Tastefully Celebrate the World Cup (or Life) with a Healthy Fruit Slushy

Having healthy go-to choices during festivities is a good thing; especially when the choices are super tasty. Keeping in the spirit of the World Cup, I created three deceptively delicious and delightfully nutritious fruit slushy concoctions. Even if you aren’t a soccer (futbol) fan, there’s something fun and healthy waiting to be taste tested by you.


Ever show up to a party where the food spread is mostly comprised of junk food? Is it just me or do you search for something tasty yet healthy? I’m all about you celebrating life and festivities like the World Cup with food that’s not gonna put junk in your trunk. Growing up, most of the festive gatherings I attended had few healthy choices. Let me level with you, even if there had been, I probably wouldn’t have appreciated it like I do now. Like many people it took having my own health issues to capture my attention.


Today is a different story. I choose to pass on junk food that leaves me with that not-so-energetic feeling the day after. You know what I mean? The food hangover created by carbs, processed foods and sugars. Instead I opt for tasty lusciousness found on the vine.


Friends, you can easily make these DIY tasty treats. I use this recipe in lieu of ice cream and don’t feel left out of the party. Fancy that!

Be your own hero or share a healthy fruit slushy and be someone else’s hero too. 🙂  Here’s to vibrant color and not fretting about flavor.
Dr. Paige Hunter enjoys her healthy fruit slushy! 
I like recipes like this because (1) it’s simple and flexible, and (2) you don’t need to measure ingredients. I used a knife, a cutting board, and a fork for mashing up the fruit. Then, I used clear plastic cups to freeze the fruit and easily show off the slushy mush of goodness.


Ode to Old Glory


healthy fruit slushy for World cup celebrations

My first fruit slushy concoction is contains some good ol’ USA Patriotic symbolism donning the red, white & blue.


I chose to stick with two of my favorite berries, raspberry and blueberry. However, feel free to opt for strawberries or blackberries. Smash them up with a fork so to get that slushy yummy texture. In between the berries I opted for creamy coconut milk. Well, because who’d want to leave out Hawaii?


Viva El Tricolor!


Keep happy with a healthy fruit slushy

The second fruit slushy mixture is made up of Mexico’s colors of red, white and green to honor my husband’s birthplace, as well as our friends and family. It’s got an entirely different yet delicious taste from the first slushy.


Watermelon just seems to be the most appropriate color for red. It’s a Mexican favorite. Creamy white bananas easily play their part. Mainly, because most everyone loves bananas, right? Any thoughts to what fruit won green representation? Well, by popular Facebook demand, my friends seemed quite smitten with the adorable fuzzy kiwi fruit, and well, the lovable avocado. Between the two winners, I opted for kiwi. I find between the watermelon, bananas and kiwi, we’ve got ourselves a refreshingly fine slushy. I’ll add saucing it up with a squeeze of fresh lime juice for more Mexican flair! Delicioso!


Last but not least, if you aren’t feeling the Ode to Old Glory or Viva el Tricolor, I’ve got something extraordinarily exotic for you.


Ode to Brazil! Tropical Passion Slush


Brasil inspired healthy fruit slushy

To honor our friends from around the world who are currently enjoying Brazil, I’ve got the Tropical Passion Slush to make you blush. 😉


Remember, it’s easy! Just mash up these ingredients and put it in the freezer for about 30 minutes so you get the slushy love you deserve. This passion slush consist of pineapple, mango, watermelon & a little dragon fruit to boot. You can layer them or get creative. Do your thing and enjoy!


Thanks for coming by to watch by first video blog post or for reading this one. In the comment section, let me know what fruit slushy you found most appealing and why, or just share with me what World Cup team you may be rooting for! Get out there, be happy, stay healthy and enjoy the fun junk food alternatives!

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