Tag Archives: avocado

5 Healthy Options to Overcome Munchies

Ever get the munchies? You’re craving something crunchy, salty, creamy or whatever. What you really want is to bolster your energy. You don’t want something that will create a crash and burn effect because ain’t nobody got time for that! We’ve got a wonderful life to live! Here’s 5 healthy options to overcome munchies that will fill you up and not bring you down.

It’s unbelievable how our environment makes it so easy to reach for foods and drinks that create a quick energy boost, but in the long-term cause damage on our bodies. However, there’s no need to be concerned when you’re armed with quick choices and easy recipes to get you through the day with strength. These go-to options will stave off the bad munchies and provide you with nutrients instead.

Be Smooth!

Using your blender, add eight ounces of unsweetened nut milk, one teaspoon of almond butter, a dash of cinnamon, cacao powder, vanilla extract, a scoop of protein powder and half of a banana. And Voila! You’ve got yourself a delicious concoction to keep you humming along.

Go Nuts!

Enjoy a handful of raw unsalted nuts. I love a pistachio, cashew and almond mix! And may I suggest soaking almonds in water overnight? This way you can sprout and release plenty of their nutrient-dense goodness. Once you’ve soaked them, pour out the water, rinse and dry. Later in the day you’ll enjoy the perfect snack combination of fat, fiber, and protein. I promise you’ve never had almonds until you’ve tasted sprouted ones!


Impress Mom!

I believe it was a staple of most everyone’s childhood to hear their Mom say, “Eat your veggies.” Well this option includes just that, but with a twist.

I like this option because it provides something wholesome, yet tasty. Serve up two cups of raw carrots, celery or bell pepper with some delicious hummus. What I love about hummus is the variety of ways we can choose to enjoy it from plain, to spicy and everything in between.

Be Eggscellent!

Utilize the incredible, edible egg. Boil several at once so you can have a supply to easily reach for in a hurry. Enjoy slices of hard-boiled egg, avocado and tomato atop a toasted piece of Ezekiel bread or another healthy bread of your choice. Add some sea salt and ground pepper to pop the flavors, and munch away to your delight.


You can also overcome munchies by simply eating a boiled egg or two. With six grams of protein in each egg, it provides the body with plenty of fuel.

Go For Dreamy, Creamy & Crunchy

Enjoy half a cup of organic Greek yogurt or opt for coconut yogurt. Add in a chopped up Granny Smith Apple, cinnamon and some walnuts or pecans. You can also add a few drops of vanilla extract. This option is excellent if you are an ice cream fan or apple pie fan. Just sayin’.

Try one or all five of these options. Boost your energy  or overcome an afternoon slump with good grub! Or simply give yourself a healthy alternative to not-so-healthy options.

Chime In!

Inquiring minds want to know, do you have a healthy option you love to overcome munchies? If so, what is it? OR What option/s are you going to try? Chime in! I love hearing from you!  🙂



3 Motivating Reasons to Get Your Detox On

Detoxification (detox) has become a hot topic. Even if you are a quasi-health-seeker, I’m sure you’ve stumbled across musings about cleansing and alkalizing the body.

Detox promotes wellness by ridding the body of poisons that can lead to a myriad of health problems ranging from fatigue and depression to cancer, autoimmune issues and diabetes. More so now, then ever, detox is gaining further nods of approval coming from the mainstream. Let me explain.

Perhaps you’ve interacted with someone who’s shared about their journey to vibrant health? It may go something like this. They highlight how choosing detox helped remove excess mucus, yeasts, parasites, fats, food allergies, chemicals, metals, and even thoughts or emotions.Their stories of before and after lead up to gradual improvements, breakthrough or complete transformation. They smile and inspire.

Oddly, many of us who stumble upon such detox stories aren’t in the “looking zone.” We don’t feel a need for it. We don’t feel sick or haven’t heard enough about it to motivate us into action. I want to plant a seed. You’ve heard it. Expect the best, but prepare for the worst. Detox matters and it should not be fear-based. Rather it should be based in wholeness and happiness.

And then, there’s a rising interest in detox due to the encroaching and intensifying cold and flu season.  Perhaps it’s health scares like the Ebola outbreak, or campaigns such as breast cancer awareness month that are popularizing the topic.

