Ever find yourself sitting on the sidelines of life?
That was me about three years ago. Don’t get me wrong. I was in a very good place. We had paid off our home on 28 acres, I was enjoying my life and work, but there still something felt off. It was a cold December and CHF was hosting a special dinner and fundraiser. Speakers from all over flew in to share how hard earned dollars are spent to make a lasting difference.
That night I learned from a powerful woman how CHF played an integral part in helping their mission of rescuing children from human trafficking in Thailand. As I listened I knew this would also play a part in my life mission.
Her words hit the bull’s-eye of my heart. I wept. I rejoiced because there are courageous people who live with such compassion and vision.
I believe we’re given moments when we catch a glimpse or flash into our future. It resonates with our core on such a deep level we can’t even explain it. This was that kind of moment. Sometimes those glimpses and flashes of insights filter down through deep desires we don’t fully know how to articulate – yet.
Here’s what I mean. I always wanted to be a cross between a “world traveling social entrepreneur” and a “Wild West Outdoorswoman”. I know it’s sounds funny, right? Go ahead and laugh. It makes me laugh too. You do understand that holding a PhD gives me the liberty to pontificate such professional creativity. And yes, it’s completely en vogue to do what you enjoy doing. I just happen to love teaching health and entrepreneurship. I hope you love what you do too! If not, send word. Write in the subject line: SOS. 🙂
Of course, it would be easier if I straddled two simple categories like Computer Engineer and Exotic Coin Collector. Oh and on a very serious note, I’m going to run with the title “world traveling Social Entrepreneur” and “Wild West Outdoorswoman” no matter how delightfully odd it seems. Why should we live within self-constraining limits?
If Martha Stewart can hold the titles of convicted felon and DIY food & home decorating maven, then I most certainly have wiggle room. Right?
It excites me to know the world offers up opportunities we’re willing to work for! It may not come on a platter but given time, planning and action we can create a life we love.
I’m living proof that you can rise from a mountain of financial debt and physical woes and embrace financial liberation and a healthy body. Yes! You can gallivant the globe and enjoy your own backyard. Everyone else’s story is NOT your story.
This leads me to the next developments of my story. A little over twelve months I carefully crafted a list of work, play and contribution ideas I wanted to tackle in 2014. One included a rescheduled horse trip to South Dakota. The other included an upcoming trip to Thailand the end of THIS month. Super Yay! And, eeeeeek this is really happening!
Here’s the secret. It’s all in the decision we make.
I decided. Pure and simple. It’s when I stopped talking and started doing. The “doing” didn’t really feel like I was doing so much as it was making baby steps to achieve the bigger goals. Sometimes it was a mind shift. Other times, it was planning and action and more planning and action.
It’s one thing to make a list and talk about it. It’s life changing to actually do something about it.
It’s as if we’re all sailboats out to sea. The decisions we make guide the direction of our sails. Along the way we may sail a bit off course. That’s where much of the adventure lies. Decision-making defines our future.
Making a specific decision helped me stop talking and start doing.
You see up to that point I was okay with thinking or talking about how and who I wanted to be and become. It wasn’t until I made the decision to ride in the mountains nonstop for days on end that the other wonderful circumstances began to happen.
The unexpected part of this decision brought on a fantastical adventure. My enthusiasm even got the buy in and encouragement from many. My husband supported me in this goal. Dear Mexican business friends supported me. It felt incredible because the only way to reach this goal was to obtain hours in the saddle. And so it became a fairy-tale like Wild West adventure.
I rode new trails with my husband and friends around the mountains, old haciendas, and sugar cane fields. This of course, fed into my Wild West theme. It’s as if the world was conspiring with me to enjoy the trip of a lifetime. Mostly I try to contain my joy unspeakable because I couldn’t explain why it’s meant so much –but that’s perhaps for another time or when my new webdesign and copy comes out.
Here’s the point, I rode four days with my friend, Liz who happens to be the female version of John Wayne. We rode hours at a time breathing in the beauty, soaking up the visual feast of Fall’s foliage, and sounds of babbling brooks. On the last day, we rode up to Mount Rushmore weaving in and out of the mountains’ fallen trees. I’m grateful for the moments when God brings schedules, weather and family timing together so life can be thoroughly enjoyed– outdoors…on the back of a horse.
I benefitted so much from taking the South Dakota riding trip in ways I am still counting. It taught me that making a powerful a decision can provide endless possibilities. It grew the courage I needed to say yes to this upcoming “Wild East” adventure.
And now I look forward to sharing with you what the next decision offers up. How working, playing and contributing while I’m on the road expands new horizons and nourishes my desire to hold up to the world traveling social entrepreneur title. I’ll be sharing some insights with you as I continue to do that which I’ve only talked about and am now seizing.
Enough about me, how about you? Tell me in the comments below, has there been a decision you’ve made that really set things in motion for you?
Is there a decision you realized you need to make now so you can stop talking and start doing?
Share with us!