Category Archives: Health

Fitness that Makes You Smile

Life can get messy. Stress can sneak up on us. Having proactive solutions to combat challenges is golden. More specifically, I’m suggestion taking on fitness that makes you smile.

Outdoor Fitness Year-Round

May I suggest writing down all the physical activities you love or once loved doing? Where I live, there are about two seasons while others enjoy four complete seasons for outdoor fitness. Whether you have two or four seasons, nature and weather deliver a variety of choices! Variety in our exercise program, keeps things fresh and exciting. As humans we love novelty. Sure we may have our favorite go-to fitness, yet it’s the variety that adds delight while challenging our muscles and mind differently.

Winter, Spring, Summer & Fall


Colder weather offers us a chance to bundle up. For some, snow and ice brings a wonderland of choice from skiing and snow shoeing or ice skating and hockey. For me, it means hiking in a State Park. And perhaps once every ten years when it snows where I live, snowball fights or snowman building. Even in the Winter, we can move our bodies and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.

There are times I personally like to double-time my efforts and listen to a beneficial podcast during a hike. An hour or two later, I’m feeling really refreshed and sometimes even smarter. I encourage you to find something you want to learn about and listen while moving along. Studies show that action helps us retain information. Have a particular problem to solve? Something as simple as walking or taking a hike creates to think, pray and meditate on the best solution.


I have two favorites. Gardening (and by mentioning this, I claim no green thumb status), and rebounding (you may know this better as jumping on a mini-trampoline). After the cold I want to see color and grow things to eat. I still like playing in the dirt. I never outgrew that. I did, of course, outgrow the eating of it. 😉 It’s always amazing to rediscover the hidden muscles I had forgotten existed. However, when seeds begin sprouting up, there is a deep satisfaction in this outdoor workout. If you get into rebounding, may I suggest double-timing? Have a dog? Play fetch! It’s a win-win. Or simply enjoy the glorious sunshine, Vitamin D intake while getting your fitness on!

fitness that makes you smile


I love to swim. It’s one of my favorites. Can I swim like Michael Phelps? Not a chance, but I have vastly improved my time upon a shark sighting. Yes, seriously. This happened while on vacation in Bora Bora. Later I found out, it was “friendly” shark, but who wants to wait around to find out friend or foe? Here’s a tip, whenever you move your body, celebrate what benefits you are bringing to your body. For example, when I swim I celebrate loving up my lymph system, getting in some cardio, enjoying low-impact exercise and toning my muscles. Referring back to the benefits always makes me smile.


Horseback riding is my Autumn beloved. There is less heat and air that is crisp. A yearly pilgrimage is made  to South Dakota to ride with my dear friend, Liz. This fitness includes hours in the saddle, viewing vast beauty, taking in fresh air, all while enjoying our friendship. Liz and the companionship of horses offers a variety of fitness buddies to boot. I encourage you to find fitness activities that you can share with someone you care about, it makes working out more fun and it builds lasting bonds.


Indoor Fitness

For the days it is raining, too cold or you just can’t seem to get out of the house, having options for an indoor plan for fitness is the key to staying on track. Did you know a mini-trampoline doesn’t take up a lot of room and it’s seriously fun too? If you have an indoor gym set, use it! I know so many people who spend good money on equipment and don’t take advantage of it. I like an elliptical machine as it’s easy on the joints and is great for when the weather is not-so-kind. Are you considering buying one? If so, save lots of money and consider getting is used through something like Craigslist. The same goes for stationary bikes.

YouTube is an excellent source for finding good indoor workouts. Yep, that’s right. I especially like videos with different trainers using the core ball, or what some call a pilates ball. I find it great for toning, enjoyable and it’s also great for the lymphatic system. Benefits alert! 😉

I am sure all beings can agree that housework is a formidable and noteworthy workout. Only kidding. Of course, if YOU really enjoy it, please include this in your list of fun fitness favorites and  know you are most welcome to visit me anytime!

Jumping rope, dancing salsa, zumba are other ideas for indoor fitness that may bring you joy. Remember, move in such a way that when you finish your workout you’ve got a smile on your face.

The Holistic Purpose for Fitness You Love

Many experts claim that disease is 90-95% is stress-based. This means we are overburdened with too much superfluous stuff to do– or that we’re emotionally toxic. We need a healthy release! By taking time for ourselves by infusing fitness that makes us smile we can give our body, soul and spirit the whole shebang! Let’s maximize our fitness efforts, lower stress and increase sanity as we become and/or stay fit.

