3 Tips for leaving behind continuous “research” and reaching for action in entrepreneurship.
You may be an EntrepreNERD if you’re:
- a seasoned entrepreneur but find yourself spinning your wheels. Perhaps you’ve remained in the same place for months, even years: or
- you aspire to become an entrepreneur but you can’t seem to take steps beyond dreaming about starting a business, studying or Googling about it! If you fall into one of these two categories, I wrote this article specifically with YOU in mind! Now, don’t get sideways with me for referring to you as an EntrepreNERD. I use this terminology lovingly, and besides I’ve been there done that! I even got the pencil pocket protector to go with it! So yes, it’s something we all need to watch out for!
We must careful not to allow a particular invasion to happen. It won’t be pretty. You know about it, right? The revenge of the EntrepreNERDS! They roam around in angst and laugh obnoxiously. Be viligent! Here’s what we can you do about it!
Take note of these three powerful tips to help you avoid the EntrepreNERDism. (I’m so geeked to share it.) 😉
1- Kick perfectionism to the curb!
Here’s a newsflash. No entrepreneur ever gets everything 100% right. It’s okay. Really. We learn what we need to know as we go and grow. Sometimes we all just need to back away from our computers take a deep breathe and realize we work for excellence – not perfection. I assure you, it’s a great idea.
2- Baby steps!
Baby steps in any new direction are okay too. Seasoned entrepreneurs often grow stagnant because they’ve always worked THIS way. However, times are changing. And baby steps are better than no steps. Baby steps with mentoring are even better!
Aspiring entrepreneurs often talk about what they are going to do. Yet talking about doing something and doing something aren’t the same thing. Again, baby steps! Start slow if need be, but start! Thinking you’re an entrepreneur isn’t the same as being an entrepreneur.
3- Busy vs. Productive…which one are you?
EntrepreNERDs have a way of making their life busier than it needs to be. My tip is to be INTENTIONAL! Once we decide to be productive and work accordingly, we either outsource “busy” work or stop doing it all together because it’s not productive or congruent with our cause. The way we spend our time matters. I believe if you’re like me, you value your time more than most. It’s the currency of rich. True wealth is enjoying and making the most of our time. That is why nerds aren’t considered cool. Just sayin’.
So let’s be cool, shall we?
Have you ever been caught up in being an entrepreNERD? If so, what were you doing? How did you snap out of it? I’d love to know!