling her baby. I waved and caught both of their attention and big smiles. I asked if she would like to join me.

Pleasantries were exchanged, quick surface topics discussed and then the dive into deeper things. I asked how she was doing. “Great! I truly love being a mother.” Having watched her interact with the baby I could tell she really did love being a mom- and a great one at that. As her adorable bundle wiggled, I curiously asked, “What’s been the biggest surprise to you since becoming a mother?”

Big crocodile tears streamed down her cheek. “It’s the loneliness. There are days I feel so disconnected from other humans that I must force myself to get outside. Leaving the house means getting both of us dressed. Oh! I bet you weren’t thinking you’d hear that! I’m sorry it was probably too much.”

I wasn’t surprised. At all. In fact, I thought she was brave.

Loneliness seems to be a growing trend in our world today. In a recent article by Dr. Sanjay Gupta I read that loneliness is an invisible epidemic that affects 60 million Americans.

As a Health Coach and friend I’m not okay that. Are you? I’m for exposing what happens around loneliness, the effects it plays on our well-being and what we can do to prevent it in our lives.

Understanding Loneliness

It can be a temporal feeling. I’ll share a time I experienced loneliness. It’s when I first moved to a country where I didn’t speak the language. I felt isolated.

What I’ve learned, is in time we can find our way and become connected- and yet, there are times, we may face immense loneliness. It may flash as a feeling of being surrounded by thousands of people (in my case, in the middle of Tokyo) while the pangs of loneliness strike until an actual connection happens with another human, one we feel cares and understands us.

Loneliness can be circumstantial. We can experience it when we lose someone dear to us; or perhaps transitioning during a radical change of losing a job. Even though we can be in a room full of happy, engaging people, we’re grieving or missing that connection with whom we’ve shared many positive past experiences. That very feeling of closeness is now a barrier we may be feeling in the current loneliness.

Loneliness can be physical or spiritual. We can be experiencing stress or depression. It may have been brought on by lack of sleep, or a poor diet, poor health or a combination of factors. Whatever the cause of loneliness, we also tend to feel sad.

There are many causes and varying degrees of loneliness. Sadly, it’s not a socially popular theme we discuss. Dr. Richard Schwartz describes it as a “shame” we feel about our loneliness — the sense we have of being a “loser.”  As a result, something that could very well be situational loneliness then becomes chronic; and all because it’s a taboo subject.

Preventing Loneliness by Promoting Well-being

I find it important to state that feeling lonely and suffering from loneliness are not one in the same. In fact, feeling lonely from time to time can be healthy. Think about the philosophy of “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” However, it’s loneliness is where we want to draw the line.

In March of 2015, Brigham Young University research addressed that the health risk associated with loneliness or social isolation is “comparable to well-established risk factors” such as obesity, substance abuse, injury and violence, and environmental quality. The study suggests that the mounting evidence add social isolation and loneliness to lists of public health concerns.

As a health coach, friend, and one who overcame a season of loneliness, I’m offering three concise recommendations that can help you or a loved one leave loneliness behind and increase well-being.While there’s not a catch-all remedy for addressing loneliness, I firmly believe interaction with kind people is a healthy place to start.



We all need true connectivity to other humans. We need to feel known and understood. It’s what creates closeness.

Alone time is not loneliness. In fact, alone time is good. For introverts, alone time is great! Often, solitude is the air an introvert breathes. For introverts, extroverts, and those in between, loneliness is downright miserable.

Loneliness expert, Kira Asatrayan shares that, “fulfilling interaction, and satisfying, long-term relationships are not a mystery to be left up to chance or technology.” I propose we become intentional with our communication style and our relationships.

Even if you don’t have an issue with loneliness, it’s wise to practice prevention. We can all benefit by investigating what activities we’d most enjoy together with our favorite humans. Discovering what works, I’m sure it will help develop a stronger connection.


As an animal lover it may seem biased that I bring up pets. I assure you that there is a plenty of research confirming the positive link between “pets and loneliness”.

If you or someone you know struggles with loneliness a pooch rescue from the pound can become a tremendous benefit. I cannot think of a better way to make my point than Eric and Peety the dog’s story.