Chime In!

In the comments below, please share some of your fitness favorites that bring a smile to your face. 🙂


Always go for the upgrade!

Upgrade! It seems to be a heavily used theme in today’s atmosphere. Doesn’t it? We are always to be upgrading our life, our gadgets, quite literally everything.

Please understand, I’m not writing about the most obvious upgrading or shall I be bold enough to state over-consumption? It’s not about tossing out something that functions perfectly for the latest and greatest thingy-ma-bob. In case you’re wondering the thingy-ma-bob is that one thing that promises to deliver way more ease and social status for the sum of what’s inside of your savings account.

So what on earth do I mean when I refer to upgrading?

Let’s first peek into what a quick Google search reveals. Upgrade is a verb which refers to raising (something) to a higher standard, in particular (equipment or machinery) by adding to or replacing components. Often, it’s about improving, updating, making better or bringing about reform.

So why am I focusing on this word? Am I about to pitch you the latest iPhone or software update? Nope.

I’m actually pitching the idea of adding VALUE to our lives through the concept of upgrading. Yes, upgrading but not in the most traditional sense as we humans are not a piece of equipment or machinery. To be clear, you are already enough.

I believe we can help others upgrade their life by adding value to it. For example, if you are a health professional you can add value by helping increase one’s health through education. If you an educator you can increase value in your student’s lives by creating opportunities to grow in the direction that adds joy and contribution to their life experience. These are the types of upgrades we all desire.

As entrepreneurs how can we offer value to those we serve? If we have customers who are wanting to create better results, we’re listening intently to how we can improve the customer experience? Is there a way one of our products or services could make a greater impact? How do we express that? Are we engaging in a dialogue on how we can best serve them? Is there a transformational event we can suggest that a partner may engage to upgrade his or her life? You see, there are always ways to add value and create better business. The notion of always going for the upgrade has zero to do with competing against others. In reality it’s all about helping our fellow humans develop and grow into the greatest vision they hold for their selves.

Not an entrepreneur? No problem.

Let’s pretend you’re on a health journey, and, aren’t we all? How then, can you upgrade to make the adventure even more enjoyable? Take quick inventory. How do you sleep? Have you noticed what foods boost your energy? How about the foods that rob you from your energy? How can you upgrade your rest and nutrition? What about your physical fitness? Happiness and mental health? What about your water intake? These are just a few ideas to get you thinking about how to upgrade your health, thus adding value to your everyday life. We can always go for the upgrade– not in the sense to create overwhelm or perfection but rather self-appreciation and self-care.

Dr. Paige Hunter

Chime In!

How will you upgrade your own life or the life of another? If so, what upgrades do you plan on making or offering others to create more value in the world?


5 Healthy Options to Overcome Munchies

Ever get the munchies? You’re craving something crunchy, salty, creamy or whatever. What you really want is to bolster your energy. You don’t want something that will create a crash and burn effect because ain’t nobody got time for that! We’ve got a wonderful life to live! Here’s 5 healthy options to overcome munchies that will fill you up and not bring you down.

It’s unbelievable how our environment makes it so easy to reach for foods and drinks that create a quick energy boost, but in the long-term cause damage on our bodies. However, there’s no need to be concerned when you’re armed with quick choices and easy recipes to get you through the day with strength. These go-to options will stave off the bad munchies and provide you with nutrients instead.

Be Smooth!

Using your blender, add eight ounces of unsweetened nut milk, one teaspoon of almond butter, a dash of cinnamon, cacao powder, vanilla extract, a scoop of protein powder and half of a banana. And Voila! You’ve got yourself a delicious concoction to keep you humming along.

Go Nuts!

Enjoy a handful of raw unsalted nuts. I love a pistachio, cashew and almond mix! And may I suggest soaking almonds in water overnight? This way you can sprout and release plenty of their nutrient-dense goodness. Once you’ve soaked them, pour out the water, rinse and dry. Later in the day you’ll enjoy the perfect snack combination of fat, fiber, and protein. I promise you’ve never had almonds until you’ve tasted sprouted ones!


Impress Mom!

I believe it was a staple of most everyone’s childhood to hear their Mom say, “Eat your veggies.” Well this option includes just that, but with a twist.

