Snack attack? Eat these healthy snack choices instead.

Have a Snack Attack? Eat this!

Cravings don’t just hit teenagers wanting a happy meal. It can happen to health nuts too. It can also happen to those who are undertaking a new adventure in becoming healthier.

Cravings hit most of us in the afternoon or after dinner. It’s what I refer to as a “snack attack”– the urge to nibble. It can lead to bad habits due our choices regarding foods we reach for that may be loaded with salt, sugar, fat and empty calories.

I don’t want to be THAT Health Coach that says no to everything. What I want to do is teach you some insider tips for sensible snacking that won’t weigh you down while you get a little fill up.

Ain’t no shame in the game when you go for the healthy alternative, right?

I don’t know about you but I’m a fan of chocolate. It’s what I crave most. Other times I want something crispy or salty. Usually when we get a craving it’s for either something sweet (chocolate!), savory (potato chips!), creamy (ice cream!), or crunchy (crisps!).

Obviously, my examples are foods you shouldn’t eat all the time if you want to be trim and healthy. But that doesn’t mean you have to fight your cravings for the rest of your life. Instead, you just need to find a worthy substitute.

Healthy snack attack


Feeling like a salty dog or want a little crunchy? No worries. Reach for these healthy alternatives:

  • spicy seaweed (one of my personal favorites)
  • pickles and pickled vegetables, such as carrot, daikon, beets.
  • tabouli, hummus
  • salted edamame
  • steamed vegetables with tamari
  • black bean chips
  • freshly made salsa or guacamole (you can use celery to scoop it up.)
  • Sauerkraut (will also knock your sweet craving right out!)
  • plain popcorn (use coconut oil to pop in a covered pan and add some sea salt)

crunchy healthy snack

Have a hankering for something sweet, try these healthy snack choices:

  • whole, fresh fruit like an orange or pear
  • apples and almond butter
  • green smoothies
  • nutty banana berry “ice cream” (blend in a food processor with a peeled banana, nuts and fresh berries, freeze it and enjoy!)
  • stuffed dates with cashew or almond butter
  • dried fruit (keep it in moderation so you don’t spike your blood sugar)
  • organic dark chocolate chips (Yes, I said that!)
  • carob (because it’s close to chocolate and it’s a healthy choice!)
  • frozen grapes

Sweet healthy snack

Craving something creamy? Cool, I’ve got you covered. How about these:

  • avocados (How could I live without you, my precious?)
  • dips and spreads like hummus
  • puddings made with mashed bananas or silkened tofu
  • mashed sweet potatoes
  • coconut milk
  • puréed soups (butternut squash or tomato soup, I make big batches and freeze them and pull it out to use when I have a creamy craving or rather skip out on cooking)
  • a yummy smoothie

Please, listen to your body.

Find out what it’s really wanting. Is it something salty or crunchy? Are you wanting something sweet or creamy? Then do yourself a favor and go guiltless. Pick something that will be a healthy snack choice and a feel-good alternative.

Talk to us! What kind of cravings do you get? What’s some of your go-to healthy snack choices? Please share the love!

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