Easy Gluten-Free Vegan Chocolate Sunbutter Cups!

When someone says chocolate if your ears perk up and your mind starts racing, you aren’t alone! This time of year there’s an invasion of hollow chocolate rabbits delivering similarly hollow benefits with ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, and hydrogenated oils. The chocolate rabbits are everywhere! I feel it’s a moral obligation to turn you onto something healthier that will tickle your taste buds.

Just say noooooo!

Wascly Choc Wabbit

I’m offering you a deliciously deceptive alternative. It’s going to help your hankering for something sweet. It’s something you can make with 4 ingredients and in less than 10 minutes you’ll have finished this great work of art while outwitting Martha Stewart herself.

Skip creating a disaster in your kitchen!

Messy Kitchen

Let’s get this party started so you can enjoy more of this:


If you haven’t heard of sunbutter you are in for a treat! With so many people having peanut allergies these days, sunbutter is the closest thing to peanut butter. It’s made of sunflower seeds and it’s delicious! This is the secret ingredient to making our chocolate recipe tasting similarly to a Reese’s Butter Cup but with a healthy twist!

Healthy Gluten-Free Vegan Chocolate Sunbutter Cups

And… this may possibly make err’body even happier because those with particular diets can still join in the fun. I aim to please.

1 cup Coconut Oil (suggested organic, virgin)

1 cup crunchy Sunbutter (sunflower seed butter- yum!)

½ cup Organic Raw Cacao Powder (not Cocoa)

2 Tablespoons Coconut Sugar

Stir all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Place it in your refrigerator to set and chill. Pick up some festive mini cupcake wrappers should you decide to go all out.

Gluten-Free Vegan Chocolate

OR… if you want a super quick fix, place the batter in a small glass pan, later cutting them into squares. Do what best suits your fancy.

Homemade Dark Gluten-Free Vegan Chocolate


Go outside and celebrate the simplicity of it all. Follow celebration example below or simply adapt using your own style and pizzazz.


Within 30 minutes your Gluten-Free Vegan Chocolate Sunbutter Cups will be ready for sharing or taste testing. Enjoy!

You may wonder, how on earth can this recipe be healthy if it taste so good? Read about the wonderful benefits of coconut oil here.  I’m a fan of sunbutter because it’s an excellent source of protein and contains no cholesterol amongst other things. However, it’s good to know that it’s a true friend to those who have peanut allergies. Talk about opening up an entire new world of taste!

Of course, we chocolate lovers have heard of the antioxidant powers of it’s cocao powder. What you may not know is that it’s high in magnesium, cholesterol and sugar free. When you want to sweeten things up, try out coconut sugar. I’m a fan because it has an even lower glycemic index than honey (and don’t misread me, I’m not against raw honey in moderation). Coconut sugar is high in minerals and vitamins and helps bring this rich dessert its full on flavor!

In the comments below tell us know if you plan to try out this Gluten-Free Vegan Chocolate recipe. If you have already, tell us about your experience.

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