Category Archives: Business

Proper brainwashing and 3 Tips to transform your programming

Brainwashing may seem a bit strong. And, now that I have your attention, you and I are brainwashed. Seriously. Think of it as being programmed for success or failure much like a computer is programmed to run sequences. In the lighter sense and use of the word, brainwashing includes the changing or influence of our opinions, attitudes or behavior by specific methods. The brainwashing we have dictates much of WHAT we do, often times without the understanding of WHY we do it.

Here’s some examples of how brainwashing happens. Many of us hustle to get an education to get a job we don’t even love. Or, we find ourselves scarfing down a bag of potato chips. Replays of “no one can eat just one” has us well-trained. We may burst out singing perfect lyrics in a grocery store aisle to a well-worn ten-year old song. We’re moving through life as our culture, society and mass media suggests.We are performing on cue.

As an ambassador for health and entrepreneurship, I know first hand about resistance. I’ve been told that I need to go easy on Coca Cola and Nabisco. As much brainwashing that I had received about eating pre-packaged, canned goods, or fast food, it was my personal experience of poor health that forced me to question previous nutritional teachings- you know the ones I learned from the Jolly Green Giant, Ronald McDonald and Little Debbie.

My own mother (who was, and is still my biggest cheerleader) continually asked, “Honey, when are you going to get a real job?” Several close friends questioned why I would not go work for someone else. They’d ask, “Isn’t what you’re doing risky? Can you pay the bills? Aren’t you afraid you won’t be able to retire?” Then the revelation hit. As much as I had been brainwashed to get an education so I could get a good job, my personal experiences and yearning desires for freedom beckoned me into the entrepreneurial world. The reality I was seeing is that job security is only a perception. Experiences led me to the only decision I knew deep down that I must take. However, there was one problem. The brainwashing. Sure, I was strong, but I needed a plan to keep me moving in the direction of my dreams.

A Proper Brainwashing and 3 Tips to Transform Your Programming

Is it time to interrupt your personal programming to create a life you really want? Is it time to reconsider what others say you should be or do and step out in confidence? If so, I’d like to offer some advice that’s worked for me.


Your current results are a reflection of the total sum of decisions that you have consciously or unconsciously made. The same statement applies to me. However, something powerful can happen when we desire to forge a different path. Our ability to question the status quo or our current brain washing requires courage. We must decide to set the dial of our own programming, one that leads us to our desired result.

It’s a decision that has us much like salmon swimming upstream. Perhaps not the most comfortable decision to make, but the one that leads us to the most adventure of being alive.

We get to decide to take the better path– the one that brings more purpose, health, and satisfaction. We get to decide how and what we will program our powerful brains with every day. Instead of being a receptor of information thrown at us, we can discern which voices to listen to, what books and blogs to read and how we to act on the information we receive. I’m rooting for a proper brainwashing!

Laugh in the Face of Conformity

Tradition doesn’t always breed health or happiness. In fact, it can perpetuate stress and sadness. This is why I suggest we quit trying to be in the one-size-fits all and embrace what makes more sense.  We need to laugh in the face of conformity, reject archaic, non-serving practices that make us want to poke our eyes out.

It’s time to bust up the societal brainwashing that repeats, “this is the way it is, this is the way it will always be.” Heck NO! As the late business philosopher, Jim Rohn said, “don’t sign up for that class!” Transform previous programming with humor. If you’ve caught yourself uncomfortably conforming, it’s time to stop being the butt of the joke and try an alternative approach to life. Pun intended. 😉

Huddle Up


As awkward as this advice may sound, form your own cult or join an existing one. Let me explain. I’m not urging you to join the type of cult that will get you in trouble, rather one that has goals similar to yours. One that cheers you on and vice versa. Are you forging a new health adventure to better wellness? Find a group of health-minded individuals. Are you an aspiring or seasoned entrepreneur? Connect with fellow entrepreneurs.

Being part of a community that can huddle up, dialogue and exchange wins, challenges and inspiration is perhaps one of the most fruitful practices when it comes to “properly brainwashing” our self for transformative success. If you happen to be looking for a community that focuses on improving health or developing as an entrepreneur, let’s connect. Perhaps we should be huddling up so you can better create the life you desire.

Chime In!

What ways do you properly brainwash yourself? Any particular podcasts, blogs or social media you follow to help you transform your life for the better? Do share! I want to know.


Hi ho! Hi ho! We’re off to hit our goals!

