How you kick a cold to the curb or boost your immune system!

There’s a common belief held by many that choosing health is as challenging as swallowing cod liver oil. I’m here to set things straight. While cod liver may be healthy but it’s down right nasty. I’d rather you skip the nasty, and go for healthy and happy. I’m here to help you take a simple yet profound action. It can help kick colds to the curb and boost your immune system.

So here’s a little recipe I use to feel happy as a lark and healthy as a horse. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I have.

Lemon Ginger Honey Love Tea

Kick a cold to the curb or boost your immune system

Yes, you read the title correctly. It’s that good that love in included in it’s title.

Ingredients (Serves two):

1 medium to large freshly squeezed lemon
1 heaping tablespoon of local raw honey
1 nub of fresh ginger to taste (or more and try using a garlic press)

Here are a few words to describe how I feel when consuming this tea:

Loved, Happy, Vibrant

Passionate for life, Spicy, Alive

It may seem a bit silly to describe how I feel, but if marketers can create emotions surrounding wines with chocolate cherry full-bodied flavors, then I purport we can FEEL amazing while sipping Lemon Ginger Honey “Love Tea”.

So if you’ve been sniffling and snotting, get aggressive and go for some Love Tea! Wanting to feel as strong as an ox? Or perhaps beef up your immune system? Consider the Love Tea!

Here’s a few benefits of each ingredient. Once you read it, you’ll understand why the Love Tea packs such a powerful punch!


  1. Obviously lemons offer up vitamin C and that’s a good thing. They’re also rich in flavonoids and work like tag team wrestlers kicking colds and the icky flu to the curb.
  2. Lemons help the body become more alkaline by balancing out the body’s pH level. Now this may seem weird but think about it. Cancers thrive in an acidic state. And this my friends, is why I’m pro lemon! Lemons have over 20 anti-cancer properties. So why not include some ounces of prevention, hey?
  3. Lemons are cleansing. And I’m here to set up to have you mischievously enjoyable time at your next annual doctor’s visit. You realize doctors are challenged by their patients’ continual commentary, like “Dr. Oz said this” or “Dr. Oz suggested that”. Well, give them something new and fresh. When Doc asks, “how are your bowel movements”? And, you know it will! You preparedly answer, “well, according to Dr. Paige’s prescription for love tea, I’m finding that the lemons are raising the peristalsis in the bowels, thus making me a “regular” kind of gal/guy”. Have fun with it and do me a favor. Come back with report so we can giggle about it, okay?


  1. This root herb is spicy! And that’s beneficial right? In her book, Healing Spices, Dr. Bharat Aggarwal explains that ginger is effective in addressing all types of nausea from motion sickness to morning sickness. She also shares that ginger helps with post-surgery nausea and nausea that results from chemotherapy. To me, it just taste good, and that’s why I vote ginger a winner!
  2. And did you know ginger is known to reduce inflammation and aid with digestion? And, yes! Please take note if you have an upcoming hot date. Psst! It reduces flatulence. Of course, you don’t need this information for yourself, it’s for your date. 😉



  1. Okay, Pooh Bear, do your best to get raw local honey. Now why is honey so spectacular? Because it contains antioxidants, anti-bacterial properties as well as enzymes; all which support a happier digestive and immune system. And who knew something so sweet could be so helpful?
  2. Honey is a hero. Sometimes it’s referred to as a natural antibiotic because it can kill certain infection causing bacteria. It’s serves as a trusty ally to health warriors battling unfriendly symptoms caused by colds, flus, or a compromised immune system.
  3. Want more energy? Honey is great because it serves up natural sugar and it’s carbs give us strength. Here’s a special “007” secret of honey. Its glucose is absorbed quickly in our body’s giving an immediate boost of energy or a Hap-bee buzz. (oh why resist?) Then, its fructose is slowly absorbed for sustained energy. This friends, is why I go for honey in the morning before a workout. If you want a pick me up and sustained giddy up, you’ll enjoy it’s benefits too.


How to boost your immune system with tea
Talk to me. Are you ready to embrace the “prescription” for love? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

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