Not long ago my Father passed away. My world was not turned upside down. In fact, it’s presently right side up. Unlike many, I knew it was coming. I had precious time to be with him, but also to prepare myself as I walked through then and now. As such, I want to share what’s helping me flow and 5 things I’m loving right now.
You see, I’m that kid, the one with zero regrets. When my Dad passed I knew it was coming. I opted to make deliberate choices. No words were left unspoken. Nothing- undone, I believe on both sides. While it was challenging at times, it was also full of many teachable moments. I chose to step back from busyness and embrace what deeply matters instead- being present. After this major transition, it was clear I needed to re-establish a healthy routine. Keep reading to learn the top 5 that led me back into the groove with gusto and how they may possibly benefit you too!
We can consciously take our proverbial foot off the pedal, just a well as we can choose to regain speed. I’m digging Michael McQueen’s book entitled Momentum: How to Build it, Keep it or Get it Back. It’s practical and helpful. It’s served as the perfect manual for balanced re-engagement. It spotlights case studies, points out enemies of momentum, how to get into good action, while holding onto focus and consistency. I love its down-to-earth approach, its flow, and perhaps, most importantly the timeliness of its message. It’s remarkably helpful with inspiring information regardless of your present circumstances.
I’m loving USANA’s Reset™. This five day program helped remove some unwanted fluff and unwanted toxins. I’m dazzled by it’s simplicity.
You see, I’d eaten my fair share of comfort food around the time my Dad passed away. As such, I chose Reset™ to help me make a clean break from the effects of not-so-healthy food choices. It was wonderful as it quickly aids our body to balance our blood sugars levels with low-glycemic eating.
The program replaces three meals with a delicious and nutritionally balanced Nutrimeal™ shake, while offering up high quality supplements and top-notch probiotics. The Reset™ program encourages whole-food snacks, moderate exercise, and the practice of healthy lifestyle habits. The program guide and tracking card kept me focused and I’m happy to report that I was comfortably back in my favorite shorts again and 4 lbs lighter.
I credit this program for boosting my energy, keeping my skin glowing, and quickly helping me course correct. If you want more info on the RESET™, visit Note that you can save 10% off your order just by enrolling as a customer. It’s free to enroll, and you can also save an additional 10% off your products if you choose to utilize our easy, convenient auto order program. I highly recommend it!
Wellness Walking
Many world famous influencers were walkers: Henry David Thoreau, Albert Einstein, Friedrich Nietzsche and Steve Jobs are just a few to name. Some shared how it helped them clear their mind, spark inspiration or creativity, restore balance, decompress, boost positive emotions or solve problems. I figure if it worked well for some of these accomplished individuals, it’s a promising endeavor.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m also enjoying swimming and horseback riding. However, it is on the walks where I’ve recently been receiving so much. At times it is chipper banter with the merchants of the Marina. Other times, it is the chirps of content birds. Either way, it’s good for the soul and body. Just last week, as I strolled along the beach at sunset, a magnificent download in regards to a business idea occurred. Every time the walk’s purpose is the same- to experience something different- to get outside of the same environment and receive something good, or to up the happy endorphins to rest well, feel well, and be well.
I encourage you to take wellness walks several times a week simply to reflect and connect with God, yourself or a loved one. Not too long ago my husband broke his foot. He’s now able to join me. And I’m currently loving our walks. Our talks have been very deep. We dive into a variety of topics: discuss possibilities, game plans, dreams. It’s truly been a three-for-one special. Connection. Reflection. Wellness.
I’ve been living off and on between Mexico and Texas for years. I’m currently living in Puerto Vallarta more than I am the Texas Hill Country. While I’ve adapted well with my new surroundings, I wasn’t quite adapting to not seeing the wonderful faces that I care about. Video conferencing allows me to see priceless expressions on business associates, clients and/or family and friends’ faces. It’s been a real treasure as of recent and I’m so grateful for Zoom and technologies like it.
If Zoom is new to you, know this: it allows several people to be in connected via video conferencing at once. This is exceptional for business, and I’ve also found it quite useful for “family reunions” where not all members live in the same vicinity. There is a free version that works for most users, and a paid version that helps amp up any business game.
Zoom makes video and web conferencing simple. It has a secure, easy platform for video and audio conferencing, messaging, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. While Zoom brings businesses and organizations’ teams together to get things done, it can serve as a powerful tool for maintaining shared friendships or strong family ties. It’s truly a gift to the world. If you don’t already have a free account, you can set one up at
Social Media Break
I believe it’s healthy to take breaks from social media. It can get overwhelming keeping up with a wild influx of news, pictures and political banter. This past month I chose to truly limit myself from engaging in much social media with the exception of business. It’s been very refreshing. I’ve enjoyed so many wonderful face-to-face conversations, lovely phone calls and uplifting video calls.
The choice to limit or take a complete break from social media can strengthen the relationships and productivity you have. Sure, we’re eager to see your pictures and read your posts, but deep down we want your happiness, your wholeness. Go ahead, take a break if you’d like. I doubt you’ll regret it.
Chime In!
Want to join me on any of the following five? Perhaps reading Momentum? Reseting with me? Wellness Walking? Zooming? Or downsizing on Social Media? Let me know! I’d love to hear from you!

Hi Paige, I’m going to increase my walk time and read the book. Thank you!
Great choices Bonnie! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for these simple suggestions. Please accept my sincere condolences for the loss of your Dad. Although you have no regrets, and kudos to you for the way you handled his passing, permanent physical absence of a loved one still hurts. Please keep us in the loop. Thinking of you from a rain sodden North Stradbroke Island, Queensland, Australia.
Thank you Nicole. I receive your words with gratitude. I never fully understood when people would say,”I’m so sorry for your loss” until now. My Dad is a big loss. He was such a kind, funny, warm rascal! Big hug to you!
Hi Paige, I am your dads first cousin. I hadn’t seen him in years but grew with with him an Carlann and loved them both dearly. I just learned of his passing an I am sorry for you , your mom an Quint’s loss.
Sharon Johnson Carlton
Thank you Sharon. I appreciate your thoughtful words. I’m sure you know first hand just how mischievous my father could be. 😉 Have a Merry Christmas!