It’s Time You Get a Massage!

It’s Time You Get a Massage!

When was the last time you actually slowed down enough to detox from overwhelm or simply relax? If you lead a busy life, have a health condition or have trouble winding down, it’s time you get a massage! When it comes to well-being and health, massage therapy is a favorite. Sure it can be relaxing,… Continue Reading…

Wisdom and Sour Grapes

Wisdom and Sour Grapes

Whether you are an entrepreneur, wellness warrior or both, the factors of wisdom and sour grapes play a role in our lives. Allow me to explain. No one wants to play a fool; and no one wants to eat sour grapes. Remember Aesop’s Fables? Perhaps you remember this famous one. The story about the fox… Continue Reading…

Are you Grounded, Earthling? Learn what Earthing may do for you.

Are you Grounded, Earthling? Learn what Earthing may do for you.

Hello Earthling, are you grounded? I’m sharing some information that includes a big clue into the “secret” of Earthing, an instigator of happiness and health. On almost any given day you’ll find me laying in the grass or enjoying a barefoot walk unless the weather doesn’t permit it. What I’ve discovered is that throughout the… Continue Reading…

Loneliness and Well-being

Loneliness and Well-being

Who knew an entire discussion around loneliness and well-being can expectantly surface in a coffee shop. However, it did. I was alone inhaling stacks of books while savoring a giant peppermint tea when I noticed an old friend of mine strolling her baby. I waved and caught both of their attention and big smiles. I… Continue Reading…