Could you use an extra $500 every month? Go ahead. Answer that. I know we can all find a way to employ an extra $500. My hope is that you’ll read this post and take action by providing or doing something spectacular adding increase to your life.
Here’s three key principles to multiply your entrepreneurial value
Principle one: Understand that integrity is an asset
Integrity is one of the most challenging characteristics to find in today’s marketplace. Therefore, I suggest we look at integrity as a valuable asset. Customers desire to conduct business with those who have a heart to serve as well as earn profits.
The world begs for entrepreneurs who deliver honesty, thoughtfulness, genuine help, and quality. When the public senses a business operating in integrity, there comes a tipping point where trust and confidence converge into expectancy and anticipation. As such upcoming services or products are welcomed with open arms.
Integrity leads to more profits. Integrity and profits are meant to go together like chips & salsa, wine & cheese or Fiona & Shrek. Okay, you get the point. It’s clear that the message businesses communicate today must be holistic in nature and resonate with the heart of their public. When integrity is perceived, our entrepreneurial value quickly rises.
Principle two: Let wisdom be your guide
Forget a little mouse in your pocket! What we all need is a Yoda or two, or three. While I’m all for mentoring and coaching, what I’m referring now is wise *professional* counsel. I have my favorites as a businessperson. And, because it’s tax season, I’ll focus on the importance of having a bang-up, insightful CPA.
Early on in my business I was making decisions on a shoestring budget. One of the best decisions was hiring a great CPA. It provided me with a peace of mind. Simply knowing someone was in my corner to make sure I had crossed the “t’s” and dotted the “i’’s” when filing was a huge relief. I also found great value in the professional advice when taking maximum business deductions. I learned that starting out in business wasn’t always about how much money I could make, but rather, how much I could keep.
When paying for the services of a CPA, think of it this way. You’re paying for their years of study, experience ad expertise. You’re paying them to stay on top of the changing laws and regulations that apply to you.
When you work with an astute CPA, you’ll maximize your money while minimizing your time trying to learn what they know. You’ll minimize your chances of making big mistakes. Working with a helpful CPA, you’ll have someone really walk you through the financial statements so you can see how your business is performing and what tweaks you can make to increase its value.
Principle Three: Practice Realistic Expectations & Core Competencies
Aspiring entrepreneurs often have incredible yet lofty ideas. It’s the entrepreneurial season I most love. It’s the stage where anything is possible, creativity is high and hopes are soar. It’s the turning point where dream incubation can coincide with action. And when the entrepreneurially-minded push pass the spark it up phase and muscles for core competencies are flexed and strengthened…well…watch out world!
Not so fast Speed Racer! Yes, we were all born to be an overnight success! Realistically speaking that overnight success may happen anywhere from 365 nights to 537 nights. When our expectations around entrepreneurship are realistic, we waste little time dreaming and head off into doing so the dream comes to pass. The most realistic expectation can be taken from the “farmer’s formula” of seed, time and harvest. Often we want to plant the seeds, skip over time and harvest the next day. However there’s an incubation and growth period. And during time part of the formula is where the core competencies come in handy.
What are these core competencies?
Goal Setting. Consistency. Demand for efficiency and quality. It’s seeking information and daring greatly. It’s systematic planning and tweaking. It’s confidence to act boldly. As entrepreneurs manage their expectations for creating success and dominate these core competencies big waves of value are created. Now how’s that for happy?
Entrepreneurs are the thought leaders of today. They bring much to the table. It’s passion, it’s purpose and when done right brings about sustainable profits.
May our key pursuits include integrity and wisdom so we increase our value in the world. And may our realistic expectations and core competencies bring about that extra $500, $5000 or $5 million every month.
Join the discussion and share with me. What key principle can you focus on to multiply your entrepreneurial value in the world? Please and thank you!

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