Maybe all the buzz is fueled by frustrated patients whose medical and pharmaceutical treatments lack effectiveness. Whatever the reason, I’m grateful that the attention around detoxifying the body is climbing.

3 reasons to detox with Dr Paige Hunter wellness coach

My desire is to see everyone catch the vision of detox. Our incredible bodies deserve prevention, house cleaning, maintenance and vitality.

Like many, I too have a personal story around detox. Being slapped with autoimmune diagnoses wasn’t in my plans. Learning how to detox my body has brought me tremendous hope. It’s a hope I’m not willing to keep quietly to myself.

I’m grateful to have learned about detox and even more grateful to teach it. It’s been revolutionary for me and to those I serve.

I hope this information will plant seeds of motivation for a healthier body. Consider loving yourself and those who matter most in your life by taking up seasonal and daily detox practices. Life’s really good when you feel it!

1- Prevention

What if you could help prevent chronic disease? Guess what? You can! In detox, you’ve got a friend. By taking measures now, you can decrease and prevent damage to your health.

Chronic Disease as described by the Centers for Disease Control is the leading cause of death and disability in the United States. It accounts for 70% of all deaths in the U.S. Let’s be the other 30%, shall we?

I’m for helping my body do what it’s already doing naturally but may have become sluggish due to toxins. I want happy kidneys, a happy gut, a happy liver and the like.

Premature Aging, Fuggetaboutit!

And guess what? I’m all for aging, just not in an accelerated fashion. So I’m all in on kicking premature aging to the curb with detox. Are you? One way to do this is to increase absorption of good nutrition.

Let’s take for example an avocado. Ever cut one in half and leave it sitting out for a while? It turns brown due to the oxidation. Now consider making some delicious guacamole. Lime or lemon is squeezed in it and whalah! The vitamin C of that citrus juice increases the “longevity” of the avocado’s greenness provided it’s not too quickly wolfed down with corn chips.

avocados and lemons for detoxification and wellness

The point is when we take preventative measures through detox our body is more capable at absorbing vital nutrition for combating the onset of rapid aging. This friends, is downright excellent.

Balancing out the Body’s Systems

Before learning about detoxing, my hormones, digestive system, and nervous system took an unnecessary pounding throwing off my body’s balance. I can’t promise any overnight success because there’s a process in detox, but what I can tell you is the more I practice it, the better I feel and the more addicted I become to feeling great. I’m a fan of homeostasis! Balanced, internal equilibrium plays a domino effect for positive productivity and simply enjoying life more.

2- House Cleaning & Maintenance

Oh, we take time to clean our homes or cars. Why not take time to clean our bodies? The same ideals apply. The gutters on our home may get filled up with leaves, our chimney needs sweeping, the trash needs to be taken out or recycled. It’s what we do to keep things running smoothly at home. Then we change the oil on our cars, add more windshield fluid for clear vision and change out spark plugs and filters. It’s what we do.

Here’s the begging question, are we keeping our physical home clean? Are we making sure we can transport ourselves around successfully in our old age by proper maintenance?

Being a horse lover, I’ve often seen fellow horse owners spend more money taking care of their horse’s health than their own. Friends, it’s time. It’s time to take care of the one who pays the mortgage or rent. It’s time to take care of the one who pays for the vehicle or upkeep on the animals. You matter!

So get your detox on! Remove toxins. Take care of your physical body, whatever year model you are, you are spectacular! Take out the trash regarding emotional garbage or mental stress. You deserve to live lighter and healthier.

3- Exemplify vitality

Become a big chief by embracing detox. What I mean by this is set the example. Be the C.E.O. (Chief Example Officer). Sometimes the key evidence will be folks slimming down as they release toxins.

Other times detox will take on a whole ‘nother level of increased energy. You see, after detoxing many claim to sleep more deeply and who can complain about quality beauty rest? It’s cool to see how one can move from 3-toed sloth to Looney Tunes Road Runner. Beep, Beep!

