Strange Brew: The Curiously Healthy Exilir Called Kombucha

Anytime I’m checking out at the grocery store, without fail the sales clerk or someone in line asks me, “What’s that?” I’m always surprised that so few know about it. Then I remind myself that I’ve only been in-the-know for about four years. “It’s Kombucha”.

Kombucha Tea on store shelf

Then the flurry of questions continue. “What’s it taste like? What is it? Is it expensive? Why do you drink it? Is it like beer? It seems strange.”

Then I go into my best sales pitch even though I’m not a brand ambassador for the Kombucha company. I just know it’s benefits are so incredible and I can’t help myself. My usual schpeel goes something like this.

It’s Kombucha. It’s a health drink. It comes in a variety of flavors. Don’t shake it up! It’s fermented like a beer or soda. It’s fantastic for you because it‘s raw living food that’s chock full of probiotics and enzymes. Probiotics are good bacteria that help to keep your gut flora balanced. Enzymes help break down, digest and better absorb our foods. I love the taste of it, my favorite’s the ginger. It may seem expensive but the alternative to bad health is far more expensive. I drink it because I know 80% of my immune system is located in the gut and I feel more energetic and balanced when I drink it. You can save more money if you brew your own. Currently I’m not brewing because I’m a bit of gypsy living between here and Mexico. Please, give Kombucha a whirl! Your body will thank you. AND, exit.

These are the friendly encounters I’ve had at my local grocery store. I realize the culture we currently live in has become so much about the mainstream offerings of soda pops and sugary coffee drinks that are devoid of nutrition and laced with chemicals. I am here to be like a beacon in the night guiding all who will listen to give this “Strange Brew” a chance!

Please share with me. Let me know if you’ve tried Kombucha. If so, did you have a favorite? If you haven’t, will you this “Strange Brew” a chance? Leave me a comment.

Cheers and bottoms up!

To your health!

2 Responses to Strange Brew: The Curiously Healthy Exilir Called Kombucha

  1. I JUST downloaded something to read – to explain WHY I keep hearing about kombucha – sounds great – I will pick some up as soon as I see it – and try and find a few recipes. Thanks for sharing -I look forward to the healthy ‘lift’!