Ode to Coconut Oil!

I’d compose a song entitled Ode to Coconut Oil if I were a musician like Beethoven– alas; I am not, so instead I will write an ode. In particular, I’m sharing about coconut oil and how it possesses a bounty of health benefits along with tips for working it into your daily diet for glowing skin, a happier heart, gut and immune system.

health benefits of coconut oil

Today, the sheer goodness of coconut oil is picking up speed with a lot of positive press. If you aren’t already using it, do yourself a favor; work it into your diet. If you have used coconut oil I’m sure you’ve experienced some of its benefits or perhaps you haven’t known what all the buzz is about but you’re open to adventure. Regardless of your coconut oil experience, make sure to try my no bake raspberry protein coconut ball recipe. It’s yummy.

Here’s the quick low down on the health benefits of coconut oil and how you can use it in your daily life. Should you desire even more information, check out Dr. Bruce Fife’s book, The Coconut Oil Miracle. It’s one of the best resources I’ve found.

Coconut Oil’s Benefits

It’s challenging to find fault with coconut and its many benefits. Below are some of my favorite benefits. Remember, it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Love Your Gut with the “Anti”-Shebang bang!

Scientists boast that coconuts are antibacterial, antifungal, anti-parasitic and antiviral. It’s just an all around performer that supports our gut and our immune system (about 80% of our immune system is in the gut). And if that’s not enough to impress, coconut oil is gluten-free, hypoallergenic, and easy to digest. This rock star Superfood promotes the growth of probiotics in our digestive tract. Truly, it’s a winner to use in your breakfast, lunch or dinner!

Burn Baby Burn! Coconut Oil

I’m sure you’ve heard that good fats help combat the unwanted fats. Coconut oil along with avocados are in this category. Coconut oil has been proven to help weight loss and burn fat for energy. This friend, is a very positive thing! I’ve had clients report that by adding 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil on a daily basis that they’ve lost inches, and anywhere from 2-6 pounds within 14 days. Something else you should know– it’s low glycemic so it won’t spike your blood sugar level, making it a favorite among those diagnosed with Diabetes or Hypoglycemia.

Hormone Balancer

I’m personally grateful for the healthy fats in coconut oil. It supports thyroid function and the adrenal glands which in turn, helps lower cortisol levels. Coconut oils helps reduce inflammation and support a healthy metabolism, both essential for balancing out hormones.

Love Your Heart

In day’s past, coconut oil received a bad wrap regarding cholesterol as it is a saturated fat. New research has proved that not all fats are the same.

Overtime, this research has shown that long term, the medium-chain fatty acids of coconut oil can cut down the long-chain fatty acids that are reported to play a role in heart disease. So why not cook everything in coconut oil? Let’s protect ourselves against heart disease by helping lower negative cholesterol ratios, plaque build up, and defend ourselves against clogged arteries.

How to Work Coconut Oil into Your Daily Diet

Avoid refined and blended coconut oils as they can turn into hydrogenated oils and trans-fats. Instead, go for quality and maximum health benefits. Buy an organic virgin coconut oil. Below are a few tips to help you incorporate coconut oil into your daily diet.

Cook with It!

You can whip up delicious a stir-fry. Instead of using canola and vegetable oils or butter and margarine, use the healthier alternative of coconut oil!

use coconut oil for cooking

Use coconut oil on your toast.

put coconut oil on your toast

This is one of my favorites for breakfast.I really love Rudi’s Gluten Free Raisin Cinnamon with coconut oil. It’s super tasty!

Turn a protein shake into a snazzy smoothie.

Add some beneficial healthy fats and fun texture. Hint: Try chocolate, strawberry or vanilla with coconut oil. These are excellent combinations!

use coconut oil in your smoothies

I think you’ll love it. It’s easy to make– and easier to enjoy. 🙂

my personal ode to coconut - raspberry protein ball recipe

Coconut Raspberry Protein Balls

Makes 8-10 balls

Note: Place in freezer for 30 minutes to solidify.

4 Tablespoons coconut oil

8 Tablespoons of Protein powder

2 Tablespoons of mashed up raspberries

6 Tablespoons of coconut milk

6 Tablespoons of flaxseed meal

1 teaspoon of vanilla

2 teaspoons of cinnamon

½ cup unsweetened shredded coconut

Combine all ingredients in a bowl EXCEPT for the unsweetened shredded coconut. Line a tray with wax paper. Make ingredients into little balls. Roll each ball in the shredded coconut. Add the balls to the tray. Put into freezer for 30 minutes to set.  Remove. Serve & enjoy!

How about you?

Are you enjoying the benefits of coconut oil? If so, how? Never tried it before? Are you going to give it a whirl? Tell us about it in the comments below.

6 Responses to Ode to Coconut Oil!

    • My favorite is the Nutrimeal Free. I have also used Hemp Protein in this recipe as well, but prefer the taste and texture that Nutrimeal Free provides.