Eric shares how his Nutritionist advised him to adopt a shelter dog because it would force him to go outside and to become more socially interactive. Within a year the duo formed an inseparable bond while Eric lost over 140 pounds, Peety lost 22 pounds. Eric’s health improved so much that he longer needed any of his medicines and he reversed Type 2 Diabetes.

Eric claims the experience with Peety transformed his life. Stories like this remind us that animals provide companionship and total acceptance. I love how Eric explains that Peety “brought me out of my shell and made me a better person.” Friends, this is why we all need to have a pet– especially when overcoming loneliness.

In case you’d like to watch the inspirational story, here it is.

Proactively engage with purpose

Engaging with others who hold a common purpose with you can be a real game changer. Finding an intimate or large group where authentic connections may happen can alter our feelings of loneliness into a place of belonging.

Understand that I’m not against technology and yet I’m encouraging face-to-face engagement whenever possible. Perhaps an interest group is found through the Internet or on website like that matches nearby people with particular passions or interests. The point is to proactively engage with others in purpose to grow, contribute or find enjoyment from being a part of something that is worthwhile.

It can be connecting with an outdoor activity club, a local study at a church or synagogue, taking on some cooking classes, whatever it is, there’s something out there for everyone. Sometimes we simply need to take action and create space for developing rich relationships based on common interests.

Chime in!

Any thoughts around loneliness and well-being? If something in the article resonated with you, share it. I’d love hearing from you.




Crack the Whip on Spring Fever

It’s that time a year! Flowers are coming into full bloom. There’s more sunshine, warmer weather, and adorable fuzzy babies. And then, there’s a seasonal illness many of us are likely to catch– Spring Fever! How can you inoculate yourself against less productivity?

Plan with Priorities in Mind

Friend, it’s important to feel alive. Contrary to what most may tell you about planning, I’m diverging from the norm. In the Springtime everything is new again. There’s a renewed hope we carry within, and planning with our priorities in mind is crucial.

Take a quick moment to list what is MOST important to you. On that same list, take a moment to note how much time you actually spend on this priority. Is there a big disconnect? If so, what two decisions can you make to plan with priorities in mind? Just two. It will help you launch forward into the the direction that’s right for you!

As a wellness entrepreneur who works mostly from home, I have a confession to make. Long before Spring was in the air, I knew we were going to have a baby; a four-legged one that is! In years past I regretted not spending more time with other foals as I had wished. So during the Wintertime I decided to make “Slurpie”, our little fuzz ball a priority. I decided to schedule appointments with her, just as I would my own work or a work out.



The second priority I’ve set is training four health coaches to service a hospital whose patients are backing out of serious illness. And guess what? So far, so good! Three have been determined and soon I’ll begin interviewing for a fourth. This particular objective covers many bases for me– the need to contribute, multiple opportunities to help others with their health while empowering others to grow in their business skills. It’s a real win-win and a powerful priority for sure.

I’m sharing my personal choices to demonstrate that two choices can really impact multiple areas of our life. I hope you’ll join me! Obviously all of our priorities differ. It’s planning for them that matters.

Prescription of Play

In my humble opinion, Springtime equals fun. For some reason it always conjures up skipping through fields of wild flowers, playful puppies and pygmy goats, sunglasses, convertibles and delicious smoothies. Ah, the simple pleasures!


Clearly, we don’t need to be told to work harder. Many of us do that already. What we need is permission to play! Seriously, this can help us crack the whip on Spring Fever by getting out and playing for a while. The prescription of “Feel Good” empowers us to be happy, healthy, and balanced.

Take for the example how I actually made spending quality time with Slurpie a priority. This play time requires that I put on courage and trust that I become a better more focused person by allowing myself to enjoy something that brings me overwhelming happiness. It’s true that we’d all rather interact with happy people, isn’t it? Come on! Join the fun.

Ask yourself, “How will I show up by allowing myself to play this Spring?” A better you, yes? And why stop there? Go ahead include all the seasons!

Planting Periods of Productivity

Springtime is also a great time to plant for productivity. Ask yourself, what do you want to create? Better health? A more prolific business? Plan it and plant the seeds. Every single action we choose to take or dismiss produces a harvest. Why now get into production mode when everything is naturally growing and blossoming?


