Tag Archives: entrepreneurship

Love Letter to the World

“I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world.”

Love letter to the world mother teresa
These are the words of Mother Teresa. They inspire me.

They stir my soul to stay in my purpose, to remain ever so cautious of being lured away from what I am supposed to be doing. Doing something that matters…Something that rescues me from my own selfishness… Something that grips my heart enough so I may lay hold of what’s truly life…

Recently, my husband and I were invited to attend the Children’s Hunger Fund Presidential Retreat with Dave Phillips and team. For many years we have loved and supported this cause. Today that love is deepened. I agreed to attend not exactly knowing what to expect.

Gratefully, I found myself surrounded by those who daily serve in the trenches.

It’s what drives my passion for entrepreneurship even more. It was a weekend that provided deep insight into my hero’s hearts who courageously and incessantly tend to needs of the poor; take care of the orphans via shelter, food and vitamins; provide hope in times of natural disaster; and rescue children’s lives from the brutalization of the sex trade industry.

This retreat was not about showing graphic pictures or stories like many may assume. It was a time to share how needs are being met, how lives are being changed all through the compassionate love and mercy of people who care. Inspiring would be an understatement.

I listened to how team members are equipped, resources are used and troops are mobilized. All I can say is the Mercy Network doesn’t mess around. They mean business! They are ready and willing to make a difference. It served as a personal call to action.

I am convinced. Each of us holds the power to do the same; to make a dent in the Universe by making a difference. Together I saw first hand how donations large and small help enforce human rights, give widows dignity and keep families from slipping into more brokenness. I saw how I too could be hands and feet to serve whether by means of giving time, money or business resources.

What became more real to me than ever before, was the story of the Good Samaritan. Awkwardly it was two religious people who passed up the beaten and afflicted. And, without a red cape, it was a Samaritan who came to the rescue. The one who was the cultural misfit that stopped to render aid. The religious leaders weren’t moved by compassion even though they saw the pain. It was the Samaritan who stopped going about his busy schedule. He took time to serve. I want to be like him.

What fascinates me is the Good Samaritan didn’t do it alone. He asked for help from the Innkeeper. Often, I feel overwhelmed in a quest to make a difference. It’s easy to say there’s just too many people with needs. Truth is, I can make a difference. We can, if our hearts remains tender.

An open heart cannot maintain a closed hand.

I believe we all have the ability to contribute. It may be our skills, our money, or our intellect to solve big problems. My desire is to see a more caring world. I want to see people who will risk having their hearts broken when they’re affronted with suffering and somehow dig deep as to how they can help alleviate it. This is real courage.

I hope you will join me. I hope you will take action like the Good Samaritan. My desire is that we will be willing to see and feel pain just long enough to find out how we can serve.

Here’s my call to action for you and me.

Partner with a non-profit you trust. It could be the Children’s Hunger Fund. Did you know Forbes magazine recognized them as one of the most cost effective organizations? Or Perhaps consider joining me serving first hand on a trip to Zoe’s Children’s House in Thailand; a refuge from sex trade predators. Friends, it’s time to mobilize however that looks to you. And I understand it will look different to each of us and that’s okay.

Do me a favor, share your ideas and thoughts about how you desire to deepen your life purpose. I’m curious as to the way you will channel your little pencil just like Mother Teresa. Write about it. I want to read a small part of the love letter you choose to write to the world.

Entrepreneurship that Inspires you to Get up and Dance

Entrepreneurship that Inspires you to Get up and Dance

Do you ever have one of those “high five, dance your jive” days? You know the kind where you set your mind to do something and it comes to you so smoothly, so effortlessly that you must simply smile and breathe it all in? Well, recently I did.

This particular day I set out to find an inspirational video to use in an entrepreneurial case study. I needed good fodder for lively interaction. Somehow this video sashayed its way into my creative vortex. Needless to say I was stoked!

Watching it took me on an adventure of every conceivably good emotion. I watched it numerous times. I simply could not get enough of it. At every angle, I found myself welling up with joy, inspiration and celebration.

This entrepreneurship inspiration video needs to be shared and discussed with fellow entrepreneurs!

Overwhelmed in a fantastical way, there were challenges this short video continually delivered. Fulfilled entrepreneurs love what they do. They love the people they serve and turn the “impossible” into “I’m possible”.

An insightful entrepreneur walks in the confidence of their dream and the humility of their lesser talents. And at the end of the day, enlightened entrepreneurs understand that love creates business sustainability and that their own vision makes them a gift to the world.

Please allow me to introduce you to the highly esteemed Tim Harris. He’s living his entrepreneurial dream as the visionary and owner of Tim’s Place. I look forward to meeting Tim and his incredible team in the near future. And when I do, I will forgo a handshake and head directly for a hug.

How about that video? And Tim’s dream come true? I’d love to hear from you.
What characteristics most stood out to you? What can you apply to your own life by following Tim’s example?

Are you an EntrepreNERD?

3 Tips for leaving behind continuous “research” and reaching for action in entrepreneurship.

You may be an EntrepreNERD if you’re:

  1. a seasoned entrepreneur but find yourself spinning your wheels. Perhaps you’ve remained in the same place for months, even years: or
  2. you aspire to become an entrepreneur but you can’t seem to take steps beyond dreaming about starting a business, studying or Googling about it! If you fall into one of these two categories, I wrote this article specifically with YOU in mind!  Now, don’t get sideways with me for referring to you as an EntrepreNERD. I use this terminology lovingly, and besides I’ve been there done that! I even got the pencil pocket protector to go with it! So yes, it’s something we all need to watch out for!

We must careful not to allow a particular invasion to happen. It won’t be pretty. You know about it, right? The revenge of the EntrepreNERDS! They roam around in angst and laugh obnoxiously. Be viligent! Here’s what we can you do about it!

Take note of these three powerful tips to help you avoid the EntrepreNERDism. (I’m so geeked to share it.) 😉


1- Kick perfectionism to the curb!

Here’s a newsflash. No entrepreneur ever gets everything 100% right. It’s okay. Really. We learn what we need to know as we go and grow. Sometimes we all just need to back away from our computers take a deep breathe and realize we work for excellence – not perfection. I assure you, it’s a great idea.

2- Baby steps!

Baby steps in any new direction are okay too. Seasoned entrepreneurs often grow stagnant because they’ve always worked THIS way. However, times are changing. And baby steps are better than no steps. Baby steps with mentoring are even better!

Aspiring entrepreneurs often talk about what they are going to do. Yet talking about doing something and doing something aren’t the same thing. Again, baby steps! Start slow if need be, but start! Thinking you’re an entrepreneur isn’t the same as being an entrepreneur.

3- Busy vs. Productive…which one are you?

EntrepreNERDs have a way of making their life busier than it needs to be. My tip is to be INTENTIONAL! Once we decide to be productive and work accordingly, we either outsource “busy” work or stop doing it all together because it’s not productive or congruent with our cause. The way we spend our time matters. I believe if you’re like me, you value your time more than most. It’s the currency of rich. True wealth is enjoying and making the most of our time. That is why nerds aren’t considered cool. Just sayin’.

So let’s be cool, shall we?
Have you ever been caught up in being an entrepreNERD? If so, what were you doing? How did you snap out of it? I’d love to know!