Brainwashing may seem a bit strong. And, now that I have your attention, you and I are brainwashed. Seriously. Think of it as being programmed for success or failure much like a computer is programmed to run sequences. In the lighter sense and use of the word, brainwashing includes the changing or influence of our opinions, attitudes or behavior by specific methods. The brainwashing we have dictates much of WHAT we do, often times without the understanding of WHY we do it.
Here’s some examples of how brainwashing happens. Many of us hustle to get an education to get a job we don’t even love. Or, we find ourselves scarfing down a bag of potato chips. Replays of “no one can eat just one” has us well-trained. We may burst out singing perfect lyrics in a grocery store aisle to a well-worn ten-year old song. We’re moving through life as our culture, society and mass media suggests.We are performing on cue.
As an ambassador for health and entrepreneurship, I know first hand about resistance. I’ve been told that I need to go easy on Coca Cola and Nabisco. As much brainwashing that I had received about eating pre-packaged, canned goods, or fast food, it was my personal experience of poor health that forced me to question previous nutritional teachings- you know the ones I learned from the Jolly Green Giant, Ronald McDonald and Little Debbie.
My own mother (who was, and is still my biggest cheerleader) continually asked, “Honey, when are you going to get a real job?” Several close friends questioned why I would not go work for someone else. They’d ask, “Isn’t what you’re doing risky? Can you pay the bills? Aren’t you afraid you won’t be able to retire?” Then the revelation hit. As much as I had been brainwashed to get an education so I could get a good job, my personal experiences and yearning desires for freedom beckoned me into the entrepreneurial world. The reality I was seeing is that job security is only a perception. Experiences led me to the only decision I knew deep down that I must take. However, there was one problem. The brainwashing. Sure, I was strong, but I needed a plan to keep me moving in the direction of my dreams.
A Proper Brainwashing and 3 Tips to Transform Your Programming
Is it time to interrupt your personal programming to create a life you really want? Is it time to reconsider what others say you should be or do and step out in confidence? If so, I’d like to offer some advice that’s worked for me.
Your current results are a reflection of the total sum of decisions that you have consciously or unconsciously made. The same statement applies to me. However, something powerful can happen when we desire to forge a different path. Our ability to question the status quo or our current brain washing requires courage. We must decide to set the dial of our own programming, one that leads us to our desired result.
It’s a decision that has us much like salmon swimming upstream. Perhaps not the most comfortable decision to make, but the one that leads us to the most adventure of being alive.
We get to decide to take the better path– the one that brings more purpose, health, and satisfaction. We get to decide how and what we will program our powerful brains with every day. Instead of being a receptor of information thrown at us, we can discern which voices to listen to, what books and blogs to read and how we to act on the information we receive. I’m rooting for a proper brainwashing!
Laugh in the Face of Conformity
Tradition doesn’t always breed health or happiness. In fact, it can perpetuate stress and sadness. This is why I suggest we quit trying to be in the one-size-fits all and embrace what makes more sense. We need to laugh in the face of conformity, reject archaic, non-serving practices that make us want to poke our eyes out.
It’s time to bust up the societal brainwashing that repeats, “this is the way it is, this is the way it will always be.” Heck NO! As the late business philosopher, Jim Rohn said, “don’t sign up for that class!” Transform previous programming with humor. If you’ve caught yourself uncomfortably conforming, it’s time to stop being the butt of the joke and try an alternative approach to life. Pun intended. 😉
Huddle Up
As awkward as this advice may sound, form your own cult or join an existing one. Let me explain. I’m not urging you to join the type of cult that will get you in trouble, rather one that has goals similar to yours. One that cheers you on and vice versa. Are you forging a new health adventure to better wellness? Find a group of health-minded individuals. Are you an aspiring or seasoned entrepreneur? Connect with fellow entrepreneurs.
Being part of a community that can huddle up, dialogue and exchange wins, challenges and inspiration is perhaps one of the most fruitful practices when it comes to “properly brainwashing” our self for transformative success. If you happen to be looking for a community that focuses on improving health or developing as an entrepreneur, let’s connect. Perhaps we should be huddling up so you can better create the life you desire.
Chime In!
What ways do you properly brainwash yourself? Any particular podcasts, blogs or social media you follow to help you transform your life for the better? Do share! I want to know.