Dreams are birthed when goals are set.

When it comes to goals, I propose we make conscious decisions that guide us so we feel fully alive. Let’s set them around our priorities, using clear communication and tenacity. All the while pursuing happiness.

We desire more than mere profits in our pocketbook. We truly desire to profit in our soul, not that we’re closed to outrageous financial blessings. We’d rather cast away what bankrupts our bodies and dashes our dreams by courageously stepping beyond the ordinary and embracing the extraordinary– it’s who we are.

Addressing Overwhelm

Most of the minutes in our day are taken. My question is, are those minutes planned out according to our priorities or are existing programs running the plans?

Is it time to draw a line in the sand? To march to our own drum? Reset the music to what causes our heart to dance?

Every December many resolutions or goals are set with high hopes for the new year. At times, we even avoid setting goals altogether.

What will be different this time? If you’ve set year-end goals, resolutions or intentions, will you and I really complete it? If you haven’t planned something for yourself, why not?

While I’ve been able to accomplish several big, audacious goals in my life, please allow me to speak into yours. I’ve failed learned boatloads while attempting great feats. Some years I’ve dazzled myself. Other years I was dumbfounded as to what I may dare next. As such, I avoided setting any goal. By the way, I don’t recommend that.

Here’s how you can address possible overwhelm. Don’t try to accomplish 50 amazing things in a small amount of time. Instead, pick one or two audacious goals. Do this to build character. Avoid running yourself ragged or trying to prove anything to anyone. Do this for you because it lights you up. Because you believe things can and should be better. Pursue goals because it develops you as an even more incredible person.

We live in a performance based culture. I suggest we avoid the churn and burn performances and go for a planned out passionate pursuit to reach a goal. In the end, it’s about becoming and being who you really are and being glad you did it. It’s about buffing out the dull lackluster of life and shimmying out the shine. It’s you– leading your own revolution. No regrets.

Opening opportunities for clarity of communication and the old turtle trick

Absolutely no

In a daunting world of jump faster. Jump higher! Do more! Be more! I’m shouting from the mountaintops, “Say no to everything that’s not leading you toward more peace, purpose, or truly profiting your soul.

No isn’t always easy. Learning to say no and how to say no has been a real challenge for me primarily because I absolutely love people and enjoy making them happy.

Quickly reach an absolute no by being clear and acting on your priorities. If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t stuff your foot in; simply say no. If the request resonates with the life you choose to create, then it’s a blow the trumpet, sound the alarms, YES!

So how do you say no politely? Especially when saying no to a good cause when it doesn’t align with your overall principle/desires?

Here’s some tips in how to say and mean no graciously.

No thank you.

I’m unable to commit to that. I appreciate your vote of confidence.

I’m so flattered you’ve asked. However, my answer needs to be no.

I believe I can give you what you’re asking for in about in a 15 minute call. Want to set a time and date? If not, I’ll need to decline.

I’ve chosen to no longer continue placing my energy on “this” as I’m now focusing more time on “that”.

No, I can’t. I made plans to stay home and file my toenails and floss the cat. (Seriously, try this one for laughs.)


Sound the alarms YES!

I dare you to make every yes you speak align with who you are and what you feel you have been put on this earth to do.

I dare you to take quick inventory, gut check or visual tour of your written priorities. And when you say yes, it ushers you to more opportunity and deep contentment.

Say yes to what fills you up– develops you into being a better human, thrills you, challenges you and makes you increase your faith!

Graciously poo poo life’s mediocre callings with a confident no. Do yourself a favor and proudly stand up for the extraordinary with a resounding, yes.

Stay on Target with your Goal Setting

The simplicity of saying yes or no may seem insulting and yet it holds tremendous power to define the future. Our ability to make a decision and act on it out is paramount for staying on target with our goal setting. Friend, it’s less about an arduous journey and more about enjoying the smaller steps that empower us to complete the goal. When distractions happen or mistakes are made, let’s allow our priorities to guide us back to the target.

Don’t waste anytime lamenting. Return to why you chose to do what you’re doing in the first place and regain your momentum.

Tenacity wins

It’s not always talent that creates winners. It’s tenacity. Think Aesop’s fable about the tortoise and the hare. Steadfast with heart and slow from the start or cocky, quick and easily distracted– which would we rather be?