There’s a simple cycle to follow to eradicate Spring Fever. Plan, play and plant. Plan your play and plan what you’re planting for producing the results you desire. My hope is that this Springtime becomes your best yet. May it be the Spring you remember for years to come.

Oh, and just in case you can use some help, I’m here to serve. Just check out my offerings and let me know what best suits your fancy!

Chime In!

Tell us, do you ever battle Spring Fever? According to your priorities, what’s your prescription for play? OR what are you planting for that will produce some fulfilling results?

What’s Your Breakfast of Champions? Shake or smoothie?

In case you’re wondering, that was a trick question. The breakfast of champions can be a shake or a smoothie. And, I’m not going to say these are the only Breakfasts of Champions but for today, we’re discussing these two breakfast choices.

To clarify the difference between the two, a shake requires a covered cup contraption often called a blender bottle that comes with a wire-whisk ball. Add some liquid like water or almond milk and some goodies like powered protein with chia seeds. A smoothie requires some blending usually with some help of an electrical appliance. It usually consists of some fruits or veggies mixed in with some possible protein powders, etc. The shake is an easy on-the-go option while a smoothie requires a little more effort around prep time and clean up.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and sometimes it just doesn’t fit into our schedule the way it should. How we begin the day will determine how the rest of the day goes. It will determine if we feel energized or if we’re dragging with a lack of energy. What we put in our bellies is directly related to how we physically feel. So if you are a skip breakfast and grab the coffee mug morning person then this article is just for you.

We all need and crave energy. I know I do! Sometimes it’s so easy to grab a quick bowl of cereal or even forget breakfast and simply bulldoze through the morning on 1-2 cups of coffee as the kind of nutritional energy we draw from to survive the day. I don’t want us to barely squeak though the day; I want us to thrive throughout our day. I also don’t want you to go on the “crash and crave” roller coaster.

if we begin our mornings with caffeinated coffee and sugar, we crash, and often feel too tired to take on our responsibilities. Sometimes this pattern has us reaching for another cup of coffee to get through a few more hours. On a personal note, I understand the struggle is real. At one point, while studying in Costa Rica my host family owned a coffee plantation– and partake from the fruit I did! Suffice it to say, I understand breaking a 5 cup of day coffee addiction. Now I occasionally enjoy a cup, enjoying life in moderation and my adrenals continue to thank me.


Instead of flirting so much with coffee, I now flirt with shakes, and smoothies.

Remember that shakes are the fastest way to go as you can mix things up in a blender bottle. Often when I’m on the go, another way we can combine some flavorful goodies is to add cinnamon or raw cacao powder. Full day ahead? Add a little extra protein using hemp hearts or flax seed. Going for the “Gold Star” award? Add some powered greens for sustained energy and gentle detox. All off this takes less then 3 minutes. It’s as simple as adding water, shaking things up and whalah! We’re good to go!

Smoothies are another quick alternative to a speedy breakfast. I love how it involves our creativity. Toss in some greens like spinach, a little fruit like berries, and a healthy liquid like coconut water. The small changes can bring about big impact in our cells vitality and the stamina we feel. Starting the day with a smoothie provides our bodies with antioxidants, our secret agent fighting off free radical damage. Besides, it’s a great low glycemic treat that helps us curb sugar cravings for the entire day and avoid a crash.

Next time you want a quick breakfast, try a delicious shake or smoothie. I believe they’ll leave us feeling energized, motivated and ready to dominate the day. These morning breakfast options provide our body with the nutrients it needs to naturally boost the metabolism and increase energy. So, what are you reaching for tomorrow morning? I know I will be pulling out my shaker cup or blender and getting ready for some long lasting energy.

Berry Delicious Protein Smoothie

Try this Yumminess!

8 ounces chilled coconut water

4 ounces water

1 tablespoon coconut oil

1/2 frozen banana

1 Tablespoon nuts (try raw macadamia nuts, almonds or pecans)

2 teaspoons raw cacao powder

3 scoops of clean protein powder (I use USANA’s Nutrimeal Free)

Blend and serve! 🙂

Chime In!

Do you have a favorite “breakfast of champions” that fills up your tank and tops off your energy levels? Let us know. Are you more a shake or smoothie fan? Or if you’ve tried the recipe from above, what did you like best about it?