I like this option because it provides something wholesome, yet tasty. Serve up two cups of raw carrots, celery or bell pepper with some delicious hummus. What I love about hummus is the variety of ways we can choose to enjoy it from plain, to spicy and everything in between.

Be Eggscellent!

Utilize the incredible, edible egg. Boil several at once so you can have a supply to easily reach for in a hurry. Enjoy slices of hard-boiled egg, avocado and tomato atop a toasted piece of Ezekiel bread or another healthy bread of your choice. Add some sea salt and ground pepper to pop the flavors, and munch away to your delight.


You can also overcome munchies by simply eating a boiled egg or two. With six grams of protein in each egg, it provides the body with plenty of fuel.

Go For Dreamy, Creamy & Crunchy

Enjoy half a cup of organic Greek yogurt or opt for coconut yogurt. Add in a chopped up Granny Smith Apple, cinnamon and some walnuts or pecans. You can also add a few drops of vanilla extract. This option is excellent if you are an ice cream fan or apple pie fan. Just sayin’.

Try one or all five of these options. Boost your energy  or overcome an afternoon slump with good grub! Or simply give yourself a healthy alternative to not-so-healthy options.

Chime In!

Inquiring minds want to know, do you have a healthy option you love to overcome munchies? If so, what is it? OR What option/s are you going to try? Chime in! I love hearing from you!  🙂



It’s Time You Get a Massage!

When was the last time you actually slowed down enough to detox from overwhelm or simply relax? If you lead a busy life, have a health condition or have trouble winding down, it’s time you get a massage!

When it comes to well-being and health, massage therapy is a favorite. Sure it can be relaxing, but it also aids the body’s often taxed detoxification process. Being the loving person you are, why not support your body?

All legit reasons to set an appointment soon NOW.

Did you know there are over 200 modalities of massage therapy? Don’t let this overwhelm you, I’ll offer highlights on four styles, and you choose one.

Lymphatic Drainage

A gentle yet powerful therapy for aiding the lymphatic system is Lymphatic Drainage. Some folks say this isn’t really a “massage” at all because with lymphatic drainage a variety of nuerolymphatic reflex points are repeatedly pumped and gently kneaded to clear toxins and other unwanted substances from the body while increasing the flow of the lymph. It definitely doesn’t fit the bill of what we normally believe to be a massage, yet it serves a very important place.

Excuse me while I nerd out a bit. You see our lymphatic system is one of the main elimination systems that plays an integral part in the body’s detox process. It carries valuable hormones, proteins, and fat to the cells while eliminating all sorts of toxins from emotional residue, electromagnetic pollution, chemicals and stagnant flow. The lymphatic system carries responsibility for absorbing nutrients and regulating the waste disposal system in our body. Therefore a therapy supporting this incredible process is indeed a winner!


Swedish massage is the most popular in the Western Hemisphere. The Swedish technique is meant to enhance our immune system and strengthen the muscles and connective tissue. If our muscles are relaxed, then our body is far more likely to detoxify, cleanse and feel rejuvenated.

The Swedish modality can simultaneously increase oxygen levels, while helping with relaxation. It logically reduces stress on our organs– including the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. Therefore encouraging better body performance.



Traditional Chinese massage can be likened to a detox massage. It’s closely related to acupuncture which focuses on channels or energy points intended to effectively transport and guide blood and energy throughout the body. The aim of the Chinese modality is to achieve balance to protect our bodies against different types of infection and maintain the optimum function of all organs.

When the channels are partially obstructed or blocked, we experience pain and are prone to health problems. In Chinese massage, the intention is to identify which pathways are impeded or blocked and require pressure to reintroduce flow back to our body and its systems. Often reflexology is included in the repertoire. The style is definitely therapeutic in nature and for some, the pressure is extremely firm.


Thai massage works our entire body. It’s a more invigorating than most as the therapist deliberately manipulates the body, moving it into yoga-like stretches. A Thai massage therapist uses every part of his or her body—hands, knees, legs, and feet—to not only stretch you but also apply pressure on your muscles and loosen your joints. Some even get walked on!

New to massage?