I believe our deepest desire is to create results that we can look back on in the years to come and say, “I’m so glad I did it! I persevered. I stayed the course! I learned so much about life. My character was developed. I’m satisfied and this win feels so great.”

Chime in!

What will you say no to this year? What are you saying yes to? Did you fulfill a big goal last year? Go ahead, toot your horn! Or how about sharing what you great feat you plan to accomplish this year? Share your inside scoop with us in the comments below.

How to Be More Prosperous

The how to of being more prosperous is not hidden in hieroglyphic messaging nor is rocket science. What it boils down to is the matter of our heart and mindset. What you’re reading now you can begin applying today.

Entrepreneurs and business people may equate prosperity with profit and happy customers. Nothing wrong with that.

The health conscious may equate feeling more energy and feeling fit to being prosperous. You can create both.

Consider the Law of Reciprocity

You’ve heard it said, “Givers get.” And they do. It may not be instantly, but they will. It’s just a matter of time.

In a nutshell, the law of reciprocity explains that whatever you put out into the world (if done so properly) will return, multiplied. Did you notice what was inside of the parenthesis? It seems ridiculous and impractical to give if you’re financially strained. Right? Or perhaps you decide to sow time because you feel you have more time to give than money. Maybe you decide to donate some old shoes. Now you’ve sown old shoes, not money. While sowing your time or giving away shoes isn’t a bad idea, it’s not sowing where you hope to receive.

Want a banana tree? Plant a banana tree.

The point is if you want to be more prosperous in the money department– not in the shoe department; give money. Please, give it to a worthy cause, a cause that’s fertile with minimizing suffering and maximizing hope.

A Prosperous Mindset

A prosperous life is one in which we realize our blessings. By simply reading this blog, know you are abundant. You have a device that ensures that you are on the Internet. Having a mindset or realization of your current prosperity cultivates the opportunity for increase.

When I was in $55,000 of debt, I stressed and obsessed; tossed and turned. I owned very little and yet I had so much. One day I chose to give up what little “saving for a disaster” money I did have. In a leap of faith I invested in stock (I’m not suggesting you actually do this). Meanwhile I kept giving consistently to operate from abundance rather than a scarcity mindset. I cannot say I was always a “cheerful giver.” In fact there were times I was a “tearful giver.” I continued to give because I understood the universal law of sowing and reaping. Clearly, it would have better served me psychologically and financially had I chosen to be more cheerful during those times– but alas, my humanity.

If need be, use this Jedi mind trick!

I began to envision the people who would be on the receiving end of my giving. I imagined full bellies, happy hearts and smiling faces. I imagined water gushing from wells and entire villages dancing as they had clean water to drink. I could see spirits being lifted as hope shed light in dark places.

I even researched where I was giving and how far my dollar could stretch.  My lack mentality and actual lack/debt grew less as I yielded less to fear and more to a generous heart. By the way, I’m still not there. I can’t lead you to believe I’m walking around like some super Saint or humanitarian. Those trying times is where I learned that I could flip a switch on my thinking.

Knowing that giving small amounts created a big difference fueled my work and excitement. Giving helped me to feel more abundant, even when the bills continued to roll in– causing a glorious shift to happen. Or as Yoda might say, the Force was with me.

Be shifty!


Just as much as money or health is prosperity, it is also a deeply integrated part of HOW we see ourselves. Want to be more prosperous? See yourself prosperous– whatever that looks like for you.

Prosperity takes on many forms. Prosperity can be a full garden of veggies. It can be a fulfilling relationship with the love of your life, your children, your friends. It can be time to dive into a good read. It can be the health to enjoy exploring.

The how to of being more prosperous includes sowing the seeds that reap a harvest. It’s allowing yourself to visualize that prosperity. So go ahead, be shifty! Build a blueprint of what that looks like. Decide where and how you want to give in order to reach the level of prosperity you know is possible.

Giving already?

I have a sneaking suspicion that you already give. Thank you! When we give, we spread kindness.

If you’ve been giving for a while and wonder about your returns, here’s a few reasons you may not be advancing as you’ve hoped. Do you hold a positive energy around giving? Remember, I was the tearful giver. Choosing to be a cheerful giver created a wonderful shift. Maybe you are giving to a charitable organization that’s no longer doing good work. Consider the soil. Consider the fact that you may be stingy in your giving and could be more generous. Or, is it possible you’re giving so much while expecting an avalanche– yesterday? Just food for thought and knowing that making small adjustments can help you become more prosperous.