Then, there’s “the detox glow.” You’ve seen it on Susie Sunshine, the exemplary fitness warrior, green juice-toting gal. She’s not even wearing makeup and epitomizes beauty. And, she’s not 21 either. She’s 56. It’s the real deal. You’ve overheard the rumors. She’s a detoxer. Perhaps it’s time to mount that horse and ride off into the healthy sunset.

Now is the time to get your detox on. Don’t wait. Start today. If you want some baby-steps, I’ve got a humorous guide for you. You can download it here for free: www.paigehunter.com/free-resources/

And for those of you wanting to go deeper, I’ve got a program for you launching in the next couple of weeks. Get on the list at www.getyourdetoxon.com. You’ll be informed on the dates of the next online course, cost and other importing information.

I want you healthy, happy and wondrous. Year-round. Understanding the WHY is just as important as the HOW when it comes to detox. By outlining three motivating reasons to get your detox on, my hope is to see you embrace the how.

In the comments below, let me know your thoughts. Ever done a detox before? Revelations? Or are you up for a detox now? Tell me about it.

5 Energy Elevating Healthy Snacks

Gobble up some goodness! I’ve got 5 energy elevating healthy snacks for you.

There’s lots of transitions happening now. It’s back to school time, schedules are getting busier, the “lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer” are winding down. To accommodate new routines and a healthy snack revolution, I’m serving up some suggestions to increase or maintain your energy. Enjoy!

1) Hazelnuts


I’m on a hazelnut kick. Join me, won’t you? (Even if you call them filberts!)

These easy to pack and carry snacks provide us with protein and unsaturated fats. Most of all they have B vitamins that provide energy for the body by breaking down carbs into glucose giving us all a little pep in our step.

2) Green Apple

It’s versatile with yum, crunch, cold or hot ability! Sinking your choppers into this fruit will provide you with powerful antioxidants like Vitamin C and flavonoids. So you can check off healthy! You can get your fiber on and help balance your blood sugar. It’s all good, but here’s the big why you should love green apples. Simplicity and versatility. You can wash and go and eat it out in the streets or you can warm it up with a dash of cinnamon. Either way, it helps keep the doctors at bay and can give you a lift of energy.

3) Celery with Almond Butter

It’s crunchy yet filling combo. Celery is a champ for the following reasons:

– Fiber!

-It’s a natural diuretic.

– It helps our bellies feel full without weighing us down.

Now couple this with almond butter and we can knock it out of the ball park with a healthy snack.

The almond butter boosts our bodies with more fiber and protein. It helps us to curb our appetite because this combo helps stabilize blog sugars and regulate our reserves of energy. And, I’m a fat fan. The good kind of fat that is! The healthy fat found in almond butter can help us avoid mindless eats that take us off track to unnecessary (and unfruitful) sweets.

4) Tangerines

Even as I typed the word, I had an aroma-therapy experience! You know, the kind where you peel open that tangerine and inhale the the citrusy goodness? Yes, that one. Added bonus: tangerines are ripe with Vitamin C, contain fiber and are healthy.

Humor me, will ya? It’s ALSO the happy part of eating, and smelling that elevates our energy. When we open up that succulent, sexy tangerine, we’re so going there. It’s the aroma-therapy/taste bud experience that lights us up. Let’s take some time to peel and reel in the goodness of tangerines.

5) Avocado

I confess, I go weak at the knees for avocado. I don’t mind if I have it for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Experts will tell you it’s good for your skin, provides healthy fats, and can be known to lower cholesterol.

The California Avocado commission boasts they have twice as much potassium found in bananas, it’s the fruit with approximately 3 grams of protein and it barely has any fructose (sugar). Folic acid and B-Vitamins are also present in the avocado~ making it a winner for those who are (or want to become) pregnant and those who want to increase their energy.

Obviously there’s health benefits regarding the avocado, but why lie? It just taste so delicious and simply sharing about avocado lifts my energy levels.

May I urge you to try it with about everything? Soups. Salads. On your toast. Plain with Pink Himalayan salt. Use it to bake things that ask for oil. Throw it into your smoothies for a thicker, creamier delicious taste! Run with it!

Talk to me in the comments below.

What are some of your favorite healthy food snacks you turn to keep your energy up? Or, are you planning on incorporating some of the ones I shared?