Proper brainwashing and 3 Tips to transform your programming

Brainwashing may seem a bit strong. And, now that I have your attention, you and I are brainwashed. Seriously. Think of it as being programmed for success or failure much like a computer is programmed to run sequences. In the lighter sense and use of the word, brainwashing includes the changing or influence of our opinions, attitudes or behavior by specific methods. The brainwashing we have dictates much of WHAT we do, often times without the understanding of WHY we do it.

Here’s some examples of how brainwashing happens. Many of us hustle to get an education to get a job we don’t even love. Or, we find ourselves scarfing down a bag of potato chips. Replays of “no one can eat just one” has us well-trained. We may burst out singing perfect lyrics in a grocery store aisle to a well-worn ten-year old song. We’re moving through life as our culture, society and mass media suggests.We are performing on cue.

As an ambassador for health and entrepreneurship, I know first hand about resistance. I’ve been told that I need to go easy on Coca Cola and Nabisco. As much brainwashing that I had received about eating pre-packaged, canned goods, or fast food, it was my personal experience of poor health that forced me to question previous nutritional teachings- you know the ones I learned from the Jolly Green Giant, Ronald McDonald and Little Debbie.

My own mother (who was, and is still my biggest cheerleader) continually asked, “Honey, when are you going to get a real job?” Several close friends questioned why I would not go work for someone else. They’d ask, “Isn’t what you’re doing risky? Can you pay the bills? Aren’t you afraid you won’t be able to retire?” Then the revelation hit. As much as I had been brainwashed to get an education so I could get a good job, my personal experiences and yearning desires for freedom beckoned me into the entrepreneurial world. The reality I was seeing is that job security is only a perception. Experiences led me to the only decision I knew deep down that I must take. However, there was one problem. The brainwashing. Sure, I was strong, but I needed a plan to keep me moving in the direction of my dreams.

A Proper Brainwashing and 3 Tips to Transform Your Programming

Is it time to interrupt your personal programming to create a life you really want? Is it time to reconsider what others say you should be or do and step out in confidence? If so, I’d like to offer some advice that’s worked for me.


Your current results are a reflection of the total sum of decisions that you have consciously or unconsciously made. The same statement applies to me. However, something powerful can happen when we desire to forge a different path. Our ability to question the status quo or our current brain washing requires courage. We must decide to set the dial of our own programming, one that leads us to our desired result.

It’s a decision that has us much like salmon swimming upstream. Perhaps not the most comfortable decision to make, but the one that leads us to the most adventure of being alive.

We get to decide to take the better path– the one that brings more purpose, health, and satisfaction. We get to decide how and what we will program our powerful brains with every day. Instead of being a receptor of information thrown at us, we can discern which voices to listen to, what books and blogs to read and how we to act on the information we receive. I’m rooting for a proper brainwashing!

Laugh in the Face of Conformity

Tradition doesn’t always breed health or happiness. In fact, it can perpetuate stress and sadness. This is why I suggest we quit trying to be in the one-size-fits all and embrace what makes more sense.  We need to laugh in the face of conformity, reject archaic, non-serving practices that make us want to poke our eyes out.

It’s time to bust up the societal brainwashing that repeats, “this is the way it is, this is the way it will always be.” Heck NO! As the late business philosopher, Jim Rohn said, “don’t sign up for that class!” Transform previous programming with humor. If you’ve caught yourself uncomfortably conforming, it’s time to stop being the butt of the joke and try an alternative approach to life. Pun intended. 😉

Huddle Up


As awkward as this advice may sound, form your own cult or join an existing one. Let me explain. I’m not urging you to join the type of cult that will get you in trouble, rather one that has goals similar to yours. One that cheers you on and vice versa. Are you forging a new health adventure to better wellness? Find a group of health-minded individuals. Are you an aspiring or seasoned entrepreneur? Connect with fellow entrepreneurs.

Being part of a community that can huddle up, dialogue and exchange wins, challenges and inspiration is perhaps one of the most fruitful practices when it comes to “properly brainwashing” our self for transformative success. If you happen to be looking for a community that focuses on improving health or developing as an entrepreneur, let’s connect. Perhaps we should be huddling up so you can better create the life you desire.

Chime In!

What ways do you properly brainwash yourself? Any particular podcasts, blogs or social media you follow to help you transform your life for the better? Do share! I want to know.