This article highlights what most people consider prosperity via financial gain. Just know the same principles hold true for creating prosperity in other areas of your life. Want a happier, healthier relationship? Create the mindset and take actions to cultivate it. Want better health? See yourself healthy, perhaps doing certain activities you enjoy doing and eating foods that support this. Sow the seeds, pull the weeds, reap a prosperous harvest.

Chime In, please!

Share with us! What does prosperity look like to you? Do you have a favorite charity you give to? If so, which one/s?


5 Reasons Not to Be an Entrepreneur

Personally I love being an entrepreneur.

I know, however, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. If fact, if all or most of the five reasons in this article resonate, skip being an entrepreneur altogether.

You see, each one of us brings something incredible to the world. The way we manifest our life work differs– sometimes it’s best done as an entrepreneur, and sometimes it is not. Read about the five reasons you may want to steer clear of the entrepreneurial career path.

1- Saying “No” isn’t part of your repertoire

While “yes” is THE super word we all want to hear, “no” is a much needed and exceptional word for taking control of how an entrepreneur spends precious time and energy. “No” is empowering to the entrepreneur but can be catastrophic to the employee especially when that “no” is directed at the boss.

The entrepreneur is the boss and therefore on many levels the word “no” serves as a great gift. This gift empowers the entrepreneur to strategically choose when or if to take on new projects, territory or team members. Saying “no” is, in reality saying “yes” to bigger priorities.

This isn’t a blanket statement that all entrepreneurs say “no” when they need to, in fact, I believe it is a skill that is acquired over time through learning. Aspiring entrepreneurs learn that “yes” leads to overwhelm.

Saying “no” isn’t always easy. It’s human to want to please others. It can be a difficult pattern to break. If “no” isn’t in your current and future repertoire then run the other way, Forest! The entrepreneurial life will frustrate you more than “the song that never ends.”

2- You visualize hippies singing around a campfire singing Kumbaya when you think about personal development


Of course, employees grow. The point here is entrepreneurs are stretched in many areas because the choice to march the the beat of one’s own drum demands personal development. It is ongoing, lifelong because the only thing that is constant is change.

Employees are often caught up in maintaining the status quo so personal development isn’t a natural occurrence. Don’t hate me because I don’t believe this is always true. However, those I do know who get promoted within their company often do an outside job where personal development is where they create their cutting edge for advancing.

Still not too keen on embracing personal development? I suggest skipping out on being an entrepreneur. It will save you some sanity.

3- You rather belong to the more popular club

Belonging and community is in our DNA. On some level we want to be a part of a “club.” It’s part of our design.

Employees make up the largest, most popular club. Each with their own set of pros and cons, culture and mindset.

Being an entrepreneur isn’t for the faint of heart. It requires courage not to take most traveled path. At times, it may feel as though you are in a class all your own and in a club with little to no membership.

Eventually the entrepreneur tends to find other entrepreneurs where exchanges happen for a variety of reasons. Sometimes it’s for exchanging contact information for a good CPA or attorney, other times it’s to glean information about what each other is doing in the realm of social media or sales.

If belonging to the bigger club they most everyone else is a part, perhaps you should skip out on entrepreneurship. However, if you have patience to forge a club of your own or persistence to find the tribe that runs with your same vibe, you may just be fit to be an entrepreneur.

4- Adventure scares you

Every successful entrepreneur I’ve ever met holds a high tolerance for adventure. Let me explain.

I’ve yet to meet one that doesn’t travel or hasn’t traveled. It seems that the makeup of the person, mindset and purpose calls them into some sort of travel. Sometimes the entrepreneur travels for pleasure other times, for business either way it increases adventure.

The mere responsibility of creating and running a business that supports one’s personal expenses isn’t quite the adventure for everyone. If you’d rather avoid this, no worries, the important thing is to know your limitations.

5- You’re more comfortable with someone else calling all the shots

One word– control. It’s how you see it.

At some point in time most entrepreneurs have probably been called “bossypants” or “controlling.”  They like to call their own shots, assume risks, forge new paths, and cause their mothers concern. On the other hand, employees tend to play by a certain set of rules, follow a path that is designed for them and receive and act on orders given by a superior. Again, each path holds its own set of pros and cons.

It is simply wise to know where you are most comfortable. Rather call your own shots? Or, are you more comfortable with someone else calling all the shots?

An entrepreneur likes the control and adventure of being in the driver seat. Most employees rather avoid off-roading and enjoy the ride instead.