If you are new to massage or it has been a long time, begin with Lymphatic Drainage or Swedish. In the hands of a professional great strides toward wellness can happen. If you’re not clear where to go, ask among friends for referrals. Find out who they go to and what kind of massage it is. Also, you may find online reviews. Although I know some of us secretly wonder if only two positive reviews exist, they must be written by the  therapist’s mother and best friend. If this is you, you really do NEED a massage. (Wink, wink.) And of course, if in doubt, get a referral from a friend or someone you respect.

Know there can be some shady, unlicensed practitioners. If I am reading my audience correctly, you want a bonafide massage therapist, not a masseuse. Below is a picture of a sign I came across in search of a great massage. While it made me chuckle, I also cringed knowing that this profession isn’t always respected as it should be. Therapeutic massage is serious business, not monkey business. Meanwhile, laugh, love and live– and don’t forget to book yourself a massage for optimal health!


Chime In!

Will you take the challenge and book a massage? OR Have you already benefited from taking the challenge? If so, what is your favorite kind? Share in the comments below.

Want to read a little more on the subject? Here are some resources that I used in writing this article.

Miracle Touch: A Complete Guide to Hands-On Therapies That Have the Amazing Ability to Heal. (2003). Debra Fulghum Bruce. Three Rivers Press. New York.

Energy Medicine: Balancing Your Body’s Energies for Optimal Health, Joy and Vitality. (2008) Donna Eden. Penguin Group. New York.

Want to go for some more healing therapies? Take a peek at Earthing!

Wisdom and Sour Grapes

Whether you are an entrepreneur, wellness warrior or both, the factors of wisdom and sour grapes play a role in our lives. Allow me to explain. No one wants to play a fool; and no one wants to eat sour grapes.

Remember Aesop’s Fables?

Perhaps you remember this famous one. The story about the fox that tried in vain to snatch a cluster of grapes dangling from a vine just out of reach. The fox exerted himself jumping as high as he could and quickly concluded within a few attempts that “these grapes are sour, and if I had some I would not eat them.”


And now you know where the term “sour grapes” originated. How often do we in our business or health journey run into this concept?

Have you ever found yourself like the fox retreating from the grape arbor declaring sour grapes?

Have you ever worked with someone who claims sour grapes? If only we could remember that the far-to-reach are worth a strategic effort.

Like the fox in Aesop’s fable, we humans experience a clash about the knowledge that grapes are tasty except when we can’t reach them. Then we may radically change our attitude toward the grapes to defend our behavior.

Beware of Sour Grapes

Friend, sour grapes can show up like this. We may set out on a health journey that includes a strategy of good nutrition and moderate exercise. Within the first three days we don’t notice any significant changes. We we are extremely hungry, behold! A burger and fries appears right in front of us and we go for it! Then, somehow we question if our new plan was really even making a difference at all. That’s sour grapes.


In business it can look like this. We sign up for a weekend seminar that promotes goal setting, increasing sales and soaring profits. We attend. We even apply some things we have learned. Two months later we wonder why our influx of income isn’t greater? We begin to suspect the sincerity of those who led the seminar. Maybe everything they do is driven by greed. Beware of sour grapes.

In walks wisdom. But first, what is wisdom?  It is the the ability to discern what is true, right, or lasting. Wisdom expresses itself from experiences, sound judgment and/or actions.

Identify what it is you really desire.

At this moment, what “specific fruit” do you want to enjoy? Ask yourself, is this heart’s desire worth creating a strategy?

Is it worth consistency so you may savor the sweetness of it?

Is it worth the time you spend to enjoy it?

If “yes” is the answer to the three questions, the we are well on our way to savoring sweet success; not sour grapes.

Our world is often a place of instant gratification. We quickly want what we want, when we want it.

We want to be thin ,and yet we want a box of donuts. We want a bigger bank account with not too much work involved, Ironic, no? Yet it’s human nature! It’s also human nature to blame. Let’s not be those people– you know, the ones that blame when little to no effort is made. Let’s not be like the spoiled-sport fox. Let’s rise above it. Let’s own our place in every decision we make. That friend, is the inner workings of wisdom.

Let’s inspect any areas where we or those whose paths we may have crossed, cried “sour grapes,” Take note. Was a specific strategy in place to seize the fruit? Was the strategy being followed consistently within a realistic time frame?

Chime In!

Have you ever felt foolish like the fox and called “sour grapes” to quickly? (Tell me, I’m not I the only one.) In the comments below, tell us, what wisdom did you gain?