It may seem counter intuitive to find beauty in failure, right? It’s amazing that the world we live in highlights big wins- you know, the glamorous side of success. Here’s to being encouraged to celebrate what goes on behind our failures. In whatever realm of life, failure points out vulnerabilities. Being vulnerable whether in a business endeavor or a romantic relationship doesn’t feel comfortable; nor should it.
Being uncomfortable is what pushes us to make a decision: do something different, try to maintain the status quo or scrap what makes us uncomfortable. By failing and being uncomfortable, fringe benefits begin to accrue.
Failure brings clarity.
You’ve heard it said before. Success leaves clues. Well guess what?
If hindsight is 20/20, then take time to reflect. Ask yourself questions. If your an entrepreneur, you might ask yourself the following: Was I working with the correct people? How can I improve my business skills? How do I handle my weaknesses? How can I better lead myself and others to overcome?
Feeling a bit stuck in your health journey? Investigate. What if one very powerful revelation can help move you forward again? Try this. Fill-in-the-blank to get clarity. “The most important thing I should do to improve my health is…” Courage cultivates clarity. Having the courage to ask tough questions or be nakedly honest can set aside the stress of failure and instead, provide positive lessons.
Failure is inevitable.
Everybody does it. Yes, we all fail. So why does it need to become a big deal? It’s doesn’t. The trick is to fail fast, and not slop around in it. Rather, we can revel in the ability to recreate a more desirable outcome.
Ever witness a child learning to walk and then trip and plummet to the ground and then laugh at the predicament? We should take good notes! When this child is given a little encouragement he or she stands tall and begins walking like a little drunken sailor with bright eyes and a wide smile. The secret is to act as if a fall or failure is simply a rite of passage to the results we desire.
Perspective is grand. Failure can be noble. Let us overcome the inevitable with giggles and a goofy grin, shall we?
Make failure a gift.
When we fail, we’re often harder on ourselves than we are othersl. So here’s a suggestion. Quit that already! As you would tell another, “it’s okay, you will do better next time,” or “you’ve learned so much from that experience and I’m sure you’ll apply that in the future”. While we can be supportive to the others, we aren’t always giving our self a break.
Give yourself a gift. Make that gift -kindness. Forgo being snarky with yourself. about a past failure. Failing at something is not the same as being a failure. Don’t camp out there. Gift yourself forgiveness. Gift yourself the liberty to move on quickly without drowning in what you coulda, shoulda and woulda done had you known different. Don’t waste time. It is precious, and so are you.
Chime In!
How can you find beauty in failure? Looking back, what clarity or treasure has failure brought into your life? Share with us! We’d love to learn from and celebrate you.

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