7 Practices Healthy Entrepreneurs Apply to Achieve Balance & Results 

There are entrepreneurs whose work and life I deeply admire. It’s holistic in nature, as they’ve chosen to lead healthy and centered lives.


This article emerges from an accumulation of dialogues from Healthy entrepreneurs I deeply respect.


1- Relationships matter

Healthy entrepreneurs know relationships are crucial for balance and perspective. This doesn’t mean the love interest is always as perfect as a Tahitian holiday. It means the relationship matters enough to work at keeping the romance and friendship well in tact.

Children get included in the adventure. Making positive memories is key. Quality time is prioritized and seeds for inside jokes are planted for harvest in the years ahead.

Long-term friendships are viewed as an asset. Healthy entrepreneurs revel in having friends who bring levity to challenges and a swift kick in the pants when it’s most needed.


2- Good nutrition

In the busyness of business, the passion for productivity can easily lead astray the best intentions for self-care.

Healthy entrepreneurs know good nutrition can’t be skipped. Eating nutrient-dense foods and taking high quality supplementation are daily practices.

Don’t misunderstand, celebrations and vacations are enjoyed yet the daily mojo is an almost sacred habit.

7 habits of healthy entrepreneurs

3- Rest and relaxation

Even healthy entrepreneurs push the limits from time to time to reach goals. However, they make plans to rest the noggin’ and relax the body.

Sure, restorative sleep is coveted, but so is a break from the norm. Times of refreshing are what healthy entrepreneurs know and seek to prioritize.

Throughout the years a list has mounted of R&R practices. They vary. Some entrepreneurs take time to sit still. Others tell me they are in bed right at 10 pm, while others go for a bi-monthly massage or spend time in nature.

Whatever the form of rest and relaxation, it’s a solid practice for all health enthusiasts to follow.

Healthy Entrepreneurs rest

4- Practice forgiveness

In directed and non-directed research around healthy entrepreneurs there’s a common thread that’s surprised and delighted me.

As they tell stories of unfairness or wrong doings, there’s a resounding theme of how grateful they are for the unfortunate incident people caused them.

Usually, they anchor it as a life lesson they’ve learned and appreciate how it’s brought them to where they are today with greater understanding.

This practice of forgiveness I’ve seen amongst many healthy entrepreneurs in a variety of cultures and religious practices.


5- Exercise body & mind

Healthy entrepreneurs are a unique breed. It’s not surprising that physical fitness is a priority along with further developing the mind through life-long learning.

What interests me most is HOW they do it. I find that time management is taken seriously by healthy entrepreneurs which explains why a workout is often coupled with learning. It’s a time to maximize the mind while maximizing the muscles.

It’s also not unusual to find healthy entrepreneurs exercising side-by-side exchanging business ideas or co-coaching one another. There’s an “iron sharpens iron” philosophy and it happens amongst people or by means of MP3s. No time is wasted while whittling the waistline.

Healthy Entrepreneurs excersize


6- Promote “Tag-Team” Wrestling interaction

Healthy entrepreneurs know life to be more meaningful when key players are given significant roles. They also understand they don’t have all the answers, so they are eager to play team.

Consequently, healthy entrepreneurs involve and empower those around them to shine. They take joy in watching others develop. They are quick to receive and give feedback so business is advanced.


7- Generosity

Healthy entrepreneurs understand the importance of giving. It’s the type of giving that includes financial contribution but often goes beyond it.

Some tell me they want to volunteer and actually see how their money is being used for a cause they support. Others share by quietly mentoring a hungry protégé.

Many never speak a word of what they do. Somehow proud family or friends of the healthy entrepreneur divulge secrets like Wikileaks. They simply can’t hide how a non-profit organization no longer battles website woes or how schoolgirls in a small village have books they can learn to read all because of the generosity shared in time or money.


Talk to me,

Do you know any healthy entrepreneurs? Does this ring true? Share with me in the comments below.

4 Responses to 7 Practices Healthy Entrepreneurs Apply to Achieve Balance & Results 

  1. Tag team wrestling- um, interaction. That is hilarious. Yes I really needed to learn this 3 years ago when starting my business. I tried it alone & am learning it is so much better with a team.

    • For me the best part about working with a team is diminishing my weaknesses and running with my strengths. So happy you’ve learned to take up tag-teaming! 😉 Go Augustine!

  2. I just loved that article, Page. I am dealing with significant issue at the moment and that was just the best thing for me to read right now. Thanks so much.