Chime In!

What sayest thou? Entrepreneur or employee? Why have you chosen this path? Share with us in the comments below.

Dr. Paige Hunter, Business & Health Coach

Get Stuff Done Using The Green Bean Method

Don’t get overwhelmed with a long to-do list. Instead, get stuff done follow great advice from a dynamic duo. My friend, Melanie, the founder of Growth Advance and her adorable nephew offer up their wisdom.

The Conundrum

“But I don’t like green beans” my three-year old nephew recently complained to me as he eyed the healthy pile of the vegetable on his plate. “I can’t eat all those. That’s a lot,” he said.

After stifling down the nearly automatic responses rising up in me including, “but there are starving children in Africa!” and “You will clean your plate! [said in my best drill sergeant voice],” I thought to myself, “Yeah kid. I get it.” I mean we’d all rather have crackers, or, you know, Krispy Kreme, but in this household, we are going for those 9+ servings of fruits and vegetables each day and in order for the little fellow to hit the target, he was going to have to eat some green beans. Trying to pull up a little empathy from the three-year old me who had to eat all sorts of foods I didn’t love, I took a look at his plate and realized that it probably did seem like an insurmountable pile of green beans to a three-year old boy who knew he had to eat his veggies but didn’t particularly like them.

So I said to him, “Well, how many green beans do you think you can eat?” Taking a quick look at my face, he realized that “None” wasn’t likely to be an acceptable answer, so he glanced down at his plate before looking at his hand. He started to raise up four fingers, but with a second look at his plate, he dropped his pinky and said, “Three. I can eat three green beans.”

I said, “Okay. Can you count out three green beans into a separate pile on your plate?” Very carefully he moved them one at a time while counting out loud. Then he picked up his fork, speared all three, and shoved them in his mouth. After a few grimaces, a handful of shudders, and one full-on gag, he swallowed them down and calmly informed me, “I ate them.” After copious amounts of cheering, clapping, and telling him what a big boy he was for eating his veggies, I said, “I don’t know if it’s possible, but do you think you might be able to eat three more green beans?” After a moment’s hesitation, he responded, “Yeah.”

And then without further prompting, he proceeded to continue separating three green beans from the pile, spearing them with his fork, shoving them into his mouth, grimacing and shuddering, swallowing, and then repeating until the entire pile was gone. (Yes, I did video this. I’ll be sure to share it when he’s just old enough for it to thoroughly embarrass him.)

Now for the unraveling of how to get stuff done! Perhaps you can identify.

Auntie’s Revelation

Later that afternoon I sat down at my desk for some focused work time. I took one look at my to-do list and felt my inner three-year old rising up again and thought, “There’s no way I can do this. There’s so much here I don’t even know where to begin.” As I teetered on the edge of slipping into standard procrastination activities (you know – checking my e-mail, opening Facebook, looking at colors I might use for a logo I might design for a program I might create six months from now…), I thought to myself, “If my nephew can conquer that seemingly insurmountable pile of green beans, then I can make some progress on this seemingly insurmountable to-do list.” So I defined my “three green beans,” and whittled that list away.

And just in case you ever find yourself facing a huge task without knowing where to start, here are my three green bean tips to overcome overwhelm and surmount your seemingly insurmountable to do list:

Green Bean Tip #1: Pick the item or project on your to-do list that will have the greatest impact on moving you forward toward your goals. Sometimes that might be the item you keep leaving on your to-do list over and over again because it seems the hardest to tackle, but if it is the one action that will give you the greatest progress toward your goals, choose it right now.

Green Bean Tip #2: Set a time frame that you will be solely devoted to that task or project. For me, I like to work in 45 to 60 minute chunks. Once you’ve decided how long you are committing to focusing on that action-item, set a timer or use your favorite focus tool (here’s mine) to set the time frame and get moving.

Green Bean Tip #3: Once the time frame is over, take a quick break. As you’ve likely heard, sitting for prolonged periods of time is one of the worst things we can do for our health. Stand up, grab a drink of water and move around a little bit.

And then, if you think it might be possible, pick another item from the list and chew, shudder (if necessary), swallow, and repeat until your to-do list has been conquered.

Chime in!

What “green bean” project are you currently working on? Let us know so we can cheer you on!

Special thanks to Melanie Ethridge.

This article originally appeared on Growth Advance at and she was kind enough to share.