Ever tried following your own advice? Here’s 3 tips to pull you through.

Following advice can be invaluable

Entrepreneurs usually magnetize and form friendships with fellow entrepreneurs. Often times what happens is an interchange of sage advice, encouragement and celebration.

I’m very close to three entrepreneurs. Two work in different fields than me. They provide an incredible amount of perspective outside of my area of expertise. The other entrepreneur feels as comfortable as an old shoe. We share similar experiences, talk “shop” and challenge the other.

The mutual interchange between us is priceless. We ask advice, we share funny stories, we get feedback and encouragement from each other. We stand up for each other. We walk one another through storms and tragedies.

Whether you are an entrepreneur or not, this type of interaction is valuable. Ninety nine percent of us thrive, interact and respond with support. We show up to receive or give words of advice. When we honestly desire the best for each other, that advice is worth pure gold.

3 tips for following advice from Dr. Paige Hunter

So here’s a question for you. When you feel stuck, need to make a quick business decision, or wonder if what you said to a client was the right thing, please do this:

1) Imagine.

Yes! Imagine yourself having a conversation with one of your friends. Remember that advice you need? Good! Let’s continue.

 2) Talk to your imaginary friend.

This friend knows what type of entrepreneur you are. They understand your strengths, weakness, dream clients. They get you and your business.

3) Follow your own advice.

What do you think this fellow entrepreneur would tell you to do? Better yet, if the roles were reversed, what would you tell them to do? What advice would you give this friend had they brought up a similar situation?

There it is friend! You’ve struck gold. Most likely you reached a great answer by giving yourself your own best advice. Now you’ve got me wondering. What did you say? “Knock it off already”, “It’s time to change CPA’s!” Or is it? “Have you thought about how much time you are wasting on ineffective social media?” I’d really love to be a fly on the wall but I’m not nosy. 😉

When it’s all said and done, our imaginations can help us arrive at actionable advice for moving forward. Understand I’m not saying ditch those friends or go it alone. I’m inviting you to try something else just in case they opt out for a holiday hula in Hawaii or a whitewater expedition in Costa Rica.

In the comments below, chime in! Share with us what some good, solid advice you’ve given to yourself? Did you follow it? 🙂


2 Responses to Ever tried following your own advice? Here’s 3 tips to pull you through.

  1. Well that’s a handy little process, isn’t it?! 😉 My own best advice? Take time to rediscover your purpose and what gives you joy. Take a step back and don’t feel pressured to perform. Give it to God! He’s the CEO anyways and always has been, so He can handle things while you’re on sabbatical. Breath.